HIIT Reformer Fusion 1<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 2989

HIIT Reformer Fusion 1
Courtney Miller
Class 2989

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Love the creativity and the challenge you bring to Pilates, so much fun!!
Great class! How many months postpartum were you before you started incorporating this type of workout?
Tonya H
Love , that is all!
Fantastic! I love the intensity, diversity and pace! Challenging but doable! Thank you or this unique combination! You look beautiful and amazing after having a baby! Thank you for your sincere sharing! You are a wonderful role model for everyone!
Love it!!! can't wait for the other two!
Amazing- Thank you! Great goal for me to work on this summer
Cathryn C
I haven't made it thru the whole class yet (whew, its a butt-kicker) but I love testing myself! Thanks for thinking up the HIIT combinations!
Such a fun and creative session! Thanks for all the great new ideas. :)
This is amazing. Love the variety. This is what I need to finally get back in good shape after baby number 3! Definitely had to modify but so fun to have something to work towards.
Paul R
Such a great and creative workout. Thank you for being so unique! Love it!
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