New Year's Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3980

New Year's Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 3980

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My dear friend Nihan,
Thank you for celebrating the new year by moving with me.  I would LOVE to see you in California. Please do come!
Angela I hope to someday get back to London!
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Grateful for you, Meredith! When you said those sweet words, about inviting more "joy and ease" into each day, it brought tears to my eyes. Those two words, and that overall feeling are my daily mantra. 
Thank you for inspiring us, and moving mindfully with us, always. You are an amazing teacher, and one cool chick! Cheers!
Thank you Rena.  I think many of us feel the same.  Lets keep striving and reminding others that it is possible.  This world needs it! Cheers right back to you...and a hug.
Michael Mary S
What a great way to start the new year.  Thank you.  This was such a calming class with wonderful stretchy movements.  Loved it.
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Moved to the favourites pile.....really enjoyed this thanks Meredith Rogers 
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Thank you 🙏 fab fab fab oh and fab :)
Sarah L
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That was fantastic!  My first workout with this site.  Loved it.  Thank you! 
Thanks everyone!
Welcome to PA Sarah!
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