Class #349

Energetic Mat

50 min - Class


In today's level 2 Mat class, Amy pushes the pace and flow just a little bit to challenge her usual students' endurance. Amy begins with a fairly extensive abdominal warm-up and then moves through the traditional sequence of exercise. This class includes a nice breakdown of Swan Dive Prep. A variation of a Side Bend Stretch is also included. Feel free to make adjustments in the sitting position to accommodate your knees if needed. Seal and Push Ups finish out this energetic class. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Yeah, no, let's get on with this class, huh? No, I mean, and there are days, I think we would probably attest to this where, you know, I'm on my roll in like a ball. I think, Oh my God, I finally got it. And that's considered a basic exercise. Right? And so then you might take the next class and I'm all over the place. So it's, you know, we are where we are today. That's the good, I guess the good reminder of our form and progress and our, um, changes with things. All that and new discoveries are happening all the time. Whether you're advanced or beginner or whatever, you know, we're students of this work. I think that's the good thing to just keep checking in on. And um, you know, we have our good days and we have our not so good days or connected days, but what that said, let's go ahead and start lying on our back.

So as you're getting situated this morning, everybody go ahead and just, I'm going to have you put your hands on your pelvis. So the heels of your hands right on your hipbones fingertips can be more toward the pubic bone, if not right directly on your pubic bone. And just recognize that good level triangle of of bone, their hip, hip, pubic bone. Okay. And because we have some mixed levels or mixed, um, energy this morning, just get what you need out of your workout and you're in your class. If you need to take a break somewhere, you know, fine.

If you need to ramp it up and do more repetitions, I'm okay with that this morning. Um, keep breathing, I guess I would say, and be patient. So as we have our body place, let's make sure our heels are in line with their sitz bones. Looks pretty good. Toes are facing forward. We've got her heels forward a little bit. Some I'm going to bring you forward with ya. Okay? Yeah. Maybe a little more. Lisa, bring your feet forward. So Lisa, can you bring your feet? Yeah. Alright.

And concentrate really quickly here on the engagement of those abdominal muscles, that inward contraction. Okay. Just start some nice deep breaths. Everybody a nice inhale through your nose and a good solid exhale through your mouth. You don't have to make noise if you don't want to, but you can if you'd like. Nice. Full breath in through the nose. So Christy, I'm going to put you here. If you don't mind right there and you can back your mat up a little if you'd like, just a tiny bit so we're not kind of, all right. Nice. Full breath.

Inhale through the nose. Yeah, and that nice solid exhale as you engage those abdominals very deep and inward toward your back so that your back is getting closer to the mat. It's not that tip of the pelvis that gets us there. It's that compression of the abdominals. Okay, let's just keep going. I'm going to have you move your arms now away from your pelvis. Just put your arms on the mat so that when you take that inhalation, you can concentrate on your ribs right into the side here by your trace up in your lat. All right, so your lungs really rich and full of oxygen spreading out toward those arms.

On the exhale, you can concentrate on closing that space. Contracting, trying to narrow your body. Let's take three more like that. Yeah. Okay. And a breath squeezing all that air out. Let's take one more on this exhale guys. We're going to start to move the pelvis in the spine, so find that articulation. Tip the pelvis back. Begin to articulate off of the mat, bone by bone until you're up onto the base of those shoulder blades. If you're ready to go there, if you're not ready to go that high, you can stop about halfway.

Nice breath in at the top and find your exhale. Starting to contract deep in the abdominals. Pull the back of the chest down the back of the ribs, back of your waist, pelvis and tailbone. And again, let's take a breath in and the exhale starting. Deepen those abdominals to rotate the pelvis back. Start kicking in the back of the legs.

Start to focus a little bit too on not how, uh, how easy your neck is. Really. You don't have to clench into the neck area. Inhale at the top. Exhale. Let's begin to roll down. Let's focus on the nice even quality as you roll down the center of your back and again from the level pelvis. Take that inhale and exhale, contract and roll through the inner thighs are working to a certain extent to hold the legs in parallel. Nice breath in at the top. Exhale, contract and deep in this pool in.

