Class #309

Mat to Prepare for Marathons

55 min - Class
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Amy begins class with standing roll-downs that lead to walking out into front support. You'll continue to warm up with knees side-to-side as a preparation for Tick-Tock which will be seen again in a basic Corkscrew piece. Because a few of the students in the class were preparing for a marathon and half marathon, Amy made sure to include essential exercises to stimulate and prepare, but not overwork the body. Some of these essential exercises include the series of 5, a slightly modified Open Leg Rocker, Saw, and some hamstring stretches adapted from the Reformer's Climb a Tree. Prone hip extension and Swan, as well as thorough side lying pieces, round out the class which ends with deep quad stretches, lunges, and of course, Pilates Push-Ups. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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So let's start today with our, uh, actually a little bit of space between our feet, a couple inches between feet and ankles. If you can look down and really check in on the parallel, all 10 toes forward. And then let's just take a little bit of a, shifting the weight just slightly to the front of the feet and a nice breath. And we're going to start with some rolling down. So as you're exhaling, feeling the abdominal contraction, just a nice, easy rounding forward of your head and your shoulders and your spine. If it feels okay to get all the way down to the floor with your fingertips, that's okay. But let's do focus on staying forward a, the weight shifted forward of the ankle a little so you're not so heavy on the heels. All right, there we go. Take a nice inhale and then using the exhale from the low belly deep in and up toward the base of the ribs.

Continue to feel the weight shift shouldn't have dropped back. But if it did, move it forward. Let's go again. Take a breath and the exhale. So starting from those abdominals, just a nice easy curve. That's if you're going over a fence post maybe or rock or something here in front of you that you are hovered over letting that head hang. Take a good breath in now and the same thing pulling from the belly in and up. Just sense the shoulders nice and open at the top.

We'll probably do that two more times and another breath in and exhale. So getting out of this, what you need today since some of you are in a different place with you know, activities or what your work week has been like, et cetera. And inhale at the bottom. Exhale, rolling up. Keep breathing. I just changed location but I'll be right back and again, nice breath in and exhale, rolling down. Good.

And then this time I just want us to just to stay there, just stay there. You can soften your knees a little bit and just kind of feeling the weight of your body hanging forward a little more. All right. Okay. Let's go ahead and take a walk out onto your hands. So nice and carefully just walking out, getting some weight distribution through your hands and your feet, and we're trying to seek even weight so that all four points are taking the same amount of your body weight.

I would say bias the tailbone a little more under the sternum, of course. More out and forward. Okay. We'll do a little combination of the going up into the up stretch from here. So on your exhale, lifting the hips slowly letting your head come right between the arms, but head not any farther than that. So we don't wanna really jet that head through.

That really will straighten those cervical vertebra. Okay. Especially as we're warming up too. And if your heels didn't get there, maybe next time they will. Let's breathe. Exhale start to shift. So the body weight comes over the hands, the hips come down in level, broad chest, you are supporting your lower back with your abdomen. Inhale, and then the exhale, lift those hips up and feel nice connection to the shoulder girdle on the back, your lats drawing down towards your hips without flaring those ribs out. A couple of you that Rigo inhale. Gotcha. Exhale coming down. Okay. It'll probably be reminded a few more times.

Let's take another breath and again, exhale. So feeling that strength deep inside the body, finding how much you need to work to perform the exercises and not too much work for stress and strain. Okay. And again, exhale. Let's come back down [inaudible] and then from this position I just want you to put your knees down. Just carefully set the feet down and take a quick pass through that round back stretch. Okay. And I think we'll just move into all fours so you can open up the knees, bring your shoulders up over your wrist. This is for those of you who are feeling old, tighter, cross your lower backs.

We'll just do a little cat stretch. Now with cat, the way why I want to have a focus today to open it up is if you focus on your upper body, staying still and really just focusing on the deep lumbar flection. And if you're feeling really tight, that might not really move much, but the upper body not moving the exhale, deep contraction of your belly. So the chest stays open. Really. How much c curve can you put in your lower back? Okay. And then come back out into level or your evens fine and the exhale.

So see if you can not let the upper body curve but let the lower from the ribs down toward the pelvis and the tailbone. Lots of Lumbar fluxion and inhale coming out to level. Exhale again to lumbar flex and notice you can isolate really that deep connection. Pull your pubic bone forward towards your hands. You might be starting to feel your glutes can track somewhat.

That's a good thing. Inhale and send it back. Let's take two more exhale. Contract Hall. Have that belly in. I'm trying to feel that upper body staying elongated, but the lumbar coming into flection. There we go. Inhale back out too long. And then last time, exhale, curl. Now stay in that little lumbar flection and take your right hand.

