Class #251

Balance Exploration

50 min - Class


How's your standing balance? Today's class investigates strength and balance on one leg. Amy chose to keep the skills relatively simple, but very efficient. Our ability to feel confident and strong standing on one leg is sometimes overlooked when we're down on the Mat, however, when upright, applying Pilates fundamentals of the powerhouse and breathing can ease moments of feeling less than stable. Try Single Leg Stretch from standing and see if you're recruiting the hip hinge motion correctly! Deep stretches for your quads and hamstrings are interwoven into the balance work and a brief and brisk set of classical Mat exercises are given to balance out this well-rounded Mat class. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Sep 11, 2010
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So good morning. Let's go ahead and start standing today and I would like us to stand at the back edge of our mat and just a take a quick check in. We're going to start with some standing roll down, a little bit of a warm up there and we will be doing some standing balance near the beginning of the hour and then probably some good stretching today as well. So let's take a nice deep breath here and just start rounding forward. So feeling that engagement of the upper abdominals that your head and shoulders round. I'm standing in a little Palladia stance with my legs, a slight turnout and you don't have to go all the way down, but we are encouraging the fingertips to get close to the mat.

Let's take a breath at the bottom and then that rounding back up and depending on what you've done this week or what you've done today, this might feel easy, could feel challenging to round. So let's just take about five of these and exhale. So we are feeling the abdominals right from the very beginning to contract inward, beginning to open up the lower back. If you need to do this with soft knees, that's fine as well. It's really your chance to check in to see how you're feeling with your spine, your muscles in your legs. Rounding back up, inhale from the top and again, exhale and round overhead.

Feel the weight of the shoulders and arms hanging. I would suggest squeezing the legs together. Inhale here at the bottom and exhale we round up, pulling it low belly up, tailbone down and under. Nice and long through the front of the chest. One more time. Inhale and exhale and round over. Okay, so let's go ahead guys. Very gently.

Kind of walking out onto her hands about four steps is fine. We're going to walk out into our front support position and it's fine. Again to come up onto your fists if you need to and can just feeling the weight in the support in our hands back into our feet. It's not a bad idea to think of doing this with a little bit of a tuck under of the pelvis, feeling the low belly pull up and then reaching your chest forward. Here we go. Shoulder blades down into the back of the ribs.

[inaudible] all right, now their exhale. Now lift the hips. Try to keep your spine in a thought of extension and then just carefully walking hands back to feet, trying to be again balanced as you're walking back. Take a breath at the bottom. With that head go. We're going to roll up from there, pooling the abdominals up. Leave those arms hanging. When I do that again, just add a little different arm position or movement here from the sides and up.

Framing the sides of the head. Breathe, and then as we exhale, rounding over, begin to shift your weight slightly more forward of Andre or the balls of the feet. All right, and rounding down. Same thing carefully with control. Walking out four to five steps, establishing that position, giving yourself time, squeeze the legs, pull your tail under. Feel the control and the steadiness of the position is if we're pushing the floor away from us. Got to reach through the calves. Let's take one more exhale here and lift the hips.

Let the head come between the arms. See your toes and begin to walk your hands back. Two, three, four or five steps through, up the head, and again, roll up to standing. Squeeze those legs together. We're going to do the very same thing. One last time. Arms from this side, taken your space and exhale round over. Squeeze those abdominals in word.

Get them working toward your back and walking out. Mal. Four steps, four or five, establishing your plank. Front support position, pressing the floor away. You can through your heels. Very nice. You guys is feeling that steadiness in the position. Even one more time. Exhale, lift your hips.

No, by the third one, does it feel a little bit easier to get to this position? That will. That last one really did make more sense for my stretch right there. The first one always for me is a little bit of a, Whoa, what's going on today? Okay. And rounding up, drop that sacred heavy tailbone. [inaudible].

Okay, so we've got a little read Juvenalian I'm going to walk into the center of my mat and actually onto the floor facing you guys. And let's do this. So if we were on the, or doing some footwork in the heel lifts and things, let's start all the way together. Ankles, knees and feet. Okay. And high inner side. Just rub your arms loose by your sides. So we're going to rise up onto, can you go to that side? Actually just do you mind? Oh, you have to go. That's right.

