Class #307

Abdominal Mat Flow

55 min - Class
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Amy gets you warmed up with a fair amount of abdominal exercises (a student request!) and moves you through this class with energy and vigor. She gives a few variations on familiar exercises like The Hundred, Open Leg Rocker, Side Leg Kick (this is a prep for side plank/side support), and Single Leg Kick. You'll also be led through a few more difficult exercises like Roll-Over and Swan Dive Prep/Swan Dive. There is a beautiful demonstration of the full Swan Dive from a student who just went for it today! The class finishes with Push-Ups! Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Nov 06, 2010
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So why don't we start this way? I think I'll start seated today with our knees bent. I might have to play with where this pack is sitting on my hip and uh, I often will come this way so you can open up the legs a little wider than your hip frame, which is fine. Hands down on your shins or even down on the tops of the feet and really just allow the weight of your torso to, to uh, drop forward. And actually it's a drop. Yeah. And the shoulders can start to, they're probably going to want to sneak upwards. So right away kind of going into some fundamental checking of dropping those down or activate your lats to pull them down.

But I don't want us to start out with so much tension in the body, you know, so if you're, if your shoulders are up a little then to acknowledge that, but I do want us to start focusing on the breath, the breathing, and the nice fullness that we create when we inhale through the, through the lungs. So let's just go ahead and start. You can go on your own timing as I kinda talk through and when you're taking the inhalations, we're trying to also keep the head in the chest dropping forward. Oftentimes when we take a breath from this position, the head may want to start lifting up. So I'm going to just kind of encourage a little bit with my hands on a few of you. It is much breath expansion really through the back of the ribs as possible as you can get.

Yeah, there you go. And of course the excalation then those deep abdominals to contract back and in inhale wide and the exhale. So you're stretching out this lumbar, lower thoracic area and again, inhale, full breath and the exhale was it from working out? Okay, that's your fault. [inaudible] heel. Nice big breath in. So if you could do this and walk around the room like I'm walking to watch other people's bodies move, you'd be able to see. What we're seeing is this beautiful billowing of the rib cage is widening and on the exhale, little bit of narrowing with the contraction of your abs.

Okay. [inaudible]. She disappears behind the screen and reappears with a man. I'm in a bit of a goofy mood. I will try to contain my myself. I'm a little in a goofy mood. I almost wore Halloween costume, so if that gives you any indication of one more nice big breath in and we'll get you acclimated. And then everybody, let's go ahead and roll back now. Nice bone by bone.

You can use your hands along the sides of your legs if you need to. Just look down to your pelvis, making sure you see that hip, pubic bone. And then let's take our heels in toward the sitz bones. Pressing back of the arms down nice and flat. Let's start with some articulation of the spine. So again, a nice full breath to start. The exhale is the abdominals, the lower glutes, the hamstrings.

If you're not feeling ready to go all the way up onto the top of the shoulders of the base of the shoulders, you can stop where you need to. All right, hold there in an inhale. Exhale as you rolled out. So again, this is still into the warmup of what we're doing. We want the articulation that is really governed by the abdominals, so go into those abs, take a breath, and exhale, contract and pool. Try to not pull with the neck. Remember, this is really about the center of the body. The neck is not needing to activate. It needs to get long. It doesn't need to get short to take a breath and exhale, rolling down.

Nice sense of stretch in the spine. Find that level position. Take a breath in and exhale and articulate. That's right. And then again, that feeling of the hips reaching out toward the knees. Good. Inhale, hold, exhale, articulate. Roll down. You're still reaching the hips toward the knees, knees out over the second and third toes. Take a nice breath in and again, let's see the articulation. Start from the tail.

Nice flap. Take off, ramp position. Knees are still about hip with the park. Read in there. Exhale and rolling down. One more time. Take a good breath in and exhale. Rolling up. Okay, I'm going to have a stay here on the bridge position. Feel free to come down a couple of vertebral.

If your back starts to get too engaged or you don't like that work feeling in there, we're going to take her arms up, arms, shoulder with the part. We're going to dig some open and closed. Inhale as you open the arms, but not all the way to the floor. Sense the reach out and then the exhale contract and bring the arms up. Inhale and open. Exhale, close. Inhale, open, and the inner thighs are active.

Two more times. Inhale, you've got a little more tilt action in your pelvis or your back isn't hindering. Okay, one more. We're now we're going to open. I want you to keep your arms there suspended above the floor, roll down your spine. Keep reaching your arms long and a wide away from your chest, finding that pelvis all the way down in level and then we'll walk our feet and ankles together. Interlace the hands behind the back of your head and neck. Lift the elbows above the mat just so you can see them out into the corners of your eyes. We're going to do a little bit of abdominal work. Take a breath, exhale. Let's curl the chest. We'll do five. Each time you're curling up, you're seeing that good level position of your hips X and inhale again. Start it with the belly. Then they hadn't chest follow so that exhale slightly proceeds your movement and lower. Let's take our last when you're going to stay looking forward.