Move it across the mat to your left hand. So both hands are kind of angled now to your left, your shoulder may have come also a little bit across to the left and just feel like you're, you're isolating a contraction maybe no in more of your oblique connection and you're going to get the right side of the waist working as well as the left side. So I've heard that question. Which side should be we feeling? Both sides. I feel my left a little more than my right at this point. All right, so three times. Let's just go ahead and lengthen the tailbone back on an inhale and exhale contract and pull it under so you're kind of waking up your left abdomen side.

Inhale, stretch it out and exhale is your contract and pulling it under there also might be a reflected stretch on the right. Lower back in. Anybody getting up a little? Yeah. Inhale stuff. You get in that at some a little, yeah. Okay. An exhale. So really deeply cruel. That side under hold easier around your neck and shoulders is to check there. All right, good. You guys.

So if you want to keep the contraction and that left side, organize your hands back out to center and then switch it over and you'll feel how that right abdomen probably just switched on a little bit. Work again to curl the tail under relatively even weight in the knees. So let's inhale, prepare, exhale, curl under just three times and inhale, send the pelvis back and exhale. So really that up with the spine to the ceiling under with the tail. Good Sam. Inhale out and last time, exhale and curl.

All right. And then level. Let's come back to a level position. And then I think we'll just go ahead and have a seat. Come on back down. Start with their hands behind the knees working more lumbar fluxion we'll do about four times before we roll all the way back. So get yourself nice and tall. Pull those elbows out so you can net sense of flaring your lats, opening up your back so that your spine actually has more room to roll through. And here we go. Exhale, contract through your glutes, let your low back make that c curve.

You're really thinking of hollowing in with the abdomen and as far as head position, you can actually just keep it forward right now or if your back is still feeling kind of icky or tighter, tight, you can lower your gaze. That actually might help your low back. A couple of you. All right, let's breathe and then on the exhale is come back up all the way to sitting tall. The elbows are out. Breathe and exhale, curl. Keeping that nice openness in the lower back. Again, finding how much work you need to do it, not extra, no stream. Breathe in. Exhale, endless pool. Forward, up to sitting tall again, an exhale. Inhale, pause, exhale, coming forward and up. Last one. Inhale, nice and tall. We're going to go all the way to the mat this time. Exhale this nice and slowly and I think because I have a pretty good crew here, I always do, but some days things are a little different in here.

Let's take our legs right up to tabletop is bring our arms right down by our sides. Reach more than you think you ever have. Retreats, retreat, reach. Let's take her legs on a diagonal in parallel. First we'll start our pumps in fives. Aye. Three little quicker. And exhale, three, four, five and four, three, four, five. And exhale. There we go.

Let's all externally rotate the legs. Okay. Pulling your chest up. Tips of the shoulder blades. Just tickling the mat. Now let's keep going with flexed feet. Push through the heels, get a pump, Barbara. Chin down a little bit. Krone. Head pulling to the ceiling. There you go. Nice Correction Weber.

Back to point. [inaudible] back to parallel. [inaudible] let's hold here. Arms only. Inhale and exhale. Arms down. We'll take it two more times. If you're not ready to take your arms too far back.

No where you're stopping place is, I feel okay to go by my ears today and then exhale down and let's just bring your knees to tabletop. Uh, I think I'm going to have you take your arms up. Keep your knees. Tabletop. We've done this the past couple of weeks I think as you'd open your arms, no to a t position. Do so, but not let them go all the way to the floor. So you have an if you need to stagger your arms. Yeah guys. Okay. So as you're holding your arms up off the floor, focusing on the reaching out and the weight on the back of the shoulders, we're going to take our knees side to side.

So without holding onto the floor you probably won't be able to go as far to the side. Let's take it to the left first on your inhale, not too far. Exhale as you come back to center it gradually, each one will allow you to go farther. I know that exhale as you come back into center, but really study that. How far can you go without that? Opposite shoulder lifting and moving. Take it to the right, very internal again over to the left in the second.

We're going to add to this with our legs straight. So just knowing as your weight shifting, do notice the hip is coming up off the mat but you don't lift your shoulder, right? One more each side and inhale, rotate and exhale center and last time in heel, rotate right and exhale center and then arms up to the ceiling. Heavy shoulder blades. That's return leg or the leg exchanges. So a little toad tap, exhale, and so you're opening the hip joint. Encourage yourself if you're feeling okay with this, to reach your leg a little farther forward on your mat. There you go.

Good Brittany. Keep going. Exhale, n Change X. Sail change could reach a little more. Annie, that's it. Reach a little more Elizabeth from your hip across map. There you go. Open, open. Four more and one, two, three, and four. Now let's bring both knees back up to tabletop. Take your arms way back over your head, alongside your ears. Again, check-ins. No, no arch of the back. We all know that. Oh, okay.

Take a breath on our exhale and want you to curl your arms around by the hips, up to your shinbones head and chest. Come up. Extend one leg forward. How bout the left one? Put your hands on that right shin and pull up higher. Let's go with the elbows out again. Here we go to change and one and two, add three, four, five, really long stretch from the hips. Seven, eight. Keep going. Hands behind the head and change and change.

