Heat Up Your Core<br>Jamie Isaac<br>Class 4520

Heat Up Your Core
Jamie Isaac
Class 4520

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Jamie Isaac
Cigdem A Thank you for joining me. I hope you enjoy the rest of the workouts.
Jamie Isaac
Thank you Laura Whitfield I'm happy you feel motivated! I hope you enjoy the rest of the challenge
Jamie Isaac
Sydney A 🙏 Enjoy the rest of the challenge with me!
Jamie Isaac
Heidi B A fellow Peak teacher, that's awesome! Thanks for joining the challenge with me
Jamie Isaac
Thanks for joining the challenge Gary M ! Glad. you liked t he stand up/sit down too. It's more challenging than we'd think. 🤙
Jamie Isaac
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Thank you for joining the fun Karen W . Feel free to use any of the cues, or exercises. I feel blessed to have learned from so many amazing teachers, so 'borrow' away and pass on this magical method 🤙
Finally I have gotten round to starting your challenge. I have been in an accident and I have a severe frozen (right) shoulder and I cannot sit on my knees and on my elbows for side bents, but I just adjust everything and I do what I can. I love your instructions, calmness and great classes. So happy you have found your way here! 
Jamie Isaac
Lisette-Anne V I'm really sorry to hear about your accident. I'm wishing you a speedy and strong recovery. Thanks for modifying and joining the challenge and maybe we'll get to work out together in person sometime in the near future. Sending love and light. 
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Hi Jamie, I really enjoy this class. I have a question about in and up in abs (scoop) "in" is the easy part, but "up"...how you do that? Activating the diaphragm? But this way you need or to open your ribs or elevate sternum...Is the only way that I know, and see to lift the belly up...what I'm missing?? Thanks
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Really like this upbeat class, thank you!! 
41-50 of 80

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