Class #185

Breathing-Focused Mat

55 min - Class


The Return To Life reading today discussed breath, the importance of "squeezing every atom of air out of the lungs", pumping the blood through the body for purification, and rolling of the spine for better circulation and ease of movement. Amy begins class with a standing breathing exercise that challenges the ability to regulate breath.....both on the inhale and exhale. She then gets students moving with energizing classical exercises including the Roll Up, Series of 5, Spine Stretch Forward, Open Leg Rocker, Corkscrew, Neck Pull, Swan, and of course, Seal. Staying focused on the breathing, energy, and rolling of the spine was the focus of today's class.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jun 11, 2010
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Okay. So we're going to go ahead and start now and again, I'll read a little bit from return to life. So if you want to get comfortable, lie back in a few minutes. We have a project and experiment that has some relevance to today's um, reading and also just the work. And this is kind of playful, but it does have some significance. And um, maybe we'll open some eyes for yourself. I'm not sure, but some connection. Okay. Um, before we start all the way I'm going to turn the ceiling fans on is more energetic than the other. You know, that's a fantastic question. There it goes. Uh, because the way the, the electrical folk, um, mounted them for me, they, they mounted them in, in such a way that the middle one produced vulner current and a little stronger current than the outsides. I too wondered that. Yeah, I know.

Now the outside to orientate you have to really editable. Is that too much here? It feels okay. I mean, when we get moving, it probably feels better than right now, but, huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's okay. Well I'm sure they'll edit all of that. I'm sure. So now I'll give a good leeway. Okay. So let's go ahead. Yes, you're nice and comfortable and more than I read last week. Last week was a little more brief, but um, so this has has a little bit more going on. This category here, bodily house cleaning with blood circulation. Okay.

This is the equivalent of an internal shower as the spring fresh. It's born of the heavy rains and vast masses of melting snows on mountains in the hinterlands cause rivers to swell and rushed turbulent only onward to the sea. So too will your blood flow with renewed vigor as the direct result of your faithfully performing the control G exercises. These exercises induce the heart to pump strong and steadily with the result that the bloodstream is forced to carry and discharge more and more of the accumulated debrief created by fatigue. And that was in last week's reading as well.

Controlling G exercises drive the pure fresh blood to every muscle fiber of our bodies, particularly to the very important capillaries which ordinarily are rarely ever fully stimulated. Once we have reached adulthood, which I didn't know until I read that as a heavy rainstorm, fresh into the water of a sluggish or stagnant stream and whips it into immediate action. So controlling G exercises, purify the blood in the bloodstream and whip it into incident action with the result that receive the benefit of clean, fresh blood carried to them by the rejuvenated bloodstream. Observe the beneficial effects that controlling the exercises have on your heart action. I think some of you do feel that sometimes that surge of thump and pump in there. Uh, I'm going to skip a few paragraphs to breathe correctly. You must completely exhale and inhale, always trying to very hard squeeze every atom of impure air from your lungs in much the same manner that you would ring every drop of water from a wet cloth. Breathing is the first act of life and the last, our very life depends on it. Since we cannot, cannot live without breathing, it is tragically deplorable to contemplate the millions and millions who have never learned to master the art of correct breathing.

One often under one often wonders how so many millions continue to live as long as they do under this tremendous handicap to longevity, lazy breathing conversed the lungs, figuratively speaking into a cemetery for the deep position of diseased, dying, and dead germs, as well as supplying an ideal Haven for multiplication of other harmful germs. He takes this very seriously, therefore, above all, learn how to breathe correctly. Squeeze every atom of air from your lungs until they are almost as free of air as a vacuum is. That's one of the most prominent, um, statements that he made that breathing get all the air out and you hear us Q that in class a lot and the result being the contraction of the abdominals, that forceful exhalation stand erect again and observe how your lungs will automatically completely refill themselves with fresh air. The impact of so much oxygen upon your bloodstream may at first require naturally and normally a result of your experiencing slight sensation of lightheadedness, similar to the effect you might experience for the first time if you were in the mountains or high altitude, just a little bit more. Uh, this next part I love whenever you read the word rolling or hear the word rolling in the exercises, be sure to hold your chin, press lightly toward your chest and you lie down or when you rise and roll and unroll your spine exactly in imitation of a wheel rolling forward and backward.