And Shane's just for three. Then it's going to go to Chris Cross. Here we go. Annex, sail. Could you guys up off the shoulder blades up off the shoulder blades, twist, twist, eight more. Go a little farther and twist, twist. Really feel those obliques said four, three, two at our last one. Let's come back to center. Breathe and exhale. Just bring it down for a moment. Okay. Roll your, put your hands on the top of your knees and just roll the legs is kind of a fundamental knee. Stir around, loosening up your hip joints.

Just go the other way. Okay, so the uh, let's do this please. Your hands. We got my index finger together, my some together underneath your pelvis. It's kind of a little like a bookend or a little platform, um, plate for your sacrum and your pelvis. Okay. Now that could, we're going to do a little corkscrew, kinda tick-tock corkscrew. It could tempt your shoulders to peel forward. So we want to contrast that as we know and really anchor them back, um, without stress. So some of us that have tight chest, um, you know, my shoulders and chest are a little tight. Sometimes if I pushed too far back, I could let the release in the ribs happen or the shoulder might let me know.

That doesn't feel so fantastic. So I'm working just enough to keep it anchored. Okay? Now from here guys, engage the belly deep. No arch of the back. Lift the legs up to table and continue up to straight legs. Ideally they're perfectly straight, but if you've got a soft bend, that's fine. Really allow your tailbone to reach past your index fingers without popping the ribs.

So we're going to do a tip talk basically knees side to side with leg straight. So let's go to the left hip. So this is what I'm talking about. As you go to the left, go over to the left hip, take your right hip off of your right hand. All right, so, but your right shoulder hasn't lifted off the Mat, right? Then there we go. Exhale, come back to both hands over to the right weight shift and exhale, pull back. Inhale to the left. So it really is a hip lift. Exhale center. Let me take a look. Inhale, lift the hip off the other hand.

Good. Exhale center. Four more opposite. Shoulder anchor. Exhale, center to our right center. Good breathing to the left. Good lease. I see you way back there. And exhale, center, nice feet and to the right and center. Let's give our hip flexors a little rest. Okay. Just drop the legs for a moment. So what makes it the corkscrew is a, we're going to do just kind of the small version is making a circle, which we know. All right, so here we go. Legs are going back up, just six. So we'll do right and left alternating three times.

Let's go to where left. So it's an inhale on the reach. Now it's up to you how far you want to go down to the mat. If you're feeling it today and you want to go low, you've got to commit to no arch of the back. It would not be, you know, an advanced level. You could probably skim them out with your feet. Circle all the way round and weight that hip and exhale come center. Now the other way, inhale to the right.

It's still though the elongation out, out, out, away from the body. Exhale around and center. Inhale to your left so your lower half is doing quite a lot of movement through the waist and the spine. Shoulders are steady and open. Inhale to the right. Exhale, ribs down, ribs down, ribs down, around and up. Once again to the left. Inhale, [inaudible] you use that same x sale to bring you home last time to the right.

Okay, plenty. With your legs up, just go ahead and put them down. Let's stretch 'em out, shall we? The hip flexors, arms by your side, palms face up. Let's have our feet in line with our sits bones. Articulation in here we go. Curling up, pelvis, lower back, mid back. This should feel delightful across the hip flexors. I think. Talk more and if you're not feeling your quad, hip flexor stretch that you want personally cause we're all in a different place with their body and what we need. Go down your back a little to get more press through the back of the legs to open that up.

I think sometimes some of us go a little higher than we might need and we're not getting a stretch in the hip flexors. We're really feeling the back work of it, but we're cutting, not getting a full picture. Okay, just to kind of think about that. Now let's start rolling down. Lotta tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt will do a total of five. That was the first one. I won't talk as much. Take a breath. Exhale from the belly. Feel the back of the legs. Take it where you need to. Recognize that. Feel the strength with your inner thighs. Inhale, exhale, rolling down all the way to level. Reach that tailbone past its comfort zone. Inhale and exhale, contract.

Inhale at the top. Exhale, rolling down. Feel that sense of reaching your spine long underneath you. All right, and again. Ah, strength in the back of the legs. Inhale, exhale, rolling down. Inner thigh work, getting that bone by bone. Segmental movement last time, and exhale.

Inhale and exhale. Roll down. Okay. Now I'm going to just go into a little variation of something right now and bring your legs to tabletop and space between them. I won't promise with the ball, but you've got some space, but your hands at the back of the knees or thighs, somewhere in that line, open up your elbows and bring yourself to a chest lift. Okay? Um, yeah. Now if we start engaging the, the trunk and the abdominals, create a little rocking quality. Now we can do this without nodding the head, which we should do. No head nodding. Woo there. So it's a natural, you see what's happening? We're curling a little higher. This might be the, um, kind of warm up for open like rocker in a moment or hour version of rolling like a ball. Elbows out. When you roll backward, you're not looking backwards. You're not even looking up.