Let me do this. Can I have you two switch musical mat class? Yeah. Does that make sense? Okay. Do you know why he does this? He knows something about himself. He's got a unlevel on a leg that's stronger than the other [inaudible] I do. I do too. From an extra aid that was given to me a couple of years ago, given to me that I did, that I went to do it appears on the x-ray that this femur is shorter than this one. It's a whole conversation. I don't know if right now is the time to get into it, but uh, I do know that things feel different down below my head on my feet.

So let's take a nice breath and we're going to rise up to the balls of the feet and let's not overthink it and just bring the heels down and do that about 10 times. So as we rise up, we already start to bring that awareness. This is just what we did in plank. We're just no up in this plane of gravity. So things do of course shift when we're up or down or sideways, feel the support come in. I think it's really helpful to squeeze the rear. End the glutes back there. Bring your thighs together, lit and lower and lift. And as we continue going through here is on the down.

Now I want us to focus on not really rocking our weight backward. Just very lightly. Touch the heels, come right back up, lightly touch and come back up and lightly touch. Good and come back. Let's just keep going with these. This is a good pace. And just now start to work your lats a little bit. We know that they can support some things in posture when we're on the mat.

So right now could they support our posture by just pressing down a little bit through the sides of the ribs and press up and down a couple more. Press up down. Last one. I'm going to have a stay lifted. Now just put one heel on the floor. It doesn't matter to me which one and bend the other knee forward and really lift the heel of that foot. So you're stretching underneath the base of the toes and those are the metatarsal bones. Push them into the floor, bend at the toe crease, and then come back up into the tiptoe or Relevate. So both feet are up.

Now change it, let the other, he'll come down. Okay. We want to track our knee forward. You right on the front of that foot. I've got a bunny and so on. My foot sometimes will cheat. I've got to work even through that little catch in my my Bunyan joint, I can't use it as an excuse. So we come up and other side, I know it's all right. These are tough bend right at the front of that foot.

Good. Pull up to both legs. Pull up, pause, change there. So we give enough time for inhale as rise up. Exhale. Inhale, lift up and XCL. Yeah, if it feels better for you, maybe do experiment moving your arms, you know, to a T to some for some counterbalance. I'm fine with that if you don't need it or don't want it. You don't have to lift and change.

Good work. You guys lift and change. One more each foot change. That's right. And one more lift. It's a good stretch for the feet. Okay. And then bring both feet down. Now just do a soft bend of both knees for me. Okay. And we talked about this maybe three classes ago and you guys weren't here that day.

We did a whole class with holding on to the devil and the stick and we kind of checked in on how deeply can we bend in the hip joint, the knee joint and ankle joint here without our posture, you know, deviating forward or butts sticking out or, and so do you, does anyone feel the stretch in the cabs? Yeah. And the cap. Yeah. So where I want us to go with that is just to hangout and shift weight onto your left foot. I'm gonna mirror you and go onto my right and just very lightly bring up the, uh, your right thigh. I'm just hanging out there. Yeah. Good. And then we'll put that foot back down right next to the other one.

Give it a chance to feel centered. All right. Then we shift our weight to that foot, just subtly, just enough to unweight this one to bring this one up. So we've got a crease, a hinge right here in this, a hip joint. Good. And then we place that down center both feet and you'll shift slightly to the other one. Just enough to unweight pick up your right foot leg. I should say.

So as we stand here this time, I'm going to have us be on this leg for a little bit longer. It's this buttock. I want us to engage and pull in more than you think you need to to stabilize our weight on that hip. One of many reasons to do that. Okay, good. And then foot back down. Same thing as we shift to the other side. So just a little weight shift right away is you're about to hinge this hips good. Squeeze into your right buttock, that sit bone pulling to the other one.

That's right rib cage, back abdominals are still activated. Nice focus and back we go to the other foot. Same thing. Once again, couple of things you can think about you, uh, I think you all are doing it. You're finding something to look at, whether it's in front of you on the floor a little bit more on her horizon line or even a little higher. [inaudible] does seem to help pulling that sits bone and feeling the glute work. Now staying right there. What I want us to do is just here I'm going to go is external rotation of my femur and then roll it back to parallel.