As you roll down, trying to stretch the pelvis long in a way from the waistline I'm going to take again. Inhale and exhale. Abdominals sits, bones are closing hamstrings. Zach, debating to lift the hips. Now from here everybody, we're going to start to roll down just the right side of the back. Okay, intentionally. So as you start rolling down, there's a little tilt of your hips and pelvis just to kind of isolate one side of your spine. [inaudible] right? We've done that many, many times before. So your, as you've landed, you've got your right hip down a little more than your left. I'm going to have us roll back up on the right side of that spine. Get into that exhale, feel your body. Press into the mat, peel up so that when you arrive on the shoulder blades, now your pelvis can re level and we'll go down the left.

Think of it really as a spine movement, not really a jerky hip movement rolling down, getting down to the back of that left hip. Inhale there and exhale, contract peel and pressing up to the base of the shoulder blades. We're going to do each side. One more time. Breathing in and exhale, rolling down the right side of the spine to the back of that right hip. Where are you in? Inhale. Exhale again, a contract kind of connect a little deeper into those obliques there. Pressing through hips are level. Let's take one more. Going down the left thigh, your shoulders still away from your ears, reaching through those arms, breathing in and exhale. Contract tilt. Peel on the left side of that spine.

Back up to that level position again. Take one more breath. We're going to roll down the center of the spine, sinking your back heavy bones here through your spine and coming all the way out into a level position. Once you're there, let's bring the feet and knees together. Interlace the hands back behind the head. Take a breath, exhale as we curl up, sliding those shoulders away from the ears and inhale as we roll down. Exhale again, a contracts you feeling that stretch of your upper spine as you flex forward. Inhale as you come down without losing that contraction, hopefully exhale, curling up. So again, get what you need out of this.

If you're trying to go a little higher in your comfort zone or out of your comfort zone, push that edge a little bit. See if you can flex those abs a tiny bit more to curl higher. Inhale coming back. If you're not needing that this morning saying a place that feels comfortable but connected and heel coming back. I'm going to take two more just basic chest lift.

Feel your shoulders coming down away from the neck. Look right out towards your legs. Inhale to come back. All right, last one. Exhale. The curl up. We're going to take some variations here. So whole that chest lift, position your level pelvis, take a breath in. Exhale, the right leg is going to come up to tabletop and inhale, lower that leg back down without losing your height of your chest lift. Exhale, left side curl. We're gonna alternate legs. Inhale down, exhale and lift. Inhale lower and exhale, lift four more. So maybe when the legs coming up, you can reach your chest toward it as well.

Deepening that contraction of your belly. One more each side. Exhale right thigh coming up. Inhale lower and exhale left. Inhale, lower. Check your level. Pelvis looks good and let's roll back down. Take a quick breath in. Exhale, coming up again.

Okay, another variation. Hands are going to leave the head. Come back around the back of the thighs. Walk your hands up. Now as we've done this variation lots of times you're allowed now to go into a tuck of your pelvis or tilt. Yeah, so my pubic bone is now higher the ceiling than my right and left hip bones. I'm going to have you stay there for a few moments and points your elbows out to the sides so that you can pull your shoulders away from your ears. Okay? Are you all up as high as you could get? Yup. There. Oh hell.

All right, so right arm. Now I was going to come up toward the frame of the ear. It may not reach that whole full height. You just don't want to go back any farther than that. Exhale. As you bring that arm back down, hold their left arm is going to come up and exhale as it comes down. You might curl higher with the chest, right arm. Inhale and exhale.

Return left arm, pulling your shoulder away from your ear. One more each side, right arm, and exhale lower left arm and exhale lower. No one everybody just to let go. Come all the way down to level. Take your arms up to the ceiling. Take a quick breath. Exhale, curl up to chest lift. Take another breath here. Exhale, your thighs are going to go into the hundred end. So this might be your position today for the hundred. Okay.

Or I'm going to take you into some other places. Legs are vertical. Sacrum is heavy, long arms. If you want a little more work, come down with your legs. Try to get up off the tips of the shoulder blades. Little lower with the legs and always the sense of reaching long. Top of the head is up to the ceiling.