Still look inward towards your abdomen. For any of us that had a tighter, lower back, this is always a good way to kind of [inaudible]. I'm winded a little bit, couple more rocks and then all the way up to rest. Okay. Scoot your hips back. Let's stagger on the mat if we can. I'm gonna move us into spine twist, so I'm actually going to change. No, I'll keep it here. Take your arms out for a moment. Take your, make sure your palms are face down.

Now this is interesting because there's some of us who are ruby in here. Uh, it feels good in a way, but let's work together to really solidify that, that placement. And I want everybody to almost shift their weight on the back of the sitz bones for a second. And if you felt something switch on in your body, wonderful. If you didn't, that's okay too. All right. Now let's just play with something. Shift your weight to the front of your sits bones and just feel what's happening, if anything. And we'll shift back. Okay? So I want us all to stay right there. Let's extend our feet.

Look at your feet long ankles, long toes, not over tense and your toes. All right. Now Open your shoulders, open your arms, pull them back behind you as far as you can without thrusting the ribs. So our arms are separate bones. We know then our ribs, this is a whole unit of itself. The arms can move independently behind us. It's just take some stretch and give across the pecs and the deltoids. Good focus. So yeah, it'd be so much easier if we could let the ribs giveaway.

All right, but we don't want to give way now as we're there. Sit Taller. You're still kinda somewhat on the back of the sits bones. Lift up. How are we doing? Weird. Tired arms. Let's do a little movement for the arms. I'm going to have this kind of little slow pulses of exhale. Okay.

And yes, go ahead and let your shoulder blades come together in your back towards each other and contract your upper back and your mid back. Seven. We'll do three more. Eight, nine and last one 10 now. And heel rotate to your left. Exhale, reach to the pinky toe. And everybody today, just stay right there. Take your right ear, listen to your arm. That's not my cue. I will tell you about that in a minute, but puts your head in a rotation. I don't want you to worry about are we rounded back? Are we flat back?

Just listened to that arm and making sure your pinky fingers sliding past that pink Yuto right to the side of it. All right. Inhale up to the other side. Exhale and slice toward that pinky toe and just listen to that arm. Continue to draw into those abdominals. Just feel the differences of it today. Alright, toward the pinky toe.

Ready. Inhale up. Open your chest. Exhale, slide [inaudible]. Inhale and exhale around to the arm. Listen to the arm and again, look out into the room as your rotating. Go ahead, up and around. Really see your peripherals. See what's around you, who is next to you? What's around you. Inhale up, look, exhale and reach. Retreats, retreats. Beautiful. Guys. There you go. Annex Hillary. One more each direction.

Ah, [inaudible] and let's rest. Yeah, to do a little bit of this. Sorry, hip flexors. We'll stretch them out in a sec. Do you feel okay? I won't go into a long story. I had a wonderful workshop experience Wednesday with an elder in our Palladio's industry, and she did. There's just so many beautiful things. I won't go into it now, but one of them that we did solve very differently. We didn't have the flex feet, we had pointed feet, you know, and there's such a pattern and habit to flex and Oh, here we go.

Saw this felt really great to meet you. Just like not think about my feet. But that was her cue was listened to the arm instead of where am I looking with my head? Where does the head go? If you really just follow and listen, you're to sh you're to arm your heads where it needs to be. You know, she didn't really say s flat back didn't say go in affliction. It was reach and we, our bodies kind of took care of themselves and just some fun things to think about, I think. Okay, now let's come in for the real open leg rocker with the straight legs. All right. Hopefully this all stretched you out for this. Wow.

Wow. Appalling. Okay. So as we're holding on is find that balance point again on the back of the sits bones a little bit. Lift that sternum, but still try to hook your tailbone under. So we've got those two different things. Tale, understand them up. Now of course, pair legs are parallel when we roll back, we don't look up, we look more down. Here we go. Roll, pull into those abdominals. Now when you come forward, ease up on the arm pool, look straight out, but lift your heart a little bit. Now when you start rolling, it's because you're pulling in, you're really pulling in. That creates the role, not just a defaulted drop of your weight backward.

There's gotta be a reason why you rolled this in and up and the head shifts down. Yeah, and again, just continue to go. Good, Annie. There you go. So there's relationship with the head entail. When the tail curls, the head should also curl, not a collapse at the chin, not a head nod. And Jeanie move a couple more times.

And then as you're coming forward and up on that tail, art sits bones, the t, the top of the head should be long. One more time. Good. Soche come up and find your balance. Good. And then let's close the legs for a second. All right. What I want us to do is just keep the left leg up, your right leg all the way to the mat. Now here we are, mo. A lot of us in this room do the reform or some reform or work.

