High-Intensity Reformer<br>Julian Littleford<br>Class 741

High-Intensity Reformer
Julian Littleford
Class 741

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Great class of what I saw. The video stopped 1/2 way through.
1 person likes this.
fabulous. thank you.
1 person likes this.
Great class, thank you
loved your sence of humor
Love you...miss you...Amazing...
Always inspiring, miss you.
So much fun! I so enjoyed this lovely class!
LOVE LOVE LOVE! YAY I found a new favorite instructor.
Wowza! That was a good one!
Loved this workout.. Feel very energized.... Thank you.. Xo
WOW what a challenging class but really fun! It makes you want to do it again and again til you 'get it' rather than being challenging in a way that puts you off. Having said that 2nd time around seemed harder lol. It's so sad he passed away, he seems a lovely chap and brilliant teacher.
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