So everybody with your eyes looking right out at your knees rather than up. Of course, that's going to stress that neck. Let's to add some single leg lifts on the exhale, right leg. Ah, inhale lower without dropping the chest. Exhale left. It's an opportunity to really check in on your level pelvis.

If you do start feeling your neck, you may not be high enough up off the tips of the shoulder blades. All right, keep going. Next sale. So I might suggest each time you lift your leg you try to squeeze a tiny bit more in there to curl higher. Heh, last one on the right. [inaudible] last one on the left and inhale both feet down. Let's roll the head back down and pause just for a moment. Take a breath, exhale, curl back up. On the exhale. I'm going to take both legs at the same time. So once again, get a little higher above the mat. Exhale both sides. One inhale, lower down, gentle touch with the toes.

[inaudible] so if you feel on the way down with your feet that you go into a arched back there, keep going. You don't even need to low your feet. You can kind of think about lowering them. I'll show a couple of those, but if you're feeling okay, you can get the feet all the way down to the mat. Exhale. So again, we really want to contract that, that deep low abdomen, you're trans versus working. That stabilizes your back two more times. Inhale, curl high. Let's get up there. Go, go, go. Exhale, curl. Inhale and exhale both legs and inhale, lower back down. Let's go ahead and take her chest down for a minute.

Little variation coming up, breathe in, and we go. Exhale, curl up. We've done this one before. I've, it's been a while for me giving it to you hands around the back of the legs. This kind of nice cause you get to use your arms, walk your hands up, you're going for the back of the knees if possible. We're pretty high up off of the shoulder blades. Ben, your elbows out to the sides. That usually helps to let the upper traps drop down. Okay, so do you all agree that we're in a pelvic tilt? Your pelvis went into a tuck, so we've done this before. What we want to establish is the upper body position, the torso position, but take the pelvis and level it back out into that triangle.

So is you reach your spine out towards your feet. The temptation is the chest is going to want to also drop down and getting flat. That could trigger your neck. So we wanted to keep that established. Okay. Let's take an inhale to flatten the pelvis or elongate. Exhale as you retail [inaudible] we'll do a total of five. Finding that stretch.

It might be little exhale curl. Then those elbows out, pull those lats down. Exhale, contract and crural getting that tilt of the pelvis, getting a flat or back. Inhale and exhale, contract almost there any lengthen. Exhale, contract. Pull up. Now from here, everybody, just relax everything down and pause. Okay, one more little warm warmup or yeah, RET left hand behind your head, right arm is long by your side. We've also done this variation recently. Taken breath. Exhale, chest lift. The right arm stretches long. We're going to start warming up in the obliques now, so the right arm is going to float left or a lifting to the height of your right leg. Now rotate toward the right.

The arm is also going to rotate, so you're kind of reaching out on your diagonal right now. As you take the other arm and reach on that same diagonal again, we don't want to drop back. I want you extra to reach out and up a little bit more. Staying on the rotation. Take your hands back behind the head. Stay in the rotation. Then face forward all the way back to the other side.

How are we doing? Left arm long. Take a breath. Stabilize those ribs. Here we go. Exhale, curl up. Just the arm lifts to the height of the left knee. Now right arm reaches. I think I did a little extra twist there, didn't I? And that's okay. So as you're reaching in both the diagonal, go a little higher.

Now let's take our arms up back behind the head. Center yourself and head back down. Once again, each side, right arm long, take a breath, we'll get it. Exhale, reach. Yeah, rotate first. [inaudible] then the second arm joins in. Stay lifted. Lift and arms back open toward the front. Inhale.

Exhale. Chest goes down. Last one, left arm long. Exhale, curl up. [inaudible] float the left arm. Rotate first. That was my fault on the other side. All right. Now the second arm reaches go a little higher as you take the hands back behind the head. Inhale, come to face front and exhale. Let's rest all the way down.

All right, everybody. Arms down by your sides for a second. On the exhale. I know classes done. That's all we've done. Let's take one leg than the other. Okay, the hundred I'm going to do a little different focus with it. So on your exhale, find your position. We're going to lift the head and chest, take your legs out on your diagonal, and I want everyone to do palms face up right now. Okay? And we're all, we're not going to move the legs. I want us to inhale for five counts. Raise your arms. Exhale, turn and press down.

We have to pretend number. We're counting. One, two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five and five. Sure. If you need to keep going. So what I want you to do with the arm movement, reach out out of your shoulder, down your arm, out into space here through those fingertips. Taken some space and press it down to the mat. Keep going. If you want to go lower with your legs, you can. Not too high with arms, just about knee high. Thrilly three more. Press it, press, press, press, press.

