Day 1: Glow Up<br>Mychele Sims<br>Class 4938

Day 1: Glow Up
Mychele Sims
Class 4938

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Loved this, can't wait to do the next ones!
Sumana Ramanan D
Through the joking, a lot got done. Thanks so much.
That was amazing. I have been off my practice for 3 months dealing with the most difficult life events. My back, neck, shoulders were tight. My knees weak. My heart achy. Mychele, you are my little angel today. That workout was exactly what I needed and has inspired me. Big hugs to you. 
Debby D
I love everything about this class and YOU!! I am a brand new instructor and really relate to your style 
Stacey M
Didn't know I needed this class until I needed it! So gratifying! 
Elizabeth Tornland
Thank you my new best friend! @Mychele Sims Been through surgeries and extensive rehab. You help me get moving! 
You are such a happy and bright instructor! Love it!
Thank you Michele 🙏 my very first Pilates class I enjoyed. 
Great fun energy....I love your classes...a good combination of stretching, a workout, and relaxing.  Hope you post some more!
Maria B
You are great and really funny! Thanks for the nice energy!
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