Virta bark by vertebra trying to roll and unroll as suggested. It is this very action of rolling and unrolling that cleanses your lungs. So effectively by driving out the impure air and forcing in the pure air as you roll and unroll, conscientiously practice breathing until the art of correct breathing becomes habitual, automatic and subconscious. Which accomplishment will result in the bloodstream receiving its full quota of oxygen and thus ward off undue fatigue. Breathe, learn to breathe correctly. And I think that, you know, that's huge and some of you through time have mentioned that night, Amy, I didn't know I had to read this way.

I didn't know I was supposed to take full air in and push it out. And just the benefits of proper breathing for reduction of stress and toning your abs and things like that. So come on up to sitting and we have a beach ball and these are not trick beach balls, but I have been told that they're not incredibly easy to blow up and I didn't do that on purpose, but open this up just kinda spread the thing out. We're going to breathe. I know, we know how to blow up the beach ball, kind of experiment with it. Um, and I want us to, to really force the air in. Okay. It's not a contest, but in through our nose, out through our mouth.

You may want to squeeze every out of Adam of air out of your lungs, push it all out, push it into here. Fill up a new wow, this has got it. And anyone feel lightheaded besides me. Got a little lightheaded on that. Don't worry about that if you can't get it. Yeah. Now that's actually okay, so cause I want us to do this an unplugged. You've got lucky and squeeze it out. You're going to have us do it again. Okay.

This time we're going to focus more on our abdomen as we push the air into the ball. Let's go focus here. Fill up the lungs, focus your abs. Just notice it feels good to focus like that. I think just a little prop to get us tuned into our abs. It's easier the second time around to blow it up.

Okay. The next part of the book went in to talk about and I maybe next week we'll go onto it, that when we do get the, the big breath that wait, sometimes even the appendages, the fingertips, the nose, the ears will get a little warm. I've noticed that sometimes my ears get hot and red. I talk about that. Like I can feel blood flushing into my ears. So with that kind of the forceful air, clean oxygen, emptying out the old stuff, it does flush new blood in and pumping way down all the way through the very tips of the body. Okay. Just put that off to the side.

We probably won't use it today. Two weeks ago we used a bunch of balls for some stuff, but I do want us to stand up for a second. Okay. And you can just stand, uh, let's go pull our knees. Nope. Magnets. We're going to go all the way ankles together. You, you can face me? Sure. Okay. And this is another breathing exercise that we've done before.

On occasion we don't do it very often. Um, it might even be the, the prep for a hundred today, but let's take one long inhale ms. Follow with the arms. One long exhale. Do any Xcel that you want. You can make noise if you'd like to. It's as if you're pushing the air back in that ball. What do I want us to think about that? The keep going, the volume of the inhale and the exhale are the same. Same volume.

Ah. One more time. I'm gonna change it up a little bit. Same volume in, same volume out. Okay. Now one inhale, two exhales. Each exhale has to be the same volume. Same measurement of output. Here we go. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] couple more times.

[inaudible] one more. [inaudible] threes. One inhale. Three exhales. [inaudible] [inaudible] yeah, keep going. So as you go through the squeeze and squeeze and squeeze each having the same amount of volume. One more time.

Are we doing anyone getting lightheaded? Okay. It's not a goal to get lightheaded, but you just might start feeling that. See if that inhalation can let you be a stand a little more upright as you take the clean area. One more for, okay, fives. Let's give it a whirl. Even volume.

But then again to measure that up, exhale and exit each one having the same amount of strength again and do more to go regulating your breath. Exhale. Exhale. One more time. You guys. What do you think? Have we done that in Friday before I know ever done that. Yeah. And, and there's, there's another school out there that goes all the way to 10, which I've done before. And you're standing her for a long time. Yeah, I didn't think, okay, we're done 10 but it actually, the exhales are a little faster, et cetera, but it can, Oh, good oxygen, come on down to the mat and it's okay to Yon getting all that oxygen might stimulate the sensation of wanting to yawn. And that's good. That's oxygen.

Okay guys. So we're, I think kind of warmed up already with that. Let's just give a hug to the knees and along with the, the thought of breathing and that principle of greeting, um, I'm going to go a little quicker today just with the tempo. Um, you know, regulating our breathing, seeing if we can get on in endurance going so more of the classical work that we know and love. So well. All right. And the classical work does start with the a hundred right from the mouth. There's not the pelvic curl. Any of the, that's the warm up is the a hundred. All right? So concentrate for a second on the breath.

