Fluid Full-Body Class<br>Kristi C and Meredith R<br>Class 5174

Fluid Full-Body Class
Kristi C and Meredith R
Class 5174

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Rachel J
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fabulous workout for when you only have 30 mins.  Loved it and i feel amazing.  Thanks so much ladies.  Love your dynamic and refreshing honesty. itś wonderful :)
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Can we please get some sort Cadillac classes like this? Hard Basics … I feel like my caddy is ignored in my studio I want to learn more on how to integrate it into a session. Thoughts? Thanks! 
Elizabeth D great idea. Thank you.  We do have a tower class together that you can try.  Everything done on the tower can be transferred to the Cadillac. 
Lenise J
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Great class and love the energy you both were feeding off each other!
Lenise J thank you!! Can you tell that we like each other?
Aimee Fitzgerald
Great class, thanks so much!
Aimee Fitzgerald thank you so much!
1 person likes this.
Happy New Year, Kristi & Meri! I appreciate your fun girl time classes so much! Just the pick-me-up I needed this morning after the holiday hoopla! Awesome cues and flow, as always. Much gratitude for you both.
Rena W thank you so much!!  We love sharing our time together and there will be more to come in the new year!
Tanya P
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thank you Kristi Cooper and Meredith Rogers !  LOOOOVE the kneeling side bend w/ "leap of faith" :)  yummm for my spine :) 
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