It's like we've just taken an oil can and gone, greased up our hip so that it can move. The femur head can move around in there while we're standing on one leg. Feel free to go next to a wall if you'd like to. I am not opposed to that. Let's grease up the hip. Good. And have a really loose foot. Your uh, yeah, this puts up nice and loose.

So see you eventually. Could we Elvis, we get under the twist so that we're really, really loose here, but solid on this side. Okay. Now let's go ahead and change sides. Yeah. Is who's I'm burning over here. Ah, mama. This one's not that big a deal. It's this side. Okay. And my foot. My ankle. All right, so center in and we get this growing glutes working drawback, good old classic. A description of our powerhouse lats belly butt.

Okay. And breath is helpful. Just start to grease up the hip. Loose foot. So what we're doing, what I'm doing with us is our pelvis is stable, but our femur is mobile. The joint is mobile. What other exercise in the mat work does? A lot of this comes leg circles. I wish I had to stick your star for you. Yeah. Single leg stretch.

Lots of them were pelvis is stable and we've got this femur that's free. Free, free. Free to move. Okay, plenty. Let's come back in. [inaudible] adding on. So back over to the other foot. Do you need to stand straight for a second? Do this. Maybe not. Okay. And go back. We go. All right, so shifting weight by now this is starting to feel probably a little more comfortable. No, let's take that same leg. So it's your right leg and just here's your femur.

Now instead of moving forward, let's just play with moving the femur laterally. Just a little. It doesn't have to move much. It really couldn't. Uh, if our pelvis stays level, our femur really can't go too far to the side. I can do it by cheating. And I think you guys, that's a hip and pelvic movement. If we keep our hips where they are and just move the femur in parallel. So sideline leg work. Let's take a breath and okay, in a minute we're going to put this all together with a little flow.

So then again, shift, wait to pick up the other foot. All right? Pelvis is level. If you want your hands on your pelvis to reference, that's fine. You don't need it. And the here's the femur and moves laterally to the side. We all have a level to go to right when that muscle can tracks. That's the idea of it. Keep pulling that right cheek in.

[inaudible] shoulders are over hips, fairly small move of the femur, little bit smaller. Keep your knee facing me guys. Good. One more time. Okay, of course. We are now going to explore the moving the leg to the back. I've got to step forward. So here we are. Now lift up that foot.

Okay, so as we move our femur behind us, we could do it and let the torso come slightly forward like this to move the femur back or keep the torso upright and move the femur back. Right now what I'd like us to do is keep the torso upright and just think about pressing the back of your thigh to the back wall. That's perfect. And then bring it just slightly forward. Kind of just playing with that. So again, this is femur movement at the hip joint and in a couple more doesn't take much good other side, getting real with this really well cerebral work, isn't it? [inaudible] back femur in femur back theme or forward femur back. So it's really, this can also mimic, um, walking and swinging the leg out the hip or running, playing soccer, sprinting. You can get it.

It's the gait front and back movement of the uh, leg. Okay, so let's play with this for a sec. Come up. Just shake your legs. So I would like us, we're going to do a little breath pattern with it or something a little bit more. Um, you know, formed. So come into your squat PLE, a parallel PA, shift onto your left foot, flow through right now. It's going to be this inhale, extend and exhale. You can tap your foot to the floor if you'd like. Inhale, extend from the knee forward and exhale in. Yes, and so if you're feeling like you need some work, when your arms are a little counterbalanced, sure that can maybe go out in a low V. remember the lats are there to help support your balance so your arms may help.

This might even help. Inhale, extend [inaudible] one more. Now bring that foot all the way again into ankle on ankle. We're going to go to laterally. Now I am going to shift my arms to the tee position, so I'm just going to send my femur out to the left side and back in five by thigh. Five times. Inhale, [inaudible] shoulders over pelvis. Two more. Keep squeezing the buttocks on your standing in.

In last time and PRS, we've still got the leg. Going back to the arabesque position. Okay. Now what I want us to do with this guys, it'd bring your arms forward. I am going to have this lean our torsos lightly forward and press your right side back by straightening your leg. Straighten the knee. Now bend your knee. Think of me coming in by knee four more times.

