Series of Five<br>Diane Severino<br>Tutorial 2529

Series of Five
Diane Severino
Tutorial 2529

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I love your classes and..I totally love you!! Entertaining thanks to your UNIQUE personnality but also very informative.
Great!! Thank you!!Son funny and soooooo good!
Jamie H
Diane, thank you for keeping it real. You are genuine and entertaining which are key ingredients for a great teacher. I love your reference to Star Wars and C3PO! Thanks for helping us make connections to daily life.
Ann S
Awesome Diane...Loved it and can't wait for your next installment!!
Thank you! I enjoyed every minute of your video! I love to learn all those tweaks! And as a girl from Queens, love to hear someone on Pilates anytime sound like me!! Your teaching is awesome!
Wonderful teaching and explanations. You keep it simple and make it clear and your style is adorable!!!
Love this lady!!! Master!
Fun instructor. Really good moves.
Christie K
Diane you are fabulous in every way! What an inspiration you are.
Love it!
21-30 of 34

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