And five and five. Let's take a nice breath in and get ready. Exhale, stretch and pump. Sure. Three. Sure.

Bye. Each of those exhales is the same volume. Sure. Eight dropped the legs if you'd like. Two, three, four, five, nine and rest. Okay. The roll up, legs down, arms up, back overhead. Let's get moving. Inhale up. We go. Exhale. And we reach forward. Now. Pull back through the belly.

Open the lower back to the mat. Whirl. Remember his description of a rolling. Inhale, roll. [inaudible] and rolling back. Clean air in that era. All air out, purifying our blood. Read. [inaudible] good. You guys pull back. So keep yourself moving. Um, and if this tempo, a good check-in, yes, we still want her shoulder blades pulling down. Yes.

We still want our legs zipped together. We want ease across her upper chest, but at a different tempo is harder to sometimes keep a control of all those, uh, self cues. But give it a whirl. Commit to what you know in your own self queuing and pull back. Unroll. That's fine. [inaudible] let's just do one more. [inaudible] and roll back.

[inaudible]. Okay. Leg circles. I want us to bicycle the right leg to the ceiling. Flight turnout. Pull the back of that hip into the mat and make this an abdominal exercise with the breath here we go to the left, cross the other leg down around and lift. Cross over the other leg down around and lift.

Cross over down around it. Up. Cross over. That was five other direction. Make it be about the abdominal connection. Guys into those abdominals and up for and lift. Lower your leg. Bicycle, the left one up and to the ceiling.

Slight turn out. Here we go. Cross to the right, right dad. Cross. Exhale and lift. You want to feel the inner thigh on the polocrosse? Feel the inner thigh. [inaudible] last one. Sure. Other way.

Open down cross like do you want to feel the inner thigh on that crossover? Sure. And the last one and there we go. Lower the leg down. Let's bring our knees to our chest. Just bicycle. Both legs. Roll on up for the ball or rolling back. Okay, so this morning, hands on shins. Pick those toes up and again, find yourself in that nice curve position. Okay.

It's not out of the question to think of your cheekbones being right inside your knees there so you know he can go. He's got it. He's got a pretty big curve. Yeah. Open your knees just a little bit. [inaudible] I will not push on your head, but you know, and then Lisa, wash those shoulders. Okay guys, here we go. Six repetitions. Inhale to roll back. Exhale up. Fuel the energy in the breath, making sure we don't hop and roll.

Yes. Three more to go. We roll. Keeping the head down. So he said lightly pressed your chin to your chest. We're not doing as much of that these days in plays, but we already then idea a little bit lower head position. Okay, he's rolling sideways off the mat. It's okay. Now extend your left leg forward. Let's put our hands on our ration bone. Elbows out. Another chance to roll the spine.

Let's breathe first and roll back. I'm going to go into our single leg stretch this morning. I'd like everyone to take that knee, bring it closer to the chest as you also stretch the other one farther away. Okay. We want the stretch in the straight leg and that hip, double breath and Oh, move from the hips and the hits and the hits and four, three, two, last one. There we go. Without putting her head down. Double leg stretch to the arms. Come near the ears. Legs to 45 or lower.

You could skim the mat with your feet if you chose where you wouldn't want to do that if your back didn't feel stable. We would love a level pelvis. Absolutely. One more and hold. Okay. Quick rest of the neck. That's plenty. Curl back up. Okay. That's all I know. There wasn't much thought for wrestling I guess.

So guys, go ahead and put your hands on your calf this morning. I don't want us to take the bottom leg all the way to the floor. Let's focus on staying curled up. Hands higher at near the ankle. Okay. Relax the feet steady the chest, steady the torso. Move the leg. So we'll double pull one, two and one two.

Wow. Wow, wow, wow man. Good. Keep going. Look straight ahead. So the, the change of the legs is, sure. Yes. Feel the control needs a little more control and there's four and three and two last one guys. Legs up, hands behind her head now.

Oh rest for a second. This is another one I think some of you can on the straight leg, lower lift. Get your legs to touch the floor without arching your back. Don't you? Affirmative. If you do not feel ready to go down that low. Of course your, your moves are probably gonna just be somewhere up in this range. But the lower we go with the legs, of course this has to just work like crazy.