We're almost there guys. Four, three, two, last breath cycle. Bring your knees in, hug the shins and bring your head down. Why don't you to hold this position firmly? Press your shins toward, you know, on your shins from grip [inaudible]. All right, now arms to the ceiling. Again, palms facing each other. Let's bring the knees to tabletop. I'm going to take a side to side with the legs, but not moving the upper body, so most likely we won't have a lot of range of motion, so really feeling the anchoring of the shoulder girdle. Okay, let's take our knees toward the left.

Your left inhale on your rotation. Your knees and ankles should still be bolted together and exhale as you come back to your center to the right. Inhale as you rotate it is, yeah. Exhale center. Yeah. The question is I, yes, I'm rotating far enough that the opposite bum is coming up a little. Just a little. Inhale, rotate and exhale center. Now go ahead and keep going with the legs. Opening arms a little bit more, just a tiny bit. We're not completely to a T. I want you to still concentrate on the weight of the shoulder girdle, even behind you. Underneath you for more. Again, test your edge a little, but not sacrificing placement.

Okay, to the right. Inhale, one more each side. Notice how relaxed your neck can be and last time, rotate to the right. Exhale coming back to center. Now when everyone to take their arms back behind them, framing the ears, lower your legs toward the mat, stretch your legs long. We're going to go right into our roll-ups, arm, head and chess. Stick sail and curl. C Hill. I'm like I said, some mornings are better than others by ending the crew shoulder girdle above your pelvis. Take your breath here now.

Really squeeze your legs together this morning. Squeeze those legs together. Concentrate in that. As you roll yourself down, taking the arms back alongside the ears and we're going again. Inhale, high chest lift, reach with the arms. You want to find that. Seek or pull back through your belly as you squeeze your legs in. Take a breath, exhale, roll back next. Maybe try this everybody.

If you're not already there with your palms facing each other, right in this position here, it is easier to for the shoulder blades to slide down, so we'll keep with that. Exhale, squeeze the legs together. Round up. You want to keep thinking of curving even though you're coming higher to the ceiling. Relax those shoulders. Inhale, exhale, roll back. Doing what you can to get the C shape in the lower back. Beautiful. We're going to take two more stretch without arching [inaudible] so I'm not really letting go of my stomach contraction at the top here.

It's almost getting more contracted as I'm at the very top. Exhale, ruling back, long legs, squeezing to the midline and get the sense of stretching without arching and one more. Ah, curl Creech, reach and reach. Take a breath and everybody roll all the way back down to the mat. Solid way flat. Okay, so what I'd like us to do is take the arms back overhead, circled them out to the T, then back down by your hips with your palms face up so that you can open up your chest and your arms will roll back. Let's take the right leg. Develop.

Pay that to the ceilings. You've got that almost 90 degrees of hip flection. Rotate your thighs slightly outward. So S leg circles. Cross that leg to the left. Circle down around and pull up. Pause right there for a moment. Cross. The reason I want you to pause this so you can feel your hips level, cross circle around and hips level.

[inaudible] one more [inaudible] now the other way, not too wide. Remember, it's a bigger cross over that you're interested in, so not too wide bigger. Cross over sync. Your hip. Three [inaudible], [inaudible] abdominals are still deeply activated in to the back. Last one here. And then just simply lower the leg, give it a shake, and then develop a, the left here goes. Here's your, you're coming up to square those hips. Anchor the pelvis down. Here we go across to the right [inaudible]. Pause.

[inaudible] sink your body. Anything you can do to continue pulling your body closer to your mat, taking away any arch that's in that spine from using the belly. Okay, one more this direction. Cross circle around. Lift, pause. Other direction. [inaudible] [inaudible] three and for last, circle this direction, five all the way around.

Simply lower that leg and same thing. Just give it a quick shake. Okay. Bring both knees into tabletop. Reach your arms long. We're going to come up for a little couple of the exercises from series of five. So as you make your way up, I want you to put your hands right here on the sides of your shins. Come up out of that comfort zone a little bit. There we go.

