Mat for Back Pain<br>Brent Anderson<br>Class 983

Mat for Back Pain
Brent Anderson
Class 983

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1 person likes this.
I had the pleasure of teaching at Brent's studio in Miami and he really is an inspiration! His workshops are genius! Thank you for this video Brent!
This class was life changing for me. Having had a knee and hip replacement at a fairly young age, Arthritis has now reached my spine which means eventually more surgery. This class is so comforting when I experience back flareups. Thank you and I will look at your back care workshop.
So clear and controlled. I love Brent's instruction and imagery. I learned so much both watching and participating in this class. Brilliant.
With major lumbar problems (3 herniated discs) and very tight shoulders and neck. This was a great class for me!
Taghrid K
Loved this class and really enjoyed it, the cues, the explanations, the flow, the sequence but mostly how my body and spine felt afterwards. Thank you so much Dr Anderson. Will be using this in my classes for sure.
Lived the rib cure, and bees and inflating!
I cant view the videos, someone can help me??? Thanks
I'm so happy I found this today as I have been dealing with low back/sciatic pain. This was perfect!
Félix Arnal Ariño ~ I have sent you a private message with some troubleshooting tips that may help you.
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