Mat for Stress Relief<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3987

Mat for Stress Relief
Amy Havens
Class 3987

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Rachel C
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This was so so wonderful and pleasant, thank you so much.
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Oh my goodness, I so needed this. We are in isolation due to corona virus at home in N.Ireland and I didn't realise how tight with stress my body was until I started this session. I will be repeating it a lot over the next few weeks! Thank you x
Mary B
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This so helpful during this “stay at home” Corona virus time.  I so appreciate the calmness of Amy’s voice.
Kim Angeliki Alison Carole Maryam Deirdre Kathleen Henry Judit Mun Thank you!!!!  Yes.. in this time of great stress on so many levels, a calming, restorative, fascia focused movement class will serve everyone I truly believe.  Our nervous system needs this attention, our lungs need the space... our souls need the strength!
Mary Melissa Rachel Yes.. for all of us stuck at home and feeling stuck in our bodies.. we need this!!  In this time of great stress on so many levels, a calming, restorative, fascia focused movement class will serve everyone I truly believe.  Our nervous system needs this attention, our lungs need the space... our souls need the strength!
Donna B
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With everything going on in the world right now....THIS is just what I needed. Thank you thank you for this beautiful class. 
Margie H
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Great class to relieve my tension! Thanks, Amy!
Lisa C
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Just what was needed during this time..... thanks Amy
1 person likes this.
That was lovely Amy.  Thank you!  💕  I loved the music too!!
Kiri F
1 person likes this.
This was lovely. Thank you!
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