So double leg stretch legs, two 45 arms can frame the ears. They don't go any farther back. Circle them out. Bend the knees. And here. Here we go. Breathe in. You want to be thinking that the weight of your back stays the same on the mat. Okay. It doesn't lessen. If anything it could deepen, but surely it lesson two more.

Stretch and contract, and last one reach. We're going to stay up and go right into single leg. Stretch left forward. Now before you get going, put your hands on top of the shin. Look, just a little different. Hand placement. Curl up. Use that contact point to curl up. Elbows can point out now. Shoulders down. Here we go. Exhale, exhale. [inaudible] so these might be a little slower. Take your time, feel your stretch.

Feel your stretch. Connect to the length of your thigh. [inaudible] [inaudible] if your neck is bothering you, modified by putting your hands back, stretch and stretch. Let's take four more. Here's one, curl up guys, two and three and four. Just bring the legs in. Lower your head and chest for a moment. Okay, next one I'm going into is the straight leg pull or scissor. So again, once again, breathe here, curl your way up, extend those legs first. That's a nice transition. I think lower your left. Now you can put your hands behind the thigh. Most of you know that's okay to do more than welcome to go higher.

This is a little more work, so she was what you need, but I want you to get out of the neck. Pull those shoulders down. Now the lower leg, squeeze the rear-end of it. Can you get the feeling that the bottom and your hamstrings are switched on? Okay, now change legs, but pass through on an inhale. Exhale, pause. I want you to get the squeeze. Inhale, pass. Exhale, pot. [inaudible].

This is a little bit of the one of the many principles of piles of precision. [inaudible] which court requires a lot of concentration. [inaudible] bottom way contracts. Pull down, pull down. Let's take four more and [inaudible] last one you guys. Okay, let's give your neck or rest. Bring your knees in. Shin hugging. Rotate the head. All right, not too much of a wrestle. Let's keep our bodies moving. Okay, so rolling like a ball. Come on up. Move your pelvis forward your choices. Again, hand on ankle, hand on ankle, knees. Can be open.

You could cross your ankles and you can tuck in nice and deep. Either way, this might be Mo, more optimal. Whoa, I'm going to lose it that more, more optimal because you're challenging yourself to be in much smaller space. Okay? This is a little less of that compressed feeling with your feet a little farther. Open, knees open. Okay. Wherever you're at, find your balance. Just draw your attention into your body in. We're going to do six repetitions of the rolling. Here we go. Pull into roll, back pool. End to come up and hold and again, pull into roll back.

I'm trying to Elise, keep the distance from your thighs to your chest. The same. It's the quality of that curve we're interested in. Mostly. One more time. Ah, right, and place her feet down. Hands back. Let's move the hips back. Okay. What I'd like everybody to do here is sit with your legs forward. Flex your feet. If you feel caught right now in your hip joints, in your hip flexors, just bend your knees for a second. Okay?

But I just want to have your feet be a focal point for yeah, reach through the heels. Try to sit up nice and tall. Alright, and reach your arms forward. We're going to go to a spine twist, huh? So take a breath here. We're going to go to the left first. So as you open up the left arm, starting to rotate. I'm looking at my wrist or my hand.

I'm also trying to keep the other one reaching forward in the direction of my feet. But both arms have equal energy in the the stretch and the energy. Take a breath and exhale as you come back to your center. All right. Inhale, sit a little tall. Exhale. Start to twist. See where we're at.

See if we can keep those feet flexed as if they're right up on a solid piece of wood. We don't want one to pull back or scoot forward. Okay. And then coming back to your center. All right. And heel sitting tall or exhale as we to with. Let's inhale. Come home. Well, I'll keep it fluid. Exhale into LIS. Inhale, coming home and really noticing some of you, I'm seeing it. The effort of constantly bringing your spine up, up, up and up.

We're looking for that and not to let it fall back behind itself, which requires a lot of strength. A couple more times. Exhale, lift, twist. Inhale, find home, and exhale, lift to twist. And inhale, find home. And now look, relax your feet and just find a round forward. Just a quick stretch there for your back. All right, roll yourself up. Move your hips forward.