The climate tree just kind of has a little resemblance of it, but I don't want us to be kind of half halfback on the pelvis. Go ahead and go up on top of your sitz bones again, which probably will lower your leg down and maybe not. We want some flexibility. So I'd love to see if you could keep your leg up higher, but definitely on top of those sitz bones and a flat back. Okay, how are we doing? Feeling some stretch. So there was a request for some flexibility work. Don't blame me, we're gonna post this leg just three times on it. Slow, exhale and bend.

The elbows can come closer to the body. Inhale lower. You're growing taller. Exhale, bend the elbows. Stomach is in. Inhaling down, growing taller. Last one guys, and pull. Hold it there. Now take that foot, make a circle with it. Three times. Slow. One around two. It's its best circle. It's ever done. Three and other way one, I was forget to not wear lotion on Fridays. Don't my hands are slipping this two and three now the real fun flex can you hold your one hand near your pinky toe side of your foot, the other hand, and your big toe joint so that the whole foot is flexed very evenly.

Reach through the heel. If you'd need a bend your knee, please do get up on your sitz bones. Pull those shoulder blades down. Enjoy the stretch. Ribs aren't fluting open. We've got control in the torso. That's going to be enough though. Let's bend your knee and just stretch that leg down and we'll lift the other one up.

You can interlace your hands if that makes it more secure. If you're filling slip or you can do one hand by each other. Either way, just get that leg nice and secure. Parallel up on the sits bones again, shoulders or where you know elbows are out, dominoes are in. Here we go. Bend the elbow, pull the leg closer, reach it away, grow taller and Ben and pull it closer. You guys beautiful and reach away. Last one they are pulling in. You're going to hold it there. And now look at that foot. Three circles. Big One, lots of range in your ankle.

Two and three other direction and circle one to notice what you feel. And three, hopefully a lot of yummy stuff and flex one, hand by toe, Pinky Toe, big toe joint flex. Even even bend across your med. Tarsals reached through that heal your stomach is in [inaudible] shoulders are down. [inaudible] alright and let's go ahead and rest that leg down. All right, move your hips forward. Do you feel your back? Yeah, come on down.

We are ready for scissor. All that stretching prepared as nicely. So like coming up. Let's take our hand behind our calf and elbows out. I think we're okay to take that bottom leg so that the heel touches really light on the map. Now again, not to get caught in the neck, use those abs. Curl up and look at that pelvis. Are you really flat?

Is the pubic bone and hip bone levels. We really want to get that. Okay, now take the double pull here and one to change one too. [inaudible] so we're controlling our torso. It's not arching. Our head is not dropping back. [inaudible] the leg is pulling to the floor. So there should be some activity in your hamstrings and your glutes to pull the leg down.

[inaudible] keep going. Hands behind the head and one we'll just do it 10 times and two, three, four. Keep reaching out. Bottom leg out. Try to touch each other and, and seven chest higher. Good. Sam Nine last one. Bring both knees in and rest yourself back. Very nice you guys. Same thing. Hands on your knees here and just do some easy circles of your femurs both directions. Good. Okay. Let's come and do some uh, side position. So I'm going to roll to my left side.

You guys go, go to your right. Cool. Come all the way down. I wonder where, where you're going. Bend your bottom knee. Your head can be just right on your arm there, or if you, you can do also a pillow, that's fine. Okay. And then just lift your bottom waist up quite a lot. Make a big, you know, visible kind of hole in there.

So that's some contraction of your obliques and your lower back waistline obliques. Now take your top leg, make a big deal about stretching it that way. Just keep going. Now when we're stretching that, I also want us to put a little curl under with the tailbone. Just a little. Okay. And then what the heck? Let's do one more stretch. Take this arm and you can put hand on wrist lightly and just continue to no elongate the top side. Good. And just take some good deep breaths. That's good.

Okay. Class has done. See I could stay like this for a long time. All right, so then of course we're not going to do this much exaggeration of a, of a wasteland lift and stuff. So let's lower that down a little bit. You might want to really think it's the rib cage. That last rib on your, on your side more to the mat, but from your hip to your rib, a little space I get sometimes I know myself, I get a little too high. Okay, now take your leg, hip height and flex that foot. I'm doing front kick and back kick. It's a little weird with the body. This low. You may notice a different result in work in your abdomen. Um, where your hand can be maybe. Yeah, let's go up on fingertips right here by your own waist.

Pull that shoulder back cause it's probably gonna want to fall forward. Take a breath, double kick forward. One two point. And as your leg comes behind you turn it in a little bit. Just a little and squeeze that Tish exhale. N One, two behind turn. Insulite Li. Turn it in just a little bit. And [inaudible] this is kind of interesting. Keep going.

So on the front kick it can slightly turn out on the back kick can slightly turn it real. Slight couple more. Last one, kick, kick and let's hold it back and just keep holding. Watch those shoulders. All right, now I am. Mine's two turned out. I want to turn it in a little bit. Let's keep reaching. We're going to take five little lifts higher with this leg.

