Smart Moves Reformer<br>Jared Kaplan<br>Class 3514

Smart Moves Reformer
Jared Kaplan
Class 3514

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Fast and sweet thanks!
Rebecca H
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Loved this! Smiled the whole way through the Tarzan, that was great.

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Have done this class a few times now and i don't get bored of it. perfect for when you want a quick but strong workout. thank you! more please
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Lovely class, thank you very much! Great for a quick workout in between clients.
Jennifer You're welcome! Rebecca Smiling during Tarzan - sweet! Now, if you can progress to a smile while doing the Russian squat, then you're a PRO! Vanisha Your wish has been granted! More strength-building in a brand new, brief (39m) Reformer workout - perfect, as Kathrin said, for those mini breaks in between clients. Can't wait to hear what each of you think of Smart Moves 2!
JenLyn right? I feel the same way when I'm done with it: centered, calm, and *worked* Thank you Lucie Bécus - curious if the challenges get easier w/practice? Brigitte LOL @ "Whoa!" and thanks for the <3. Amba Loudon That's awesome! So glad that the closed-chain work and foot-to-core connections are relatable. Thank you. Anke My pleasure - and it's well-designed for any and all athletes! Make 'em work!
Vanisha Bahara You're so welcome! Challenge + Fun = Count me in! Brenda Jennifer Thanks - happy to be clear so you can move through it easily and focus on your body =)
Elizabeth i LOVE hearing that. It's exactly why I made this. Thank you.
Love how you're thinking...working every plane! and the balance at the! thank you
Jennifer That's how I roll! (no pun intended ;) ).  If you saw my face while talking AND working that balance at the end...I'm right there with you!  Thanks for taking class with me.
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