Fi separated again, I'm going to take us into a stroller bridge again, okay, with some other things. So take a breath from neutral. Articulate the spine should be pretty warmed up at this point to have everybody get pretty high up on the, on your back, the base of the shoulder blades. Okay. Now as you're there, just want you to hold a good quality of squeeze in your hamstrings, in your bottom, in your abs, even through your lats. They're stretching through. We're gonna start working on lifting the heels. Haven't done this for a while. So when you lift both heels up, go ahead and take that.

Your hamstrings might contract more. Your calves probably will as well when you lower the heels. We're trying to keep this up, your pelvis. We don't want to drop the help pelvis when the feet go down. All right, so just foot feet. Inhale, heels up and exhale heels down. Inhale, heels up and exhale heels down.

Three more. Inhale heels and exhale down. Trying to go up evenly on the feet, not rolling out and center. One more time. Lift and lower. Now everybody take a breath. Use the exhale. Sink your chest, sink your chest, roll all the way through. Find your level position. We're going to go back up again. Here we go. Exhale, contract your abdominals first. Started kicking in the back of the legs, rolling through your spine.

I'm just going to have us take our right leg into a tabletop position. Everybody just hold that shape. All right, concentrate on the other side. Your left, but your left hamstring foot on the floor. Push your hips up. Hold. Feel your breathing. This is another place to check in that you're evenly weighted on your shoulders. You don't want to be falling to one side. All right? If you can help it.

Now what we're going to go on with that. Lift your leg up, flex your heel. We're going to push the ceiling up five times. Push it up. Warren. Got to get into that standing leg and three and four. Keep it up there. Find a point the foot, bring that foot down. If your hip is dropped, adjust left thigh coming up, holding your tabletop first. Okay.

Giving your body some time to organize this load that you're putting on it. Checking on the shoulders, evenly weighted, pushing those hips up. Let's extend the leg. Flex the heel. Five pushes. Here we go. Exhale, and one you might want to curl your tail under a little more with these three and four and five point the toe. Bring that foot down. Keep those hips up. Reach those arms up. I'm going to have you go all the way back this time.

Some of you are, have you have it in your shoulder girdle available for you to lower your arms all the way to the mat. That's fine. I'm going to keep mine hovered a little. Let's start to articulate the spine. Reach my arms like crazy. Way back there. I'm imagining that someone's holding my hands and pulling on my hips to try to a long gate. My length. Yeah, my shoulders actually, you're up by my ears. A little. Yeah. Okay. And then just go ahead and open your arms one more time. Hug your knees back up we go. Here we are. Let's go to a spine stretch, but I, you know, go to diamond for this today.

Close the feet. Open up those knees. So we want a longer position. Our heels really aren't so close up to our groin. Okay, and can everybody just pitch forward? We're hinge words. You can rest your elbows toward the knees. Maybe hold onto your shins. Let me just take a look. We're, we're aiming for a flat for flat back. Okay. Just take a quick look. So her shoulders, you know, where by this point now except the last thing and they were a little elevated, but really, really feel the energy of pulling them down and in the front of the chest has pulled up. Okay, so that should feel strong in your back.

Now hold that position. Reach your arms forward just forward. Okay. Yeah. So and then whatever, we're going to exaggerate, everybody is pulling your shoulder blades back. So really almost like you've got a, you know, marshmallow in your shoulder girdle and you're trying to squeeze it and then let go of it and exhale and squeeze and inhale. Let go of it. Three more. Pull back and forward. Two more.

Pull back. You could lift your sternum. Good to ya. I see it and their center one more. Now pull back again. We're not wa asking our bodies to do this as their everyday activity there. We don't want them to lock in like that. It's just to get the motion and some strength in the shoulder girdle that way.

Okay, so find more of a neutral position of your arms and let's see what happens if we raise them a little higher. I'm going to have you all put your hands behind your head for that and just hold so lean a little more forward. I'm going to have you move your feet out too. Yeah. Oh, it's easier and that's something. Be tall in your lower back. There you go. Helen. Be taller. Are we breathing? Trying to breathe. Trying to breathe.