We're not going to collapse this waist. We're not going to collapse this ways. We just lift the leg one, hopefully working right across this part of your tush too. And exhale three and exhale for how are we doing? Okay, and five and in. Okay. Stretch both legs long. Now let's work this bottom inner thigh and you're still going to continue to feel here. So legs nice and long. I think most of us are okay to put the hand on the hip.

If you feel like you want a little more challenge, you know you don't have to hold. You can lay it down here. Okay, so on a but with both legs slightly turn in a little bit. Again, I need to Tuck that exhale and here we go. Both legs focus on the bottom and her thigh for ya and down. We'll just do six of those. Bottom inner thigh. We're not collapsing this lift and through, sorry and for ankle bones are touching nicely on some of us fi we'd like to see that.

Nice Elizabeth and six that's whole. We're going to do just five or six flex and point. Okay. You may as well stay with six and to pull all 10 toes up and point Aalto and Elton and extend three. Still feel a little internal rotation with both legs, ankle bones together for how are we doing?

Five is this feeling warmed up yet to legs and point. Okay, that's plenty with that upper hip. Now let's focus even more bottom leg. So I will have us come up on the heel of the hand, bend your top leg and draw it up two ways you can put the, this is as we know, our classical position. You can also drop it down there. In fact, let's go there. So just, yeah, just drop the knee down. Now what that though could promote is this hip being way up here by the rib cage. You know, and we could do these leg lifts. I think all day and not really get a lot out of it, so we don't want that compression. I want us to have length there. Okay.

So yeah. And so bottom leg, exhale, pull it up and inhale lower. I'm pulling with this hand trying to get my hip away from my ribs. Bottom foot can be relaxed. Okay. You should have some good shoulder support for the neck. Yeah.

Let's take eight of these and press up whole leg, whole leg and press up. Good. Let's hold right there. Just hold. Keep your foot relaxed. Good stuff. Little eight pulse is going higher in one, two, little high or three, four. Excellent guys. And five, six, seven and eight. Four little circles. One way on to make it go higher. Three each time for other way. And one, two. Hello? Adductors. Three Mama, Mia and four and lower. Okay. My goodness, this making me tear. I think my sunscreen's there. Let's flip around.

All right, I've got to move my [inaudible]. Okay, bottom leg bent. Let's go through that beautiful stretch. So your bottom waist is quite lifted. Leg is really reaching out. Top arm can come up. You can lightly grab a hold of the wrist and just taking the breath, taking the space and breathe. And yes, this shoulder is up toward the ear.

That's okay. There's a muscle connection down there that needs to Elongate, read, read, breed. May want to swing the tail under a little bit so you're not stretching here with an arched back, a little more length in the lumbar. Good. And then of course, our goal is to try to sense and keep some of this length quality when we come into a more of a setup, you know? All right, so leg is lifted. Hip Height, foot is flexed, the fingertips are on the mat, right for your belly, your shoulders open, ribs are in, your abs are working in. Exhale, double kick one, two. So when it comes behind you, is this the light internal rotation as it comes forward? Slight external.

Inhale, reach [inaudible]. Well, the legs coming forward with you. Really do also want to keep your tailbone reaching, you know, down toward the other side, not swinging under. If you can help it and stretch. Exhale. Wow.

Yeah. [inaudible] do more [inaudible] last one. We're going to keep the leg behind in that slight internal rotation can just double check if the ribs have released here. They were dominant contraction and little squeeze higher and one long to he shoulders and three. Good check Elizabeth and four.

Yeah, last one. Five. Okay, so we're coming in both legs together and the legs can be now more straight in line with our hips. Space is still here. A little bit of a fingertips down. And then the XO referees both legs focus on the bottom. Inner thigh now and exhale. Our soldiers get so excited they want to help lift the legs.

I know. And lift bottom and her thigh so the legs are slightly internally rotated. We should be having our ankle bones touch if we can. There you go. Good. So good correction. Five. Let's take it up one more time and six flex and point for six.

Inhale and reach through those heels and exhale, stretch through the tops of the feet. Inhale, flex and exhale point. I forgot we were here with her hand. Hmm. And what would, oh, well we are now flex point. Do more flex and point and last one, flex and point. Keep them along as you lower. We're going to go right into that inner thigh changing positions. [inaudible] the head and the chest. Drop that top blade forward.

Hand on hip and a long gate. That space, no, don't get, don't let it ride up. Okay. No one wants a bunch of waste, I don't think. Exhale Wattam fly up. Yeah. Being able to lift the leg without a collapsing waist on either side. Where a moving hip.

You can go hire guys live that way. Okay, one more. Up, up, up, up eight were little presses in one, two, three, and four. Keep going. Five, six. Get ready for this circles for each way. Here we go. And go higher with each one. Not just your foot. Sam like Katya. It happens at least once a class for somebody's leg, there goes leg. Imagine your foot's way up here and that's better.