Those are your lats as well as your chest. Two more good you guys last time. And then on your exhale, press down. Let's bring the knees in and arrest. Okay. Turn your head side to side. Alrighty. So from the reformer we can do a couple of exercises we can do every now and again. Intermix those in the mat work. Uh, if you know some reformer work, the coordination and we're going to do it now so you can bring the knees to table. There are a couple of variations of um, out in the world of either starting with the arms up or elbows bent. I'm an elbows bent teacher, so we've got an elbows tucked in for straight up to the ceiling level hips.

We're going to take that exhale actually to come up to a hundred position. Okay, so take a check on your pelvis, your flat, just the legs are going to go open close. Now bring your knees in. Just bend your elbows. I'm not going to have us go ahead down so it's oppressed. Open close knees first, elbow second, lengthen, open close. And when you do the open-close, it's precise. Open, close, exact about the width of the mat. Open close in, in two more times. Ah, last one. Inn and down.

All right, now we can go to roll up. Extend your legs down. Stretch your arms back. Here we go. Arms and in chest. Curl yourselves up today. I want us to stop with our shoulder girdle right above the pelvic girdle. Head above your shoulders in the C curve.

Just don't stay right there for a second. Yeah, take a breath now. Rolling back. Pull from the low abs. Roll yourself back. Think about stretching those upper trapezius muscles down your shoulders. All right, rolling back. Try not to, let me pull your legs apart and get arms head and chest rolling up. So we're going to do a little longer neck there. There it is.

Breathe in and exhale. Rolling back. Yeah, I had duct bone by bone. Try not to let me pull you apart. That's it. Arms back. Here we go again. Arms, head, chest. So the stopping position is a little different this morning than I sometimes will teach. So rather than going so far forward for the stretch, keep your head above your shoulders more. See curve in your lumbar. Breathe in and exhale coming back.

There you go. Nice Amanda. One more time. Everybody and we treat, reach, reach, reach. So head up a little bit more. Sarah above you have pull your see curve a little more dynamically. Easy in your lats and shoulders. Take that's it. And roll back, check, check, check. Nicely done. Okay. Let's go for rollover you and for rollover this morning.

Wait, let's do it. So I think we'll probably want to, I know one person may ever deliver. So with rollover, and I don't do it every Friday it's a little more advanced. Uh, for some things, don't look my way. Whatever you try to stay tuned into the voice when we're doing a rollover and you'd start to turn your head toward the teacher, you know, not so healthy. You're taking your body, your body weight is up over your upper spine. And if you turn that, it just not balanced, you know, the weight. It's just not good to take that. So it's a challenge also to, to stay just with your auditory skills. I think so.

Let's start legs to the ceiling. You could do a leg, a leg up. It's okay to bend your knees. I last night I taught Matt and I had everybody just bend their knees. They actually got more AB work out of it cause they weren't fighting with her quadriceps. So it's up to you look straight up and your arms are long, your shoulders are open. We start here breathing first we want to lift our hips, then our legs and our spine. I should say spine, legs rollover. All right, we're not on her neck. Don't look my way. But if you could, you could easily turn your head, but don't do it. Inhale, flex your feet and open them. Now start your roll down. Cause if you're leaving your heels back on the wall behind, you got nice open shoulders. They're stable across the front.

You get a little outward circle. Legs come together back up to 90 inhale first as the hips. Yup. Then the spine follows your curve. Long fingers. Flex the feet. Inhale open. Right? Rolling down. So it is, if you're leaving your feet my way, yeah, you go, good lakes come together right above the pelvis.

Take your breath in. Exhale. Think of lifting your hips first. Then the spine goes into a role that's better to you. Flex the feed. Hard flex. Inhale, let them open. They're only about the width of your shoulders. Flex the heels roll down at check in that you're not grabbing the mat with your fingers.

Okay, and we actually did a rollover last, didn't we? We did. Let's do the reverse. So the reverse, you start with your legs, hip with the part. All right, your feet are pointed. Now when you roll over from there, same thing. You want your hips to go up first. Ready and hips there, and then roll your spine. You've got the feed flex. Pull the heels in together. Start rolling your spine down. Since some extension or length through the top of your head.

Bone by bone, legs are separated. Hipbone with take a breath. Exhale and up and over. Flex pulling the heels in together. Breathe in here. Rolling down. Do your best to keep your chest open. [inaudible].

Here we are. And one last time. Legs go separated. Exhale, contract your belly. Lift your hips, roll up and over. Flex the feed and we'll pull in Brene and let's roll back down. [inaudible] now once you've gotten down, just hold that position for a moment. You can relax your feet. Just allow the weight of your legs.