So you keep tents in the mat down here, your belly down. Okay, four times and we're going to go right then into crisscross. Here we go. And inhale down. Chest stays up, chest stays up, chest stays up. You should see your elbows in your peripheral view. Mind. Here we go. Get ready for Chris. Cross.

Rotate to the right double breasts. Inhale, inhale. He going, yes, I want elbow to knee today. Elbow to knee, elbow to knee. Keep it going. You like the faster tempo. Interesting for me to watch you and stretch and stretch and yes, yes.

Eight, seven. Just check it out. And four, three, two, last one and rest. Wonderful. So by speeding it up, you don't have to answer me, but just what are your feeling in your body? Sensation wise, body temperature, heart, maybe. What did you feel in your alignment? Because I saw some interesting things. No worries. Come on up. Spine, stretch forward. Good rosy cheeks going on. There's stimulation going to our edges. Turbo polarities. All right. You know there are, you know, and I don't do it here, but we could do all the, the whole mat, the 34 exercises with the prescribed repetitions in 2020 minutes.

That's kind of yet could be one idea. Let's try it. Okay. Matt, challenge. We could, uh, it'd be interesting, wouldn't it? Okay. So sitting very tall on the sitz bones, feet are flexed. Good choice. We're going to do the big exhale, meaning trying to get bending weighed down there. Crown of the head might even get to the map. Okay.

This is that squeeze the air. Every atom of air out of the lungs or wringing out the water out of the wet rag. Okay, let's all get ready to go together. That was gorgeous. So flat pack, breathe in out. No flap back here. Railing as you go down. Exhale, squeeze, rolling up. Rounding down and up and down. Over. Yeah. Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. Then Ben and rolling up and again, rounding down. Yes, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Oh yes, you can enroll up two more times. You guys. And bending down.

He put going stomach, stomach and rolling up. And last one, rounding down and what? Push you're coming back from vacation. Inhale. Roll all the way up. Nice and tall. Tall, tall, tall. You can as opposed to what? Our normal.

Okay, great. Um, in classical Matt, I should, I'll show you the picture of Joe after class. He's down here. His head is like, his arms are still up. He's got that much bend. There's old film footage of him pushing on people's heads to get them to bend that way. Good. Elizabeth, stay right there. We're all looking at you. The camera can't see you though by the way, but good. Yeah. You know. Yeah. So for some of us we think it might be that we can't get there cause her hamstrings are tight. But it could be that this isn't, these aren't conditioned enough to bend us that far.

Or maybe this isn't not yet knowing that it can bend that much. It's all of that. So there's flexibility all the way through here, contraction all the way through here. Um, some of the other versions that you guys know, the other many others, cause you know so much, this one is the spine stretch kind of a more, what do you think? I mean stretching our spine, but maybe you're ready for the bigger challenge of a different challenge. I should say it that way of going farther this way, this way, this way, this way. I feel it right here. And I know for me that's where I am a little limited in some of my rolling pieces like teasers or go Lisa. Yep.

No that let that be because your abs are contracting that way. Right. Rather than just relying on flexibility of your hamstrings navel to spine, isn't it? Yeah. Okay. Or we also know this one and that's delicious too cause that's a stretch of the spine into extension. So you're just that well it's you, you just have such a, a knowledge of um, variations, different schools. That's great. Okay, let's together. Let's move on for the rocker more rolling. Okay.

And I have a little play with the rocker today. Go ahead and find your balance point back of the tailbone. Hands at the ankles if we can. Yeah. Outside of the ankles. Now we're going to do a little slower movement with the legs. I want us to inhale and open them in the to the V. exhale, close them.

Inhale open and exhale. [inaudible] bend. Now this is the hard part. If we read bend without collapsing the spine, in fact lifted a little taller to rebend. Beautiful. Barbara, here we go. Inhale up. Exhale, close. Inhale, open, closed by lifting. It's like your mercury rising out of, up on the thermometer. Hot temperature going up and okay, sure.

Couple more. So it's also challenging our balance. You guys are doing really well. Last one. Inhale up. Exhale. Close. Inhale, open. We're going to stay there now. Six reps, we roll. Roll. Inhale.

