Hips, Arms, and Deep Abs<br>Mariska Breland<br>Class 1729

Hips, Arms, and Deep Abs
Mariska Breland
Class 1729

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2 people like this.
One of my favorite chair workouts on PA. Thank you Mariska! Would love to see more classes from you!
Thank you, Anna! I just shot three classes that should be coming out soon!
This is my favorite too. I can't wait for those new classes! Thank you so much Mariska!
Mariska, your cueing is very precise and clear. Such a gift you have. What a hard class!!! Loved it.
Went cruising for a good chair workout and look what I found! So worth it, thank you!
Thanks Denee - it's still my favorite of my Pilates Anytime classes!
Great workout, whether on the mat , or on any apparatus you always deliver an amazing, different, interesting and fun workout. Thanks very much
Great class, loved the variation from traditional work. I especially loved that stomach message tendon stretch combo. Thanks!
This was very challenging - the pike series with the leg out to the side was fun- the side leg series I haven’t done like That in a while also took me by surprise so weak in lateral hip! There were also some super deep twists I liked how you built up to them - very creative! 
Elizabeth thank you! Chair is one of my favorite apparatus! Tiny but you can do so much cool stuff with it! 
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