Press by. Straightening the thigh and knee and coming in. I know this is getting tiring on the standing leg three more times in PRS and in what's going on here and press and in I promise last one in press and in and let step in and just shake that other foot out. We're doing well. Our balance is good. Our balance is good. Here we are at Ben, my yes, my, this, this, this part of my foot was just on fire there. Uh, and I noticed when that was fatiguing my, my concentration went, Oh my God, it's getting tired. Am I? Yeah. So that's where this whole mind body thing can come in. This controller G of triad, mind, body, spirit of, I'm not going to let that concentration waiver because my foot is tired, you know? Okay. So let's do arms maybe for me.

So thigh is lifted, pelvis is stable and we extend from the knee. We inhale and exhale can bend and just tap your foot lightly. We did five inhale and we extend staying in the moment. The breath is the most important thing. Inhale, last one. [inaudible] okay, let's move our arms. Bring ankle, knee, or ankle, or thigh by thigh, knee by knee, and we're moving the femur laterally. Just a little open on the inhale. Close on the exhale.

I have to actually keep my lane rather low. Also small movement. If I go too high, I know I'm going to hike my hip. You're probably gonna hike your hip too, so keep it a little smaller right there. Four and in last one, five and in. Okay. Almost done guys. Arms forward. Now let your torso lean forward a little bit.

You've got a slight forward hand now as you extend your leg back, stretch the knee. That's an inhale. Exhale, bend. Enter your hip and your knee for more. Inhale, stretch. Exhale. Find your lats. Connect to your belly. Squeeze your glutes in. Find that powerhouse. I never use that cue. That's not my, my background and stir and, and I believe that was for last one in and down.

That was your easier side. Yeah, I felt a little better on that side then some days. Okay. Shake your feet a little bit. Now everyone's favorite women is little. I think women like this more than men, but good for you guys too. So open up the, the stance of your legs.

Your heels are going to be wider than your hips. Okay. And find a bend. Again, we're going to bend into the hip joints. I'm like she going to go a little wider bend at the hip joints and knees and ankles and just stay there for a moment. Okay. How are we doing? Just staying there. We're just going to be there for a couple of breaths.

So what I want us to do is challenge our pelvis, the weight of the pelvis to go a little bit lower and open up the hips. Think about taking your knees and pulling them back a little bit. Not the feet, but the knees. This always appeared to me like the entrance of a dog house, this little negative space, that triangle trying. Yup. Okay. Now shift very slightly to one leg. Just real sh, little bit of shift. And then over to the other side.

What I want us to do with these weight shifts is keep this rotation consistent or constant. So when you shift one way, we sometimes will want to close that hip like that and then reopen it as we shift. Although you three are doing just fine. My hands up here helping me to direct the rotation, my femurs to go that way and we'll go again over leg strength, right and shift and shift. Who could shift it a little farther? As long as it doesn't strain that knee. I'm going to try to get us to go even farther. Perhaps even straightening one, coming back through bend shift and straightening one.

Ah, putting here so our shoulders are staying over the pelvis. This whole trunk is moving. One side moving to the other side. That's right. Four more times. [inaudible] well you guys are doing really well men, so it's not easy for the dudes. Okay, find your center. Now come up to standing. What I want us to do is a little toe heel to close this position. So toes in, heels in, toes in heels and toes in heels out. Okay. Now stand on your right foot again.

Lift your left thigh up. And where are we going to go? Here is put your hands in the front of that and I'm going to have this pull that leg up quite high, even if this hip hikes a little bit. See what it is to be up on that leg. Now as you're on that leg, can you access your glutes and squeeze that rear? Good. Oh good. A lat check. Lats, abdominals, glutes.

Now there's one other muscle group I want us to think about on the standing leg. That's the inner thigh. [inaudible] Whoa, Whoa. Oh. So I'm thinking of my, my standing legs, inner thigh, pulling that way to help me be up so that I don't sync over to the side. Okay, let's change legs. Good. Good. No. Who, who thought this up thought this up today? [inaudible] it's okay.