[inaudible] put on the brakes in the belly. Inhale, soften your feet. Oh yeah guys, two more to go. Feel the rolling it in. Good. Last one whole wait for it. [inaudible] fantastic. Lace together. Next in your mind we're goin into corkscrew. Was that Oh yeah. Yay. Release. Let's roll down.

Ideally not letting the legs leave that diagonal. Okay. Bringing the legs to 90 okay, so the the a corkscrew. We did not do roll over yet. It should have been after the a hundred or after the roll up. I left it out on purpose.

We're going to do one now to get us ready for the role, the corkscrew, which has the rollover in it. Okay, and you guys know that starting at level here. Read in first the exhale, pickup the hips roll up and over so your hips are reaching to the ceiling as well as over your chest. Okay, now don't look over here. Just look straight up to the ceiling. We're going to roll down the right side of the back. Here we go. Breathe along the way guys. Roll that side of the spine. Please. Make a small circle today. Roll up the left side.

Center your hips. Now rolling down the left side. Other way up over there, right center your hips and again, rolling down. Keep going. You want to take a look so it's not out of the question. If you a little work in the back of the upper arm. Minimize that. We want to use more of the core strength from your belly.

Open up and stabilize your chest and your collar bone. Yes, and again, where are we? What side? You're not sure. Pick one side. Up and over. Let's go center. Let's pick a side rubber. How about going down your right side? Track the right side of the spine. There's the legs.

You're going to do a small circle around a going up the left side. There we go. When we send her here, one more to even yourselves out. You guys down the left side, track the left of the back, over and up. The right side center. Now. Everybody stayed here please or go back up, up and over. Just stay there for a second. Okay.

So what I want you to feel in this position. Yes. Stay focused. Look right into the ceiling. Um, and arms down please. On by. Yeah. Steven with your stomach. Yeah. Stated with your tummy. It's not out of the question to squeeze your bottom there. Okay. Now I want the Jack knife is another exercise that we're going to do.

Just one prep right now for it. Lift your legs a little bit higher than they are now. So in Jack knife, we roll down with the legs that high. Okay. Pretend you're an automobile and you're driving down the street. You're a big rig. Okay? It's okay to be a big rig. You're going to only come down to a one mile an hour, okay?

And anytime. Now you're going to turn on your engine and roll down your spine one mile an hour if you can. Not bad, not bad, not bad. Want to try it again? No, not yet. We'll get there. Okay. Yeah. Not to worry. Okay. Bend your knees to your chest. Roll on up.

Saw YouTube might want to stagger on your maths a little bit. So as we do our saw arms to the sides, sit very tall from head and tailbone all the way up to the top of the head. And again, without pushing those ribs forward, pull that back. We're going to do eight repetitions of spiral to the right. First inhale saw toward the pinky toe end up and over to the left. Sure.

Keep going. Flexing most feet. Yeah, there you go. Sam. Sign off that pinky toe up and over and pulling the back of the other hip back. Good for you. And exhale and stretch.

One more each side and exhale. Pull the other hip back. Other hip back, other hip back. Yep. One more time. And exhale an arrest. Okay guys, put your hands to the right of your mat. Lean to that side.

Turn yourself with your legs and end up on your tummy just so we're all turning the same way. So heads will probably be facing in totally fine. You get to check out his toes today. Yeah, be careful of Barbara's face right there. Okay. Now. Guys, let's go ahead and get centered for a second. Have your hands near your shoulders, forearms down on the mat. Pull your stomach up off of the mat as much as you can to lengthen the low back. Unsure. Ugh, the shoulders. Of course. Now as we do the Cobra before Swan, I don't want us to use the hands and elbows today, so hover them up. Okay, and pull. Your elbow is very firm into your body. Take a breath, please. Exhale.

Lift your head in your back. How high can you pull up using your back muscles? Move, you know, pulling your shoulders down, your back. All right, that was, that's how high we want to get. Now put your hands down. We're going to complete the Swan. Go to where you can today. Pull the upper back back. All right, now with we come back down. Come through that Cobra.

See if you can let go and finish the roll. Yeah, down to the front of the chest again. Inhale, prepare. Let's exhale. Lift. Only. Then you put your hands down. Still work more in your back. Pulling your back back. Look straight ahead. Inhale, start coming down. It is an articulation. It's a rolling of the front of the street and down we go.

