Creative Mat Combinations<br>Viktor Uygan<br>Class 4008

Creative Mat Combinations
Viktor Uygan
Class 4008

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Viktor Uygan
Virginia M so happy to hear you enjoyed the deep breathing warm-up and flowing stretches in my combinations. Thank you for moving with me 🙏🏻
Viktor Uygan
Lena D Thank you for letting me know that you thought my class was fantastic and you also enjoyed the combinations that I created to make the original repertoire a little bit more interested.
Thank you for moving with me 
Viktor Uygan
Ky B So happy to hear you loved my class and the movement options that I provided. Thank you for moving with me 🙏🏻
Viktor Uygan
Perren S It means a lot to know that you appreciated my teaching style and the combinations that I provided. Thank you for moving with me 🙏🏻
Hannah W
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Loved it! Perfect for a busy mum to stay feeling sane in lockdown! 
Viktor Uygan
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Hannah W so happy to hear you loved my class and hang on there!! This was the purpose of Rise and Recharge. Keep moving and Keep smiling 😃
Yui K
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Hi Victor!
I really enjoyed this creative combinations!!
Thank you so much for sharing :)
Christa K
1 person likes this.
This class was so unique! I loved it. Thank you! 
Tracy S
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Thank you, Victor! I really enjoyed your creative combinations and also the invigorating flow! It really allowed for focus on the breath and stabilization and length!
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