That's it. You guys. Wow. So lads down abdominals in glute squeezing. Pull your inner thigh toward your other direction. Now helps to stabilize how we stand on our foot and our leg and our hip. And one side is generally gonna be a little more connected in the other.

It's all right. Can we do each side again? Sure. And here we go. Once a Rupal do five breaths together. We'll starting now. Inhale. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] that's fine. Five. There we go. Okay. She's going to get really fun in a second.

Does anyone know where I'm going? Oh, lift up. Both at the same time. Wow. I wish I could do that. No. Let's go. Single leg stretch from Matt. So with one knee coming in other hand is where? At the ankle. Whoa.

You know what I mean? Single leg stretch mat. Yeah. So there I am. Now as an interesting, when we're up in standing, I know my right hip is happier out there, but I really need to drop it in so that my hips are more centered. So if I really am honest about I can't bring my knee and very close to my chest, that would be the same on mat if we were in table, top leg, right versus knee, all the way into the chest. Two different things. Of course, things change when we're up in gravity. So let's just check in. Dropped my hip. Okay, so let's take an inhale. Exhale, change sides. Sort of bring our thigh up. Go here, belly, even if your hands aren't even on your shin, you can lift your leg from your app.

One more each side, something to think about, something to think about. Are you accessing your abs this much when you are in regular mat, down on the ground, on single leg stretch? We probably don't need to be, feel it like this because we're in a different plane of gravity. So we're moving differently. Bring your weight up differently. Moving way differently. Okay, let's go back out here. Stretch the hips again. Now I want us to do, um, you might want to come up on your mat. Actually, some of you guys are in socks, okay?

So if we do a lunge onto your, you're going to be on your right knee and I'm on my left. That leg is turned out. Let's make this one parallel for a second, okay? And who, let's lunge quite deeply onto that left or right side and put your elbow down there and still have your chest facing this direction. And let's just enjoy a little bit more of a side bend on the waistline and stretch over toward that. Bent knee, having your shoulder square my way, trying to have our hips square. Also [inaudible]. Now I want us to just keep with the stretch because we need it and we don't usually do these on my class, but bend deeper into the knee if you can handle it in your knee lunge.

So a lot of things are going on and who were strengthening your leg, stretching her muscles and during some balance we're doing really well. Stretch to the side, reading into it feels good. Our muscles are happier with the oxygen. Now take this arm and just going to turn it down. Put it down on the floor by that front foot. Now just turn everything to face that thigh and guys go ahead and bring your knee down. Now you'll probably have to adjust up onto your mat a little bit.

Okay, good. Now let's come up. So our hands are on our front thigh. We haven't done this stretch also for quite awhile, so I'm also going to have you continue to bend forward into that knee stretch for this quadricep and hip flexor. No. As you lunge forward or squat deeper, we've talked about this too. We could do it and really just drop in, not so healthy. We want to be able to control our weight where we put so as I lunge forward, I'm actually kind of thinking at any moment could I stand up on this foot?

You know, if I have my weight in control up here, that's easier to access. If I have my weight down there, it's going to be harder to get up. Alright, that's breathing. Also got a little bit. It's okay if you're like that with your toe tuck, but if you're flat-footed, I've got a little bit of wheat also on that top of the foot, so if I could, I could also lift that knee up off of the mat. I'm doing okay losing somebody. Now, whatever leg is back, my right one is back, so I'm going to take that right arm up. I'm going to lift it up.

I'm going to keep my focus forward. I'm going to lift that right arm. I'm going to continue to think about this as an abdominal exercise and a lat exercise and a hip stabling exercise. We pulling my butt together. One more breath. Now I'm going to take that arm out to my right down by my front foot and I'm going to straighten that back leg toe, toes tucked and then just straighten. Now if we can straighten the front leg also.

Yeah, a little bit. I know, and so the front leg, that hip would rather be forward because it's not challenging the hamstrings as much and the glute strips, so if you take whatever flips forward, pull that hip back, even look to your pelvis, you know we're pretty darn straight that way it's okay. If you lift your toes up on the front foot, it might feel easier. You might like that better if you have any desire to go into a little bit more of a flat back extension, that would be great with me as well. I don't know if you guys have it. Yeah, it's okay. There's a lot. Okay, let's put that front foot down. We're going to kind of retro. Great. Great. Out of that. Bend your front knee. Pivot yourself to face the front.