Inhale, we lift, exhale and you press very nice. All right and start rolling down easy in the shoulder all the way. Let's take two more you guys and inhale. How high can you lift without using the arms? That's it. And then those hands and is the higher you press.

Of course we're not using the shoulders in a hunched up position or you're pulling them down and they start coming down. It's an articulation. Long neck and down. Here we go. Last one. Ready. Hands down and chin down just a little bit there. There, there. All right, so the upper back pulling back and then coming down. Nice to have [inaudible]. Really, really good. Okay guys, come back to your rest pose. And again, just to kind of a quick rest pose, that's all I want us to try Nick poll today. What do you think?

Woo. So turning around to the same direction you started class facing each other. Legs are separated, feet are flexed. Let's keep it moving. Hands behind the head. Elbows open. Alright, rolling. Let's breathe in. Tall flex. Flex those feet and round back. So send your lower back back. As soon as you feel your shoulders and your head touch the mat.

Come right back up. Keep going. No, maybe this is another chance. Lisa, get your head down between your knees, Ben. Ben Bender's mine rolling up and exhale contract cause manta. Flex the fees. You guys pull your lower back back. Pull it back, pull it back as soon as your shoulders and head touch. We come right back up. Exhale, we go over rolling up [inaudible] and again round back soon as you touch. Come right back up. Yep. Ooh, that was a little jumpy. Keep going. Round, round, round, round, round, round, round and roll up to sitting tall. Let's try one more round back.

That's beautiful. That round back there. Try to find that again as you come up. Ready chin man. You did cheat a little bit and go back and do it again. You just shortchanged your experience. Here we go. Round, round, round, round, round. Yeah. Okay. All right. Let's see what that part's not hard. Boy. Lucky duck. It's funny.

Some things that are hard for others aren't for everybody else. Okay. Sideline, lets face me please on your left. Left. Okay. I want us to start with the uh, double leg lifts so you can have your long arm or you can pillow your arm. Either way. No kicking the neighbors. Okay. And this morning let's not worry so much about lifting the bottom waist. Okay. Just as a physical experience to, to feel differently today, what it feels like to just not have that such a, such a lift in there. Okay.

Incur your hand in front of you as a kickstand. Legs together and ankles together. Okay. Now take a nice breath in through the nose. Exhale in this. Press the legs up and inhale. And we lower just a gentle tap.

Exhale and press and inhale, lower and exhale. So this might be something to think about. There's level, perhaps the front matches the back. So your, your top help pelvis isn't falling back behind the other one. Good. Relax your shoulder. I won't squeeze too hard but enough. Thank you. Okay. What does that feel like you guys?

Yeah, a couple more times. And lift and lower. Now let's lift and hold. Okay. Okay. Now just the top, like go a little higher. Up and down. Let's go. And up and down and lift. What do you think? And again, and lift Dan. Lower lift and lower.

Lift and lower. Four more and up and down. Lift and down. Up and down. Last one. Let's lift and lower. Now hold it like together. Ankle to ankle. Flex the feet.

Inhale just three times. Exhale, point. And inhale, flex and exhale point and last one. Flex and exhale. Point in. Make those legs a little longer as they come all the way down. Alright you guys, we're going to come up just to the heel of the hand. Okay. Just this position and move your leg slightly forward. Now we're, we're gonna do front and back. I will encourage all of us to put the hand down on the mat and bias by leaning slightly forward. Okay, so those of you who I clamped you by standing next to you, tried to reproduce that feeling.

Hopefully it made you tone into this or to tune into the the low belly. Okay. Lift your leg, soften your foot. The leg is hip height. Inhale first. Then we're going to pump the blood with a double kick. Just a reach back, a reach back, and it's not out of the question to get that leg up so far in front of you that you actually kicked your kickstand. Good tad. Yeah. Kinda kick your kickstand, which is your elbow and stretch.

Yeah, and stretch. Two more. Watch your shoulder last one and back and bring your leg down. Okay. Take that same leg. Turn it out just a little bit and lifted hip height again. Relax the foot. Imagine your leg like a whisk, whisk, whisk, rotate and circle and circle. Circle ready and stop. Other way open and two and three. Hold your stomach and five and six and seven and eight and down.