Even if your knees are bent, it's fine to drop into those hip joints. Feel your pelvis really anchored, right, nice and and anchored their ribs anchored. And then let's go ahead and just take both legs down to the mat for a second. I haven't done our bicycle for a while. This is definitely from Pat Guyton. I have to compliment her cause she's how I learned it. Um, we've done bicycle before, but right now it's, you get to pretend for a second that, and this is not a mat and you're not in a studio.

You might be on the sand on the beach somewhere. And if you drag your heel, I'm going to have us start with our right heel. Your legs are parallel pull, push that heel into the mat. You know, and I know it's probably gonna bounce a little bit, but you're dragging to fire the muscles in the back of the leg. You're not just limp, you're active back there. Pull it pretty close to your sitz bone. Now you're moving from your hip joint. The leg goes up just 90 degrees above your hip.

The leg goes out as that one's going out. We want to start the other one dragging in. So here's some coordination. One has to start pulling as the other one is stretched and it goes up as it's going down the other one. So now we can give it some breath. Inhale. Exhale all for one. [inaudible] drag and reach.

Drag with the heel and reach. Let me take a look. You making contact is best you can. That's fine. Good. Annie, that math moving. Dig in there. That's okay. Let your maps move. Oh good. That's it. Does it help to think about the mat? Like sand? I dunno, you guys are doing well, whatever.

I'm also seeing some nice work in your upper that you're not letting those ribs open up. Okay, one more. Each leg. Last one. And I think you should probably have what? Your left leg up. Let's have our left leg up. We're gonna go to leg circles. Cross it to the right. Inhale, circle around and lift. And so I want you to concentrate on those steady hips because you have them.

Even if you have to make your circle small though is five now the other way. Beautiful. How has that, the other leg is the other leg stretching long. It is four and high. Now hold the leg. Put your hands behind that fi curl up into a chest lift. Yeah. All right. And I'm just pressing on leg to get that hamstring more active down.

Leg down. Right? And if I could, I would do this for everybody. I'd pull on you. You'd also be doing that with your other cysts. Bone. Yeah, I'd be following out this way and reaching down towards this foot. So your hips are level. Now increase your hamstring stretch by putting your hands higher up. You're a calf if you like that, and or taking your leg more toward you.

If your leg goes more toward you, your pelvis doesn't come along though. It's just your leg. All right, hold. Now we're going to keep the leg right where it is. I want you to roll your head and chest back. Get ready for the stretch. Now when you get back there, ideally we want those shoulders to peel open so we wouldn't have our shoulders forward holding that leg right? All right. Now can you let go?

What's going to hold your leg up? Not your, not your quadriceps. Hopefully. See like if you had string inside your abs holding your leg there. Okay. Post the leg toward your chest. It's a little string inside. Is that a muscles at tug? Tug. Tug. Beautiful. Michelle. Yep.

And the other leg long on the mat and four, three, two, one. Simply lower your leg down. Alright, other sites, bicycle leg comes up. You're anchored. We're ready to go to the circle. You have steady pelvises feel for that. Even if you have to minimize your circle. This is five reverse now pulling the back of that hip more into the mat and three sure before and five here comes the stretch. Hands back on the thigh. Curl up. Okay. This back leg here, back at the leg, pressing out the other leg long and away. So great opportunity.

Looking right at your pelvis, make it level increase your hamstring stretch. You don't need to move your hands up to get the stretch deeper, but you can if you'd like to. Most of you want to. It's a real fight. You know, if you get that, like really pulling in, sometimes they'll get that pelvis that's way up there. So, all right, so finding that placement. Let's take the head and chest back down. Peel those shoulders open. All right, holding your leg up with your core ready pulse the leg. Sure that's the tempo.

Eight seven other leg is long and four, three, two and one and lower your leg down. Okay. Bring your knees in and hug for a second. So let me have you guys come up and let's go to openly rocker. I'm going to bypass the ball. You're pretty stretched I think from that. So we're I think, primed and ready to roll for the open leg rocker and we'll do a couple versions of it. So have your hands on the back of the ankles or back of the calves.

And again, you're finding, you're trying to get yourself situated in that perched position on the back of your tailbone. Look straight ahead. Shoulders are open. Lengthen your legs out to your V. worked for straight arms without locking the elbows out. Okay. And just hang out there. Find your balance. We want space in our body. We want space from our waist. Ribs to hip.

Yup. Rolling back. Inhale, take your pelvis and tuck under. Roll to your shoulder blades. Exhale, come up. Now. Seek that same calm balance and roll back just to shoulder blades. Roll up. You lift space from ribs to hips. Not forward, but up. And exhale.

Two more. Look straight ahead. So when you initiate your roll back, stay looking forward. Guys, the initiation is underneath you. Yeah, your tail, not your head. Try one more. That's better. Rest for a moment.

