During the year. We have recorded thousands of hours of video and sometimes the unexpected does happen.
I'm ready to teach. Okay, so I'm going to teach holidays. Woo. Cut. Oh, get it together. Bring the carriage in. Bring it in back on the balls of the feet. Oh, there's a dolphin. How cool. Rotate to the front. There's your inhale. Simple. Oh, there's dolphin. Look, there are a couple of right there. Okay. She has a minor distraction.
Can you take your song off? This is for you writing a group in house. Is everybody drinking the Koolaid? I want you to notice what we have here for the workout. We have a weighted pole. Three pieces of fruit in case you get hungry and a bag of rice. No. What we're trying to maintain is the integrity of those deep neck flexors just to barely, barely hold this. I don't like this.
It's just too much fruit. She's attached. She forgot you were there. So we do tie the clients up to the trap table. Start pushing the trap table around the room. They take care of you at PyLadies anytime. No air, no food, no water. Just keep going
That's not a compliment. Back, back to more front. Front. Let me have one more exercise to redeem yourself. Get together ladies.
I've killed two people. Just for the record. This is podcast with Brian Anderson and who knows what we're going to talk about. Let's get going. Want to say? Yep. We're dancing. So I'm, this is Amy on location at Pollstar plotters and I have Brent Anderson with me and he's getting his top two favorite exercises on location, strength jacket.
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