Three and four. Okay. And arrest. Good. Let's come on to our tummy. Did I forget any? I didn't. Okay, so stack your hands. That's good and put your head on your hands. Pull those abdominals up. Your heel beats of course. So as you press the back of the legs, up to the ceiling, tighten up your fanny. Do a turned out position.

Squeeze those cheeks. Flex the feet. Let's go kind of quickly and inhale. Exhale. [inaudible]. Easy neck. This is not a neck exercise. This is a gluten inner thigh. Exercise four, three, two, one and we rest. Okay. Swan, hands by the sides of our shoulders. Long neck, emerging.

Out of those collarbones take a breath. Let's come up to just that kind of preliminary cobra if you will. I want to just check your positions to make sure your neck is in d law. Okay. Now as you go higher, the neck shouldn't shrink with the shoulder shrug. Nice control, Samantha, I saw that she's working on those shoulders.

Take a breath now as we come down. Stretch even more. Keep your, keep your back engaged. Keep your back engaged in the shoulder. Should never rise to the ears. Good forehead all the way down. Inhale, keep going there. Exhale, good anti. Yeah, long neck. Here's all over the place. So rolling down or lengthening down long, long, long, long, long. Here we go. An inhale right behind you there. Good stuff. Now coming down, keep the engagement in your mid back.

Very alive as you come back down. All right, just two more you guys. Whoops. That was a lift of your shoulder. There we go. Here we go. Inhale. Can you grow taller? There you are. Exhale. Nice. Barbara, open the chest. Open, open, open, open, open down as you go. One more to go. Ready and exhale, Barbara. That's beautiful. I would say you allow your, your eyes to see that wall though, and lift your heart. Did you see that? Yeah. Okay. That was beautiful.

You gained about an inch. What appeared to be an inch? We'll see if it stays okay and come on the way back down. Very good. Okay. I am going to have us go up into a front support on our hands. All right, so just go ahead and put your hands right by your shoulders. Tuck your toes, take a second and stretch those calves out. My, now my elbows are up towards the ceiling, but the shoulders are not. We are two different sets of bones again. So as you push up to your front support, bring your ribs with you.

No bow in your back. Ready and push up. We go and this whole, Oh my God, that looks so good you guys and bring your hips down a tiny bit and your sternum forward. Yep. Little more sternum. Pretty good. Lift your right leg up. Nothing else should change. Nothing else should change. Keep bring your abdominals into your lower back. That sternum. Now I think everybody lift your leg higher. You can. What I'm trying to get is we're getting to Elizabeth, that's beautiful is that our heat, our leg and our heel is kind of in line with our upper back.

So you really got to work those hammies but without collapsing the lumbar. Okay, take the leg down to other side and you can't see it like I can't. So start kind of slow once, I mean small enough, you're good. If you're going higher, you've got to make adjustment. Your lumbar can't dip. It's actually got to get more full with this abdominal wall. Push the floor away. Push the floor away. Push the floor away.

Bring your foot down and let's rest for just a sec, but we're gonna go back to it. Yeah, come off your wrists. That's better. I know we looked at that last week and we're, and the week before, I think even [inaudible] right? The one side. Yeah. Poor rotation. Okay. Ready? I know you are like, come on up and then we'll go into a hip flexor stretch. Nice. Nice, good. One. Solid one. Okay. So right leg up.

So as it's going higher, we've got to make adjustments as well. Longer, higher, sternum lengthens. That's like your body's, that whole slinky being pulled long, long. Yeah. There you go. You could, if you could see it, your, your hips are tiny bit high. Elizabeth. There he go. Straight to the back knee. So what you got it? You got it Sam. Okay guys. Put the foot down. Other side. Doing my best to check in everybody. And then Barbara, lower your hips to Scotia. Sam. Find more hamstrings. Yep. More abs. Annie or sternum. Everybody there we go. More hamstrings, Brittany, you're going to need them tomorrow and then foot down and rest getting better. Says this is man's exercise.

Good. Okay. And we've done this, a hip flexor stretch many, many times. It's kind of a good one. In our [inaudible] classes, I think we're going to take our left foot forward. We can stay facing this way and a shin bone right underneath the knee. Straight down. Nice vertical line. Okay. Back like you can walk the foot back a little bit. I'm on the top of the foot. If that doesn't feel good for you know, you can tuck those toes back behind you. I think the thing that as we go into this hip flexor stretch, yeah. Um, we lean the hips forward, which does increase this knee band, but the big challenge is just not to give way and sink that body weight.

There's just no support there. So almost in contrast as you're shifting your weight forward, there is that energetic that's pulling us up to support. Right. And just hang with it. This is another one that the Tull tilt or Tuck of the tail is probably a little better focus than leaving your hips back with an arch back there. Good.

