Mat Ball Flow<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5251

Mat Ball Flow
Tracey Mallett
Class 5251

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1 person likes this.
I like the centering and balancing on the ball as well the repetitive leg work. The swan was a creative addition. Thank you for this class Tracy.
Joni Z
1 person likes this.
another amazing class!
Thank you 💗
1 person likes this.
Great full body workout thanks Tracey
Lisa R
Really enjoyed this class and being able to experience new moves with the ball without losing flow. 💪
How do you stop the ball rolling please?  This is my first ball workout.  Thank you for any tips.
Jeanne H
Love this class!
Michele M
Loved every minute of this class! The ball is a great prop to use and as always thank you for such a great class Tracey!:D
Julie Lloyd
Such a good class!! Thank you x
Love 💗
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