Okay. Bend your knees. We're going to come up for a twist on the heel of the hand or on the poem, bending the knees, handout in from line with the hip. Now. Again, the twist is not moving or twisting from pelvis. It's going to be the spine. Okay. Take your right arm out to the side. Stabilize your left shoulder, breathe in. Exhale PRS into that arm. Lift your hips. Take your arm up overhead. Now hit drop your hip a little lower, Barbara. Oh my God.

Thank you. You have to move your arm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So hip stage, just as they are on your exhale, rotate your spine. Let your head round down nicely. That I want everybody just to touch them out with that top hand. That's plenty return to facing me. Inhale. And then exhale. Bend your knees, lower your hip. Two more times. Exhale.

And we lift. Inhale, hold, exhale. And rotate from your spine, not the pelvis. Inhale, rotate to back to facing front and exhale and come all the way down. One more time. You know your arms too far out. Ready. Inhale. Exhale.

Your hand needs to face the other way. Your bottom hand needs to face. Yeah. Fingertips at the door. How are we doing? Yeah. Um, so Lisa, somethings interesting. Going go up again for me. I gotta try this with you now. Nothing wrong with this. This is another version of it, which you know which, which is a big bend right here. Can you minimize this Ben first? Yup. Come on down. Don't bend here. Drop this hip please.

There. Okay. Arm overhead. I need you to get, flatten out your body there. Do you feel the difference? Okay, breathe first. Now I'm going to show me to twist. Rotate, rotate, rotate, rotate. Ringing the air out of the room. Yep. Twist, twist, twist. Okay. Find the front and exhale and bring it all the way down. Okay, well I think what was happening, your threat, your strong woman.

This arm is a little far out and the Ben, it was a little bit generous. Do you see what I mean? Not so and so. This arm is too far away, not supporting your shoulder enough. So when I had you come down then there was not enough strength here to hold that position. So when we got arm to come back in, your body doesn't know yet where to go in that position. It likes to go here, but it doesn't know yet to go there. We'll find it. Okay, let's go the other side cause double leg lifts first. Alright. Kickstand. Long arm or a bent elbow. Legs in line with hips, ankles together.

Imagine I'm standing right in front of you, bank of you, so your hips are completely stacked. Inhale. Exhale. Here we go. To press the thighs up and inhale down. Exhale, lift. Inhale down and up and lower and lift and down again. Ankle the ankle. Keep a bolt there. Just two more. Lift low or no? We lived in RI holes.

The bottom leg has to hold for a long time. XCL top leg up and down. Top leg. Up and down and lift. Lower and lift. There we go. And yeah, and Lyft. You guys are good. Oh, just put a dry, a little more attention to the ribs. Lengthen your sternum so you're actually kind of a little longer through your whole spine and up and lift. How about one more and lift and lower enough.

Three flexing point of the feet. Inhale and last. One and down. No blower. The legs. We're going to come up for front kick and back kick. So we're just up on the heel of the hand legs this time slightly forward. Turn out the uh, or excuse me, lift the top like in parallel. Relax the foot, stacking the hips. Inhale to hold. Double kick front [inaudible] one stretch back. [inaudible] and back. Yep. Again, you want to get some range in your hamstrings.

Bring that leg up. It's almost as if you're going to kick your elbow. [inaudible] reach back, kick and kick. Stretch from the hip. Kick, kick and reach. Kick. Good. You guys and length and chew more. Yeah.

And reach last one, front and back and bring your legs in together. And here we go. Up for twist. All right, so we'll check it out on this side. Ready? All right. Arm down. Stabilize the shoulder. Fingertips facing that way. Okay, so this is probably what it is that I think you probably know. If you were teaching me, what would you tell me? To ribs up where? Okay. What about the, so that boom in shoulder, where should the shoulder go down? Where? I know I'm being kind of, how's that? Is that better?

That feels better. It's like there's a pocket [inaudible] Jean pocket or they're even a little lower. Make the pocket down here. Yeah. Cool. Okay, well we can still go down, but that's better. Here we go. And long. Okay. Inhale. Exhale from the center. Rotate. It's like a licorice twist, like a Twizzler stick. That's your spine twisting. The hips are twisting with this Hill. Inhale, center and sale and come all the way down. We put weight on the left hand. No, not today. Just a little touch. Ready, open, open, open.