Let's just kind of walk ourselves up facing me. Okay. Other side. So we turn this one out. This guy stays parallel, strollers and hips are square. There's that trunk reference and we bend into that knee. Did all that good hope hip opening or a little bit of hip opening to get that stretch. Okay, and then over we go. Yeah. Feeling different.

I do remember a different side. I don't want to say it feels easy, but it kind of feels easier than the other side. Feeling in a different place than my hip. Lots of breath. If you want to lunge deeper into the need, this is your chance to do that. I would suggest bring those ribs back in. Okay. We're gonna transition, huh? Okay.

Oh, but you're not okay. And bending the bat out of the front knee, back, knee down, place the top foot if you're going to, and we're going to come up and press up. Put our hands on our front thigh, looking straight forward and again, controlling the weight, but yet we do want a lunch a little bit farther forward. I'm still working to scoop. I'm trying to get my tail to stay under my ribs back, squeezing my glutes. And then my left leg is the back leg, so I'm going to take that arm up.

I like how that feels in the side of my waist and differently through the side of my abdomen. [inaudible] eh, hand is going to go out to the side down by the front foot. All right, so those were our hip flexors in stretch and we're going to work on stretching our hamstrings. Let's come up a little bit. Yep. Still swearing, hips and shoulders. So if you look towards your pelvis, the front leg, let's pull that hip back and come up to the heel of that foot. If you need to check your pelvis. So then whatever the front foot is, pull that hip back. [inaudible] okay. In coming down through that bent knee position again. Well that's not how I want transition to you, is it? I stayed. I went this way.

Let's come my way. Sorry guys. And then walk your feet all the way together. All the way together and rounding all the way up to standing from there. Okay. So let's do sin. We're going to go all the way down onto the mat. Let's go into a little mermaid. So I want you to open up your hips here. And what often is a fourth position? Again, this a little bit more challenging for the men sometimes. Okay.

I actually, this is great. Perfect. So where are you even on your sits bones? Yeah. Well, Oh boy. Um, I'm not, I know, I know that I am not both sitz bones for me are not on the mat. I want both sitz ones. We have to, so each one should have equal weight. I don't, I'm not gonna lie.

This one has more. Alright, we can actually move our pelvis and move our body to get more weight on that side. So let's do this. If you put your hand on the pelvic crest, your bone lift the hip up. I'm actually gonna have this put, kind of reach that hip toward this. And as you do that, there's this, I want you to squeeze this tush a little bit. It's like your, your hipbone is a flashlight looking into the direction of the the knee and then move that hip back and sync weight onto it. You about six of those and we're gonna rock the hip up. I think of squeezing your glute. Reached that hip bone like a flashlight, looking down a hallway breech and rotate.

So at the beginning of our work we were not moving our pelvis but moving our femur right now I want us to move our pelvis, move the pelvis. Yes. And then we move it back and down. Anyone getting a little closer? I'm getting a little closer now. Maybe a little closer. Two more. Three more time for run and back.

Do more. And for run and back. You're getting closer. I can see it a little bit and for run and back. Okay. Now as we stay on that hip, try to sit nice and tall through your lower back. Good. A little bit longer. Can you take weight off of that hand? Yeah. Hey, that's improvement. A lot of improvement. Boy, you've come a long way.

Okay, ready? Other sites. So just undo that. Like switch around [inaudible] just feel it. What does it, what do we, how do you feel in there? Takes a second to actually let things register. I think a little bit different on, I can see it. There's daylight and all of, yeah, so that would be good for me to see. Can he diminish the day? Like with each repetition. Okay. So here's our hip. It's got a flashlight on it and we aren't getting reach your flashlight towards your front calf or beyond any and come back and sink down into the hip and pelvic movement and pelvic movement.

There is a little less and rocking the hip. [inaudible] tight hips, tight glutes. Yeah. Hip flexors. All this stuff here. Well yeah, but see each one there's a little less and press. Let me see. Mostly hip flexors, which that includes a lot of muscles though. So and sync two more times. Good. Steve [inaudible] see this isn't [inaudible] this isn't too hard for you. Is it? I mean, not [inaudible] surprise me up here. Oh great. I thought it.

