Glutes and Inner Thighs<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 4114

Glutes and Inner Thighs
Tracey Mallett
Class 4114

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Lori C
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great class! 
Alison H
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Love this and all of your workouts
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Amazing !! Was hard to follow after yesterday my legs hurt good hurt love it !!
Lina S
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Great for building glutei endurance
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Love love this ! Tracy is my favourite !
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That was one mean workout! My butt's blazing. Thanks Tracy :)
Cynthia F
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Ok my butt us sire. Great!
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Oh my butt !!!!!!! Amazing short snap workout to end my day
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Whoa - my glutes and thighs needed that! And my hips with the mobility. Thank you!!
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