So this is another Pat Guyton. Pat Guyton is our, one of our teachers, our master teacher from Boulder. And uh, she gave us openly rocker last year and a workshop. Um, you remember it. Oh, she's clever. This is another way to open like rocker you. We don't always have to be split this way. It's kind of tricky, so let's try it. What I have found with this is this bottom leg gets a little lazy and kind of wants to drop, so a lot of effort has to be on that side of the abdomen to keep it elevated. All right, let's go ahead and try. So hands on right ankle.

We're going to, I'll tell you when you roll back, you're just going to keep holding onto the leg when you're back over your shoulders. We'll come back up here and then we'll switch at the top. Okay. Play with this. How fun. It's something new. Probably rollback is a little wonky. Woo woo and change roll back. It may demonstrate to you if you have a more dominant abdominal side or, let me see more familiar connection to one side of you. Right.

When I have my, this is personal for me. When I have my left leg up and I rolled backward, it doesn't feel, I'm not as familiar with my abs on that side. I like the feeling of that though. I'm gonna repeat my left side just a couple of times. So whatever side felt maybe less connected for you, do a few more with that leg towards you.

[inaudible] good. Tia, let's take one more as a group. Yep. And that could happen or all back and up MOS. Bring our knees and arrest for a second. Kind of weird. Yeah. Yeah. And that darn I should've said yes. That ideally this angle would stay in relationship rather than increased perhaps. Yeah. Thanks for asking. I should have been. Okay.

Let's do some spine twist. Give you some more of various positions. You could do this diamond position. Always good. You could do long sit with feet pointed. Maybe just those two. Okay. I'm gonna go long sit and let's start with our arms forward and actually palms face up. All right, so grab the feeling of squeezing your butt together.

Your pelvic floor lifted inner thighs are from, not a arch low back, but a flat low back. Let's take a breath there. I'm going to have this rotate to our right and open the chest. Open that Palm up. You can look toward the Palm or just look out into space. So getting to rotation, it's not the arms that help us twist anyway, it's our trunk. So if you activate your trunk muscles to rotate farther to the right, you probably will feel a little obliques, but also the relationship into your back. Okay, let's just check in on the other side and you know how I do it?

I usually do a check in and then we'll go for the flow. And your hips are level one leg hasn't pulled back. One leg has an advanced forward. A lot of this is working some of the lower back and the lats, believe it or not, to help you rotate. Okay, so we come forward. Let's take a breath and center. We'll double pulse to the side.

Can you grow taller when you come forward? Grow taller in your twist. Nice. Elizabeth, lift their exhale and pulse. Pulse. Let's take four more. Really seek for level hips. Your ankles don't slide against each other. Last one, right and last one left center. Hold this position for a moment. Feel free to diamond. Sarah. If you'd like to run in a circle, the arms think of, well maybe the pinky finger being a little higher than your others.

Other direction. Here we go in. We want to lift the waist. Good Ellen. Good. Four and three, two and last one. You're going to love it and hate it. Open out to the side. Same thing. And like you've got small magic circles on your wrist or little hula hoops.

Lyft and Lyft and Lyft. Other way reaching out in this space. [inaudible] four, three, two. Oh my gosh. And register can't come on down, miss for a second there. Good. Take some deep breaths. Breath breaths and roll your wrists around while you're down there. We're going to end a little bit of back support right now and back support.

Wow. This could be fun to try. Sorry. Her arms are sore. Great. Oh well that's good. So instead of having straight legs for the first couple of repetitions, which is more of the classical, uh, back support, let's bend the knees. We've done this before with this class. And your fingertips will be facing in or to the sides for this one.

Yeah. Good choice there to the sides actually for a lot of people may feel better in getting that shoulder wrapped open. Um, so you can play with that. Maybe even try the first one there. So here we are. We're in a supported position. Check in. You want your knees hip on with not open, not knocked.

We're going to bare weight. I'm actually going to go back to the traditional place and when we start putting weight back on our wrist, I want you first to start with the curl of the pelvis. So we did a little warmup where we did a curl and a release, right? We're going to, that'll come back in this exercise. So right now let's curl it, scoop the low belly and continue to curl your pelvis under as you're bearing more weight on your hands. Good. And we want to keep going. I love, this is fine where my pelvis is, but I'm not really extending my hips as much as I could.

I really need my hips to get open up there. Okay, keep going. So that there's a flat, a flatter line across this. So guess what? The bus has to work. Push those hips up. The hamstrings have to work. Your back extensors have to work. Can you get higher? Yes you can. Okay. Now when we start rolling backward, keep going.

