St. Patrick's Day Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2108

St. Patrick's Day Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2108

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Fun and interesting, Amy. As always.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
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Love this workout! Thorough! Interesting. I'm sweating with joy!
I`m a day late for the St Patrick fun. Thanks for the creative tweaking of some of the classic exercises and making it a festive class.
My favorite combos challenging and fun! Now my body is ready.....for anything!
Always like Amy's energy and the fact that she is not perfect at all times! This is real life. One side is always easier than the other and our necks do get tired! Loved it Amy.
I like it !
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Love me some Amy Havens! Always challenging and unique! Enjoyed the heel sliding on silk cue. Nice imagery! Thank you!
You are so dang cute! Love that little hop at the end! The upper back work in the beginning of this was so good! can't wait to do this with my folks who really need to strengthen those upper back muscles but can't do prone extension. I'm going to use some of this in my class tonight... thank you so much!
P.S. remember when St. Patrick's Day was all about the party! thank God that ship sailed!
Whoohoo! What a fun class! Thank you Amy :)
Thanks for a great class. Loved the footwork and lateral hip work! Therabands are one of my favorites!
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