Bend your knees a little more. Samantha and shoulder blade. Inhale. Exhale. Find your rotation. Inhale, reopen to the front. Look forward. Look forward. Look forward. Yeah, that's better. Barbara. Exhale and come down once again. Be careful. I know you're getting fatigued and this is, you know, one arm weight bearings to be a little mindful. If you're feeling too pooped, I would stop. One more time. Ready? Pull that down to your press up.

Inhale and exhale. Rotate the spine. Just a little gentle touch of the mat with that lift arm. Inhale to face your front and then exhale and come on. Oh, are you okay? Yeah, fine. It's my pride. That's okay. I know sometimes when I do rolling like a ball and you see me fall, my pride is kind of Oh shoot. But you know swimming.

What's that? You can't wait for sweat. We love it. Okay, so let's get centered. Put them with the attention and curse in the back for a second. That includes the butters. That includes your hamstrings. Okay. Not so don't worry about pointing your feet so much. Okay.

Now and also includes the upper back. So let's take a breath guys. Exhale. Arms, head, chest, back and legs. Everything up. Show me that they're lift. Okay. Here's your tempo and I don't paddle for sure. We do last breath a whole get long, get long, get long and then everything comes down. Yes. And roll back. Round. Back to rest pose.

[inaudible] great seal. One more. Rolling. All right. See, you'll see you'll seal. It was either this or pushups. I figured this would be a little more fun. We're in the theme of ruling, so we'll see. We'll save the weight bearing on the wrist and other day.

So hands go inside on the ankles or on the shins. You can go up on the shins. You can go on the heels. All right, three open closes. Let's go. One, two, and three. We roll back. Try to do it while you're back there. Two, one, two, three, and one, two, three. One, two, three. Exhale up. One, two, three. Inhale. Back. One, two, three. One, two, three.

Oops. See Barbara, I did a little loop. CDI world to my head. I had a little momentum. Not control to err is human. Couple more times. Let's do one more together. Balance. When you get back to the top. Hold, hold, hold. Yeah. Okay. Place your feet down gently.

Yeah. Put your hands near your right hip again to the side. Tuck your toes back around you. Okay. Were you in a role or are stand up? Press your legs to history.

Continue rolling your spine all the way up. Just standing. Now. One more thing today before we're finished and just continue to look down to in the studio here. Reach your arms forward of your shoulders, a little higher, maybe above your head, and do a circle of your arm is down towards your shoulder level, hip level. And then back in front, forward, up and down to the sides. Forward up and a couple more, but I want you to think about, this is just kind of putting a finish on class, standing tall with your posture. Let's go the other way with the arms and good. Yes. Ready to walk through the rest of the day.

Don't worry if you hit me. Okay. Just experienced that. We might work on this another day. A couple more. Just, you know, you know, just tell me [inaudible] you don't have to tell me what, what do you feel, you know, and everyone arms down. Take one more breath in through your nose. Thank you very much. Exhale. Yeah, thanks you guys. Yay. Yeah. Kicked that ball out of the way.


talks a bit too much. Need to edit out comments about room, camera man etc.
lovely - i like how sweet Amy is with her students - another great class :)
Hi Lyndsay.........thanks for taking class. What can I say, I love to teach....and that means that sometimes I talk a ittle bit too much to my students. I talk because I am connecting to each one of them, giving them what they need and providing a student-centered class. I appreciate you taking class from's nice to hear from you!
The first minute and a half needed to be taken out - comments about room temperature, etc.; and then it started with a breathing exercise which involved inflating a ball, which obviously I don't have at home. After that start, a good class.
Hi Amy! Everytime I take one of your classes, I have so many thoughts to share. I'll keep it to a couple :) Love the breathing and the theory behind it. As a singer, breathing is very poignant. Breathing also helps calm the mind which is great as I am experiencing the stress of preparing for a concert. Finally, during the side series, you touched on lengthening the sternum. That was a really helpful cue - I'll reserve the rest of my sternum-y thoughts before I break the character limit. Thanks as always.
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HI Christine! You can share any and all thoughts with me....I love hearing from you!! The! :) As you know this......whether we sing, dance, hike,'s our breath that connects us to the now.....and that's all we have, that's what is certain. "When in doubt, learn how to breath correctly"...JHP.

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