Start to round into your spine. C curve includes your sternum. Yup. And imagine that your pelvis is actually going to land back between your wrists so you have to pull yourself back to sit down. We'll get it. Alright, I'll do it now instead of kind of walking around, take your breath and here we go. You curl. Strengthening our arms, strengthening our posterior, our butt, our hamstrings, our back. Look straight ahead.

I would oppose looking down that way. All right. Now as we start coming down curl thing, rolling like a ball in a little way in your spine, I'm going to think, okay, can my pelvis get back toward my hands? How am I going to get there? I've got to extend my tailbone back to lift my chest up. Make sense? One more. Here we go. And curl bearing weight into those arms.

My arms aren't locking, shoulders are working, feet are flat. Thinking of stretching my knees out over my toes, getting my glutes working, getting my back working. I'm trying to lift a little more while we're up. Let's just do a little butt pulse. Four, three, two and start coming down round. Ah, you're thinking of taking your tailbone back towards your hands.

Lift your sternum up in the front and we'll come off of our risks. I don't think we need any more than that. You okay? Shake this now. Face me now let's go on to are your right elbow? Yeah, let's start up on the elbow today. Take your hand and just take a flat. I'm gonna have you bend your bottom knee, but take your top leg long, reaching out from your hip.

We're going to do our front kicking back kick from here. Sometimes with the bottom leg bent, you have a little more balance of stability. You might be able to have a tiny bit more support here. Okay, so we've got that nice diagonal line. Let's take the other hand behind her head and lift that elbow tall. So nice flex foot. Let's breathe into prepare. Exhale forward for two pulse, pulse. And just the stretch back.

So I want you to increase your flexibility safely. So when you're bringing your leg forward, really give it a kick. There's some schools that teach kick your nose, kick, kick your forehead. I don't know if I need that so much, but you know, increase this range. There we go.

There's a lot going on in the body. Good you guys and stretch. There's a lift here. Two more. And last one. Okay. Now we're going to add a little something. When you kick your leg forward, I want us to lift up off of this hip. Inhale, just swing back, exhale and just swing. Just easy so that I'm putting a little, keep going.

A little bit of pressure down on this leg and back, but I'm asking more of these lifters, these guys here to lift these oblique and no lats in that side of the bod. Okay, a couple more times. Okay. Lift and lower and last one, lift. Good and lower. Okay. Take the bottom leg and LinkedIn it down. So I'm going to have you have both feet flat or flexed. All right, and let's take this hand down by the hip.

We're going to switch a lift up onto the side plank. So take that good breath in. Open up both shoulders and exhale, and let's just hold with the top arm over the ear. Try to lift more this underside. Good. This side gets you more up on the bridge side of the the ankle. Do you guys need to come down? Yeah, let's come down for a quick breath. Okay, an exhale.

[inaudible] some find some stillness. This is hard. This is building a lot of muscle in the shoulder, girl or women. This is some good stuff. Okay. Plenty though. Let's come all the way down. Let's go for a mermaid stretch real quick to stretch off that lap. So tuck your feet in hand on your ankles.

Let's take the other arm here right by your shoulder and we reach up. Tall. Nice breath there. So on the side bend, it's lengthening this side as well. Of course, this one's getting more stretch, so you're going in an upward diagonal rather than a low diagonal. If we were in a nice narrow hallway, our shoulders would be level. We wouldn't have the one forward. I'm going to add something if you guys don't mind holding that or forearm to help.

Maybe get more. Stretch up. Feel better. Yeah. I wonder what that is. Don't you don't need to answer but Oh, find some space. All right. That's plenty. Let's do the other side. Woo.

Bottom Lake bent. Top leg is long or bottom hand is flat. Shoulders are open. We've got a good checklist. This is nice and engaged. All right, got a nice flat line. Let's take a thank you. Inhale, exhale, double kick. And so when the leg comes behind us, you can, you don't have to turn it out so much. You want, you could think angst, almost turning it in a little bit when it's back to squeeze that buns, that set of buttons. Inhale, reach was a nice, good correction on the lift of this upper arm feeling control in the kick. Let's take one more like this and then we're going to add just the lift of the hip so it's a little slower.

Let's start lift and it's up in here. Lower with control. Stretch the leg. Exhale, lift. I'm not putting too much pressure on the downward knee. Trying to activate more this underneath side to help lift. Good. It's kind of a preparation for the side plank and some other things.

Side bend, twist two more times, and exhale. Nice work you guys and down. And then we'll stretch the legs out. Feet flexed, really stack them side by side. Shoulders open. Here we go. And exhale. Be careful on your shoulders. Those of you who know you, don't keep going. You don't have to go all the way up off the hip to get benefit.

You could really stay here nice and flat. Always don't. Notion work arounds. Okay, there we go. Let's come all the way down. Gently lower the hip. We'll go for one more. Take a quick inhale. Keep your breath going. Exhale, find some stillness. Let's do three together and exhale. Let's come down. Good, good, good, good. Oh, mermaid.

