New Year's Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 596

New Year's Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 596

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Added this to the end of a circle workout. Perfect
Just did this great quick workout! I am very impressed loved it! I am going to commit to doing it for the next 5 days as part of my morning self care, can't wait to try the rest of this series. thanks so much
That's great Kate! I hope you like the rest in the series!
This program is very hhelpful. I really appreciate it,Kristie!
Thank you.
You're welcome Tracy Brewer.
And CADM... I'm really glad to hear you find value in the class. You have taken a lot of our classes so I appreciate your feedback here too!
Awesome warm up before any workout:)
1 person likes this.
Thank you Kristi! You made my day

I love it when that happens Lulu! So, I guess you made mine too! xo
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