This would be a place our shoulders wouldn't need to be up. We can drop them down. Here we go, guys. Good. Lots of scoop in of the stomach, in and up. Okay, now you've got yourself set. Now we can reach the arms a little higher. Make a hitchhiker position with your thumbs in a pulse. Those arms back about five times.

It's really about pulling the shoulders down and shoulders down and shoulders down and for, and last one, five and let's all make a curve round over. I'm still pulling my abs back here. Still working them trying to open up the seeker. Okay. Now. I don't know if you all can see this from where you're sitting, but right now I'm, even though I'm doing a navel to spine, it's kind of moderate. I'm going to have us do this at probably 10 repetitions of it.

Eight to 10 and I'll see if I can demonstrate it clearly. So if I effort this more, my weight is going to shift. I'm going to try to shift my weight more back here on a pelvis right now. It's a little more forward. So [inaudible] did you see it? That's my stomach. Actually. I'm not engaging my legs. It's my stomach. I'm trying to move it to my lumbar so my lumbar gets opened up.

Here we go. [inaudible] [inaudible] keep going. So you really shifting your good. Helen's shifting your weight more to the back of your sits bones. Give them a shell. Exhale strong there. All your heads are nicely hanging. No need to engage the neck. Pull back one more. Let's call it one more. No, keep it. When you pull it back.

Keep it there. Keep it there. Keep it there. Keep it there and start rolling up to sitting tall, sitting tall. You're keeping it. So when you come up, you might feel like you're leaning back a little, but your your won't be. Most likely you'll be right on your sits bones properly feel okay. Kindness order. Okay, bring your knees in. Let's roll over to our tummies.

You guys. Anne's right underneath your shoulders. Again, feel the stretch in your whole body on the mat. My hands are down. I'm kinda pulling them on the mat a little so my shoulders come away from my ears. Suspend the stomach up. You can work with legs squeezed in. If you can do that, you might need to open them up depending on how your low back is working.

The today. Take a breath where we are. We want you to get as high as you can with your back extension before having to use your arms. Okay? So get as high as you can. Now as we go farther up into our Swan, some of you weren't. Go ahead. Are okay to straighten your arms fully. Some of you are doing that with your shoulders still elevated.

So I'm going to try to watch your most of your looking pretty good. Okay. Now think about back extension. You're contracting your back, but the front is opening. We want some, Oh, keep going. Open this up through your ribs, through your sternum, through your chest, and bring your body all the way down. Now with that idea, open your front. Okay. Yeah. Here we go. Breathe in long exhale. Start the head and chest lift. Get as high as you can. Then use those arms.

Look straight ahead. Strong back. Nice. Barbara, any hail coming down wide. Front. Shoulder blade should be really more on your back here. Not forward all the way down. And again, as high as you can. And then use those arms. Really always thinking about this. And I'm trying to pull my back back toward my legs, pulling back as well as coming up, lowering the body down.

Now. So we're doing a nice one. Let's take one more full swarm like that. Inhale, head and chest. Start thinking about the back of your legs. So as we come down, let's see me on Saturday reading my mind. Yep. So as the body's coming down, start to lift your thighs up, let your forehead rest lightly on the mat and lift your thighs as high as they'll go. Yeah. Good, Michelle. So you're squeezing your hamstrings. You're squeezing your butt trying to lift your thighs to the ceiling without shrugging your shoulders. Okay, now lower your legs down. Let's do that about two or three more times. Just the lower half.

You can exhale. You're trying not to pop that belly out underneath there. Inhale, lower the legs and exhale, press them up. So my body naturally went into a subtle external rotation. I'm going to try to go back to parallel to do this. Inhale lower. One more time. Exhale and lift.

So let's put the two pieces together. Slowly lower the legs. Start lifting the chest, coming up into your Swan. Now as you're starting to come down, if you can lift your legs pretty soon. Yep. So by the time your chest is down, your legs are up. Two more times. Lower the legs, lift the chest and lowering down. Start thinking, I've got to lift my legs under this. Counterbalance this little Teeter totter.