Pardon me. Dare I forget the followup. Stretch to that. Okay. Arm up. Nice breath, and then the side bend again. Remember and over [inaudible] go right away helping out. So it's an interesting exercise and yeah, not easy for him. You could always do it. Cross legged or diamond position. Just going into your side bend. We're kind of Ruby in this group this morning, so let's bring those ribs back in. It feels better anyway.

Find some space. Two more breaths. Get a little longer. One more. Okay. So let's go down face down, heads into each other. You can stack your hands and just put your head down. [inaudible] Andy long get your lumbar play. Some, a little extra weight on your pubic bone. Hip bones.

Think about your upper trapezius across your neck. No tension. Okay, so in effort to work the hamstrings and glutes a little more, uh, let's go ahead and raise the both legs up just a couple of inches. And I'm up watching cause I just need to check in on a couple of things. So, uh, you can't tell like I can often the knee is not quite stretched to its potential. So think about good right behind those knees. Can they lengthen? It's not a locking, it's a LinkedIn. It really starts from the hip. I'm saying knee, but I should probably say hip.

Yeah. Alright, now take your right leg and you're gonna. I'm gonna make you have you do little circles with the leg 10 times one direction. All right. And then 10 the other way. So that leg is going to just do a little pull in, up around, pull in, up around and three. And I want you to think every time you were coming in the midline, your heels actually brush and six good up seven and eight and nine and 10 other directions. Same leg one. So as you're working this small circle, I get a chance to see if your pelvises are dancing on the mat.

We love to have that flatness, real level, hip, hip, pubic, bone seven. I think it is eight, nine and 10 that leg stays up but still other leg begins and one, two. I'm right here so I won't freak you out. Think more posterior tilt if you can. Yeah, right. In efforts to keep more length coming here. Yup. Eight, nine and reverse. Other way for 10 and one. So your hip is stretched your leg as long as four and five. Got Michelle. Six, seven, eight, nine and 10. Lift in both. Now turn them out.

He'll beat sand fast. Fast, fast, fast. Good. Sarah. Eight, seven, six, five. Are you breathing? Three, two, one. Let's rest. Good. You guys. Okay. Come back into a cat position up on your hands again. Hands right below your shoulders or under arms, knees, right below your hip joints. And then go ahead and take a nice roundness C curve. Really thinking of pulling up pubic bone toward the forehead.

Head between the arms. Oh, lots of stretch in the lower back. Lots of Archway here. Now let's take the spine the other direction and stretch your tail back and okay. Uh, no. As you're in that position, can you still work your shoulder blades down your back and stability in the ribs so you haven't just let those drop into a big arch. There's still a rib hip connection slightly. Okay, one more of each exhale round. I have a memory that sometimes comes up when I use it.

Probably I probably was four or five years old. Taking an exercise class with my mom at the Y and I remember crawling underneath her. Not weird. Must've had a lot of fun. It's a memory that comes up occasionally and then the other direction into your flat back. So flat with the little extension. Do work, the feeling of pulling your chest more forward and up, upper back extension. We're going to use that as a prep for saw us won with a little dive to it. Okay, so let's go ahead and just take the chest down.

Legs extended, long. Your hands can be just where they were and let's take a nice breath in. Exhale, start to lift the chest. I'm going to have you press all the way through your arms. Look forward. We're plenty warm to do a little dive in a catch. So when you, when you let go, let the hands go fly either out to the side or forward. Kick your legs up, but pull your hands under really quick dive. Pull in, pull your hands in so you catch. Yeah. Okay. Couple more. Some of you can go without.

You can go full dive full dive up. Keep going. Michelle and up. That's it. So it's back extensors, hamstrings, back extensors. We're all going to be able to do this someday in the near future. She's going to do one more for us up. Oh well thank you. Come on back now. Make a rest pose.

We're ready to try that. Some of you, I don't usually offer it on Friday. I just, I have a stopped with the catch cause it's, it feels a little safer. It's still a tremendous amount of work but it feels a little safer. But a couple of you should probably start playing with that. Yeah, I think. I think it's a great way to then kind of connect all the dots of okay. The flow in the back and the hamstring relationship without having to stop.

All right, how are we doing? Can we do one more prone? The um, AA kick to open up the chest a little more and shoulders. So let's come down. We'll just do six of them guys. Turn to your right cheek is down on the mat. Okay. And hands are either layered or stacked in there. The small of the back yard just side by side. Alrighty.

And we really do want our elbows to be on the mat. So if you have to release your hands in order for your elbows to touch, that's what you should do. You don't want to force your hands there and have your elbows up. That's going to shrug your shoulders. Okay, so hamstrings are still engaged. Your legs are all still lifted. Wow.