I know for Moria I am my vantage point though. It does not look like you're straining to be there. I mean, we want to feel stretch. Absolutely. I mean, a few people I know. Don't feel stretch here, but there's Kay. One more time. We're almost gonna. We'll be done with this. We want stretch. You know we want sensation when we stretch. My goodness. I, well, Oh, that's a whole other conversation too. He took a muscle relaxer before class.

That's why. So mellow Backman. There's much less, much less daylight. Okay. All right. Let's come out of that. This swing, that leg around. I'm going to have you just come all the way back onto the back. Okay. Just lift your legs up and just shake your legs like this. Let's, yeah, just shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. All right, now place your feet down on your mat. Of course, it would not be a pull out his class without some articulation to a bridge.

Let's just see how her body feels after all that other stuff. As we move through here and let's take our arms out to a T this morning. Take a breath and here we go. Articulating the spine. What does it feel like? You don't have to answer me. Just let your body receive some new sensation. Maybe breathe in, rolling down.

That felt good to me. Mine felt different. I liked that. Exhale and articulate. You kneel at the top and exhale, coming down. Arms reaching wide from the chest. Inhale again and exhale and peel up.

[inaudible]. Inhale up the top and exhale and roll down. Do more times. Exhale and P O. inhale. Exhale, roll down. One more. Inhale, exhale and peel up.

Now take a breath here. Exhale, bring your right thigh up to tabletop. We did it earlier. Pelvis doesn't move with the thigh moves. Inhale, bring that down. Exhale. The other side will hinge at the hip. Inhale lower and again, ribs, ins, hips are stable, and press the thigh up. Inhale lower three more times. Exhale. How does it feel to be doing this later in class? Usually this is like right at the beginning. Okay. It feels good. Last one.

Well. Inhale, reach your arms up and back over head. We're going to roll down the spine. Okay. Bring your knees into your arms by your hips. Take your breath. Exhale, curl your body up for the a hundred. Yep. Add, do three, four, five. X sail, three, four, five, two. Okay.

Three come down. Just a little bleed or not. Fair. Three, four, five, seven, two, three, four, five, eight, five, nine, two, three. Boy, I'm counting horribly. Four, five, nine, two, three, four, five. Exhale. 10, two, three, four, five. Hold right here, right sigh in. Just go. 10 single leg stretch. [inaudible]. [inaudible] fine. So pelvis is level. Those thighs are easily moving. Eight, nine, and 10. Double leg, four times. Inhale, we stretch. Exhale, arou and this is the one we couldn't do from standing.

And two, three. For what comes next? Scissor. We're going to find and pull pool level, pelvis, mobile femurs at the hips or more. Here's one and two and three. Last one for both legs. Up three times straight leg, lower.

Lift and flex the feet. Inhale, the 45 exhale, point. Lift. Look at that pelvis. It does it float up or down. Exhale and lift. Last one, flex. You're going to come up, bend the left knee, cross toward it, Chris. Cross, just 10 times level pelvis. Exhale and change one and two and cool. Forward into that chest lift. You guys stretch.

[inaudible] seven, eight, nine and 10 come into chest lift. Please. Pay into behind your thighs. Roll yourself up. Hips forward ball for six in. He'll roll back up. We go. Okay. Inhale, roll back up.

We go rolling back. [inaudible] wow. Two more times now. This last one. Roll back and then they reach your legs overhead and just put the hands at the back of your pelvis. You like that? Just stay there for a sec. I do want everybody, I put the hands at the back of your pelvis yet I, I'm maybe on more of on your back, back of your pelvis.

You're fine. Okay. Now take if I think you guys are okay to do this, can you talk your toes and put your toes down on the mat behind you? Okay. Okay. A couple of us are, a couple of us aren't. That's okay. That's okay. What I want us to do from here is, um, well Samantha and I are going to man, well you know what? I think I'm going to change my mind. Let's everybody put their hands down back on the map. We can, we can, we'll do that another day.