One more time and lift and lower the chest. Start lifting the thighs. Alright and lower your legs for just a second. Reposition your hands. So stacking the hands and put your forehead down. Press into the pubic bone. Lift your thighs. I want everybody in external rotation here. Let's do some heel beats. Okay.

And we do [inaudible] easy neck and shoulders. Now keep going with the heel beats. We're going to do them for a while. Lift your head and chest. Your hands are glued to your forehead. Arms stretch out to your tee position. I'm going to move the arms back. Pinky finger by the thigh. Open the chest.

Sure. Arms back out to T and back under the forehead. [inaudible] down to the mat and three, two, one and rest. Okay guys, let's stretch our lower back. So put your hands here right by your shoulders. Push yourself up round into your C curve. You might feel like going back into what we usually say as a child's pose.

You could also come up into a cat [inaudible]. Again, concentrating on what you need to feel some release in those lower back muscles. [inaudible] [inaudible] okay, let's come back down. We're going to come up for a single leg kick. So up onto our elbows. They're right down underneath their underarm or a slight bit forward.

And I think today let's have palms down. Yeah. Okay. Palms down. Now we don't, that doesn't allow us to sink down. That's just way too easy. That's not palazzos anyway. I don't know what that would be. So we want to lift the back. Feel strong in your body. Pubic bone on the mat, maybe right and left hip bone or a little less weighted today. Okay. It's concentrated in the back of the legs. Engage them, lift them up. You can point or flex your feet. So right heels gonna come in. Kick, kick.

Now I want you to slow down the reach, slow it down and reach way back. Left heel. Big deal about stretching it back. Right heel. That reach back to straight is really important. Kick, kick reach with the straight leg. Yes. All right, so as you're stretching the leg back, lift the chest and reach. Kick.

Yeah, take four more guys. Are you satisfied with your lift? Could you do more? Last one right? And last one left. Hold. That's going to be plenty. Let's bring everything down. All right. Once again, hands by your chest, the sides of your chest. Push yourself up. And this time everyone please come in to a cat, to a cat. So your hands right below your shoulders, knees, right below your hips curve. That spine head is down, your prep, pressing your pubic bone forward, turning open up the lower back again.

[inaudible] lots of width in the back. All right, now we're going to come to facing me. I'm going to have you all on your left elbow. Okay. And let's go down this way. Today we have been taking a look at this position for quite some time. I'm usually either all the way up with you or all the way down. So this kind of in between place is actually pretty challenging because again, the shoulder girdle could get dropped if we're not careful.

So if you don't want to go do that, you could absolutely go down to the flat position. Okay? But I would encourage you to come up a little bit. Now look down into the legs. Bring them slightly forward. We've got our hips stacked on each other. Just feel yourself long. You've got a lot of lift here. Okay. Now a little other position if you want to play with this as your hand on your shoulder to remind the shoulder to stay open cause it likes to fall in.

We're going to take our top fly forward. Little kid kicks a flex that heel little let's bring you forward. Kick, kick point your leg. Just feel a stretch of it back forward. Kick, kick and reach it back. So you're pulling the abdominals in to move the leg. Absolutely find it. Put your hand on the mat here. Anyone feels off balance?

[inaudible] still thinking about a long waist. Good shoulder support. Inhale back. Two more guys. Kick, kick and reach. And last one kick. And just stay right here. Stay right there. Everyone placed your hand just down on the mat, more near your pelvis. So you can open up that shoulder. Turn your top fi in.

I know why. Turn it in. Turn in now is this internally rotated? I want to have us do a love five times. Lift your thigh, lower your thigh all without collapsing this side if possible, lift and lower. Are we doing over there? Everyone's so quiet today and down. Last one. Now cold a leg up when we rotate that femur. So as you bring your leg a little higher, it's got to change itself. You rotate.

Present your inner thigh forward just here. Okay. And lower your leg down. Four more of those. So tow taking it back a little internally rotated, bringing your thigh up. It can only go a certain height before it has to change. There's a pivot in there, right? And then leg down. Three more internally rotated. Lift. It's the head of the femur that spirals and lower the leg.

