AeroPilates Reformer Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2542

AeroPilates Reformer Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2542

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Ok gals......stay tuned!!
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Best class so far!
1 person likes this.
Thank you for doing a cardio tramp workout!!!
Glad you enjoyed this Erin!
Loved it! Short but effective. Looking forward to more with the trampoline.
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Love it, I have the same reformer so that helps a lot..
Thank you Katie and Ursula!
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Thanks so much Amy- I love your classes -clear and concise cuing and terrific variations. Well done
Thank you so much Patti...I really value your feedback!
1 person likes this.
I have this reformer, I'm grateful you are using it, would love to see more! Enjoyed it!
21-30 of 79

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