They have us take our right arm up alongside the ear again, if you'd like a little more upper back extension, by all means, lift the heart, lift the chest. It's definitely not an invitation. Throw the ribs out. They actually call could close a little more. Maybe an open the upper ribs, these upper ribs near your collar bones. Ah, [inaudible]. Alrighty. We are going to take that arm out to the side. Bring it down by the front foot. Now if you haven't tucked your toes back yet, tuck them down and let's just stretch that knee.

I'm going to have us an unfocused on hamstrings on the front leg. So you stretch that leg, the front knee, that's usually the hip that needs to also shift back, right? And you can look towards your pelvis. You're trying to see that your hip bones are straight from left to right. Maybe the heels touching the floor, maybe not. We're hoping it could.

Few deep breaths. And right now we are all doing this with a round back. I think that's fine. Ah, AH, yeah. It as we transitioned sides, let's go ahead and bend the front knee so you get more weight in your hands and go up onto your fingertips if you need to. And then just hold this stretch. We're going to, yeah, just a little longer on this. So same idea as you're stretching that right hip and quads.

We're not sinking. Definitely no sink length and it's like a, you know, just got some support. I'm just gonna use you for a sec. There's a little bit of suspension or hydraulic oil in there. Yeah. Okay. That's probably enough. Let's go ahead and put weight in the hands. Changed Feet and love your other side just as much as the first side. Okay.

Get what you need. [inaudible] always that there's something pulling up within the body. Usually starts from the pelvic floor, finds its way out here above ethers, above our head. [inaudible] left arm can come up, you can stop there. That's quite a lot of stretch on the left hip if you want a little bit more.

Is the arms coming further back. The chest opening up. You are lifting through that pelvic floor. [inaudible] not sinking down. [inaudible] all right. Arm is going to go out to the side. Place it down by the front foot. You can go on your fingertips. Tuck the back foot straight in the front again.

Take a look to your hips. Pull the right one back. [inaudible] we're seeking square as often as possible. [inaudible] bring your right hip back even more. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Yeah, now you've got it. You're on there. Yeah. Okay. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

[inaudible] guys, we're almost done. We'll take that final stretch. You'll bend into the front knee. You might have to adjust your back leg back again and up on those fingertips is fine. I might lengthen into more of a flat back here. Thanks honey. That's it. Bring a soda. If you can squat those hips a little more, cause I know he can. There you go.

And then stretch your back knee. Well, I didn't miss a beat. I hope with anybody. I'm trying to give as many corrections today as possible without too much stop a flow and it wouldn't be applaud his class without a few push up. So why don't we go ahead and oh my God, she looked at me like I was crazy. But that flipped back. Well, yeah. Yes.

So here we are in our friend support, right? Three to five of them. Ready. Then they don't have to be too deep. We just don't want to lower our too low that you can't get back up. I've done that before. Push that floor away. That's the last one. And hips up. Oh No, just check in. Has Anybody's heels reach the floor?

Maybe they weren't at the beginning of class, but they are here. [inaudible] on a separate my feet. Just a little more. Want us to know now if there was an emphasis of the pelvis, I'm going to let you kind of swing it forward. It might feel like you're arching your back a lot less does do that for all of us. That love to let her ribs go. Let him go now. Oh my God. It feels good to let the ribs go. See, the thing is we know how to control them back where they need to go.

So let's go to control him. Oh, it's not as great as one more time. Let them go lift those sitz bones. Stretch your sternum towards your hands. Breathe. Now let's go back to stability. Go back to better form and I want us to walk our feet to our hands.

Re shift the weight forward over the balls of the feet slightly [inaudible] and then begin to roll our body up to standing to accomplish the rest of the day, hopefully with the sense of vigor and joy. Thank you again for coming to class because it really keeps me going. Thank you guys.


Liked the deliberate pace- great class Amy! I have arthritis in the feet at the base of the big toe. I was wondering if you have an exercises for your feet and if you could incorporate it into one of your classes?
Hi Elaine, thank you! I understand the base of the big toe issue....mine is a bunion, ouch! Have you tried standing on a tennis ball, positioning it right under the metatarsals? If you have plantar fasciaitis....don't try it, but if not, give it a whirl. It's not comfortable, so be ready for that. The goal is to stand on it, feet side by side, and let the tissue and fascia spread...and the joint spaces grow! Once you're off the ball, the foot feels amazing! Give it a try. I'll incorporate some foot things soon.....I just took a workshop at the PMA regarding feet and their relationship to the jumpboard, but I can show some other exercises too.....more matwork based. Talk to you again soon!
Thanks sooooo much for your quick response and for that great idea about the tennis ball. Going to try it!! Looking forward to a mat class where you have some exercises for your feet. next class I'm planning to do some exercises for feet so that should go up on the site next week sometime....:)

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