I don't want to force it because you guys aren't ready to do that. Um, flex your feet. Let your legs open. Now we're going to go wide, wide legs. So the roll over with legs spread. That's actually on the mat list. So as we roll down your legs, get to do a circle out, kinda funky around and together we're going back up and over your rollover. Touch the mat behind you. If you can open the legs. The feet are flexed. It was, we rolled down. We're coming down with those legs apart.

Big circle like you're on the reformer doing leg circles legs around two more times. Just like that. Roll over. Flex, open. Roll down with legs apart. One more time. Flex. Open, roll down. Legs are apart. Bring your knees and rest. Okay. Flip right over onto your bellies. Money by change the mat order. I just freak you all out.

Okay. Long arms and legs. Head down. Chest is down to begin. Belly is drawn up. Let's do a slow swimming to prepare for it. So take a breath. Lift your right arm, chest, left leg. Just hold. Now the leg that's behind the back lay is, it's up. Straighten the knee, straighten your knee, tighten your Luke. Contract it and straighten the knee.

There we go. And then bring everything back down and pause. Take a breath. Exhale, other side. So I don't right now. Just really concentrate on squeezing your glutes, stretching through the knee. Okay. And lower down. Inhale, exhale. Let's lift [inaudible]. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift.

Inhale. Lower. One more each side. Exhale, lift, inhale, and lower. And last time. Exhale and lift and inhale and lower. Of course, the full swimming. Let's lift and for sure last breath and rest. Okay. Hands near your shoulders underneath. Tuck your toes. Let's push ourselves up to a front support and just hold. Squeeze the legs together. Boy.

Look how we've come all the way full circle in the class. Inhale and exhale. Lift the hips, walk the hands back to the feet, drop that head, squeeze the legs together. Let's roll back up to standing. Arms out from the sides up alongside the ears. Take your breath and rounding over just like we did at the beginning. Four steps out we go.

Okay. Feel free to do a couple pushups, man. If you'd like to pause. Hips up, walking back four steps, drop the head. Inhale, rolling up. Exhale, one more time. Arms out from the sides alongside the ears. Inhale and exhale. Rounding over again, scooping the belly. Still wait as forward walking out for hold. Hold one more breath. Inhale. Exhale guys. Lift your hips. Now instead of walking hands back, walk your feet in.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Come down to that squat position. One last thing, we haven't done these for several weeks, so we are going to go up and do our heel lifts upside down. So here we are in the straight legs or relatively straight legs and lift the heels rising to the front of the feeds. We did this at the beginning of the hour. We're doing it here upside down, and then heels back down three more times. Inhale, rise up and exhale. Oh, do more low belly active.

Good. I see you. Samantha. Looks really good. Last one. And lift now from the lift. Bend your knees guys. Come back down. Straighten the legs. Let's take a nice low roll up to standing.

[inaudible] yeah, so you guys really great class. Very different as always from you on Friday, and I'm good balance today. Yeah, I think we did really well.


Stopped halfway through, I know it says a moderate pace, but is extremely painful slow. Wouldn't recommend it
i like all of Amy's classes, she is much more in line with what we Pilates Foundation teachers in the UK teach. Yeah, it's a slow, "thinky" one but it underlines many principles that a fast-paced class can't.
Love how the guy just adds his own push ups to the plank!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Tessa.....yes I tend to teach more on the slow side for the very reasons you pointed get the principles in! I strongly feel---especially for home viewers who may not have as much of a Pilates backgroud----that the foundation, fundamentals etc need to be stressed! There is plenty of time later in one's practice to speed things up, but what's the point if the foundation isn't laid down properly. This particular class is of real students at my studio, so I was teaching to them mainly! Thanks for your response.....I appreciate it!
I didn't find this slow at all, I think if you actually do the moves correctly and really focus on what your muscles are doing then you get a lot out of this class. I've done this one a few times now and I love it. Thanks Amy
Hi Tahnee.....thanks for taking class with me and I value that you appreciate the slower pace and detail. My goal is to teach with detail and clarity so that we folks can make improvements. The pace and speed will come....when we're ready and if that's what's needed.
Shouldn't be categorized as moderate pace.

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