Her pelvis doesn't bounce off the mat and we take a breath, pull the heels in for three kicks. We have a one, two and a three lift. Now I want you to stay in your lift. I'm going to try to do this to a couple of you and won't be able to make it around the entire room. But you know, yeah, this is a supported back extension. She's got a lot of back then. So I went to her first other side, add one, two, three. Here we go. And we lift. I won't do as much as you cause I know I shouldn't and other side.

And we have a one, two and a three. So the reach of the arms lift from your mid back, open up that chest. You guys can keep going if you want to. I'm off the timing. Whew. There. I'm going to do it again for you, Steph. And again, one, two, three. I like to think the mid back is where to focus the strength of the lift from open up that heart lift, lift, lift, lift.

That's where you're going to go for Swan dive. SOC kind of has a relationship to the salon. Di hold on Samantha. Yep. Fuel. Okay, one more time and up, up, up. Visualize that. That would be your Swan. Dive. That high.

You can do it. We have it in there. We just have to find it more and more. More squeeze. Squeeze. So they flip lift and down. Okay. Uh, let's go here. Tuck-in and done this for a few weeks. So as you're straightening your legs to the best of ability, you know, uh, it is fine, fine, fine, and very good. In fact, to have your hands forward to help you can rest a little weight on them. Because what I'd like us to do is unweight the heels ever so slightly.

Well, now's your unweighted lot of scoop in the belly again so the stomach isn't near the thighs. It's actually pulled up and away from the thighs. Right? Very nice. Now inhale and lift your heels higher off of the floor. You're getting that relevant today. Now as you exhale to lower your heels, almost lift more through the belly to lower your heels. And we'll do that four more times. Inhale, and we lift. There you go.

So when you take your heels down, your abs stay suspended up in there. You try to seek a bit more of a lumbar flection and he heels down. See grim to heels there. A couple more. I probably said that four times, right? [inaudible] Oh, I have to do it. You with that with you too. You have, you do some pushups.

One set. Roll yourselves up. This is a class of women. The dudes aren't here today, so we can do them anyway. So as you start from the back of your mat, we'll go only up to five or if someone might want to go to tan I guess, but arms up to the ceiling and right next to your ears. Tuck those ribs back. There you go, Steph. Inhale, exhale. Let's roll it down. So when we do our pushups, there are alternatives.

You can stay in a front support. We haven't even been into a full front support yet today. So that might be your choice. Just to just hold that. If you are going for the full pushups, let your weight shift forward. Yes, it's increasing your your wrist angle. Here we go. Three to five. One, two, three, four, five pelvis. Lift into that up stretch.

Let's walk our feet to our hands. Make a round back when you walk in. And then one more time. Everybody starts your roll up to standing. I want us to stop halfway or three quarters of the way. Soften those knees just through your arms in some circles for a moment. [inaudible] you've made it through another class. Circle your arms the other way.

[inaudible] let him kind of just acknowledge hell, acknowledge your accomplishments because you're all making changes. Every class, even though I don't see each of you every single week, some of you haven't seen for a while, but there's change going on. Acknowledge that. Acknowledge some of the areas where you still want to work and gain some, pay some progress. Okay. Go ahead and come a rolling up. Have a great weekend. Happy Halloween. Thank you.


I love the variations! Especially the twist with legs in a diamond, and the arms starting straight ahead of the body rather than out to the sides. Nice class!
Hi Courtney! Thank you for your feedback and comments.....much appreciated. I think it's important to show variations from time to time....we all need them! Plus, it allows for options! As we know, not everyone's body is equipped to do the traditional exercises, so knowing a few work-arounds or alternative postions may be exactly what someone needs to do the spinal mechanic correctly. Glad you enjoyed class. Hope to hear from you again!
I really enjoyed this class and the variations. I liked the alternative open leg rocker especially, thank you!
Thanks, that was great. Really enjoyed it.
Hi Cheryl.....thank you....glad you enjoyed class. Talk to you again soon.
Hi Amy... may I ask what the purpose of small arm circle ? Would you please explain it more how to do it correctly ? thanks a lot....
Hi Vivi, sure, the purpose of the small quick arm circles is really for some shoulder work, vigor and challange to do while sitting up straight! To do them correctly, stay foccused on open collar bones and press down on the shoulder blades, reach long through the arms and 'whisk' direction..then switch. Try it and let me know what you think. It's also nice to try on the Reformer at the end of the Stomach Massage Series! Tough to stay upright in that position :)
I like your flow, voice and articulated precise work. Very effective class on the days you aren't up for endless reps. Loved it.
Hi Jeff......thank you so much for the feedback. I really do appreciate it! Nice hearing from you!
omg... :) I love Amy's classes... This one is great...
Thanks Amy..
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