Foam Roller Basics<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 1074

Foam Roller Basics
Rael Isacowitz
Class 1074

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How lovely! Thank you!
Foam Roller seems to be a wonder!
Thank you! This was a great start to my day. My body feels great.
Marta M
Rael!!!we love you!
Jamie H
This video has some great ideas that I can use for warm- ups. I generally use a foam roller before class but mainly just to lie on it and improve my balance. It does provide a nice massage for your spine. I definitely am considering to purchasing a roller for my home.
This is fine if you want to watch him talk but it's not great for when you're actually trying to do the exercises. No pointers on holding the right form.
1 person likes this.
Really love doing this short foam roller session body feels amazing afterwards 😊🙏🏻
1 person likes this.
good advice for using the roller for pre activity activation!
I lové Rael routines and teaching... When do you Côme in France ????
Dear Ternois, thank you for doing this class. I am not sure when I will be in France next. I love visiting France, but I am trying to travel a lot less and spend more time at home. But I certainly hope to make it to France in the next few years. I wish you the best. Merci beaucoup!
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