One more back and lift, pivot and all the way down. Okay, that's enough of that resting your wrist. Come all the way down, guys on your arm. Let's bring your legs back in line with your pelvis. Take your top knee and drape it here on the mat. Take your other hand and place it upon your hip so you can feel that this, not a Squatty wrinkly waist, but more of the length might even have a little hollow space here. Okay? Now you can keep that hand there if you'd like to or this always feels kind of nice. Take a breath. Lot leg is going to lift and up and lower. It's not going to move much when I work the seam of your inner thigh.

If your arm is overhead, we want good shoulder position in that. Uh, yeah, that placement there. Down and lift and lower. Two more down. Last one, lift and hold. Just bring your arm back down. Check that your hip has an height. Eight little pulses of the inner thigh. One and two and a three, four and five. Six, seven. Last one. Hold it there guys. Place your hand down for balance.

Stretch the top leg to the bottom leg. One more chance. Chance to balance on your side of your body. Stretch your spine. Stretch your waist, trying to get those ankles completely together. Press your thighs in. He's Helen. Good job. Okay guys, take that hand down. Let's just bend the knees. Use your hand to help you up.

We'll go to the other side. Got it. So legs are slightly forward. You're on that elbow. You're not sinking into the shoulder. Really pulling it down to your hip. Hips are stacked. Looking out. Other hand is right here by your shoulder, so you're open. Okay. Lift your top thigh. It's parallel.

Heel is flexed. So Barbara, tick that right shoulder blade and pull it to your hip. Perfect. Keep it there. Breathe in. Exhale, come forward. Two little kicks. One, two and stretching back. Sure. So how still can your upper body be while you're doing the leg kicking? Something to think about the abdominals. Travel in.

They stay in. Thank you. One more. And LinkedIn back. Sure, sure. Two more times. Kick front. Nice balance you guys. And kick and hold the leg back. Okay, so fingertips down. Turn your site inward.

Now let's lift for five one and two without collapsing your support side. End three, four, lift. Hold five. Okay, so that fight going a little higher as this going higher. It's got a stopping point. Really strong contraction on this hip. Now I've got to turn the thighbone that way.

Present your inner thigh and your thigh comes down for more back you go. Internally rotated, lift, pivot and thigh comes down. Three more. Back lift, pivot. Are your shoulders still open? Two more times. Lift, pivot and all the way down. Last one. Back. Lift, pivot and all the way down. Okay.

Coming down into the arm. Stretch yourself out was draped the top. They over hip adjustment. Parallel bottom of thigh and let's take your arm overhead. I think that's where most of you were. Exhale the bottom of Taiwan and to all the while abdominal still press back. They're engaged for just four more in here's five and six.

Seven. I'm going to keep it up there and eight hole balance your hip. Eight pulses and one, two. It's the seam of the thigh. Four go a little higher for four, three, two and last one. Keep it up. Hand down. Use it for just a little balance. Place the leg and find your hold stretching out.

You're not arching the spine to do this. Yeah, put, yeah, put your hand down. If you feel one side might feel more steady. You got it. Find your shoulder connection. Find that inner thigh. Squeeze. Nice work. You guys. Lift your arm, place the hand and bend your knees. Let's all come up to sitting. We're going to face this direction. Everybody seal, Amber seal. Remember seal.

And the final way to get up out of seal. Some of you don't know what that means. Have some fun. So now I'm going to have you put your hands underneath your feet underneath your heels. They're right on the ankles. Okay. And again, you're your weight position on your pelvis. You're not right up on your sitz bones, cause that might promote a flat back. We want some curve heals are up.

Knees about shoulder width. You're looking down. Now before we roll back, let's just do the leg open close, which is just this. Open the hips. It's pretty small. I want easy hit flexors. Yeah, seal puppy is another name for this. You know if these are your little [inaudible], your little feet. So Barbara, around that low back. There you go. Ready?

You can do that little clap. Clap, clap on your back. Over your shoulders. Inhale, clap, clap, clap and come up. Collap clap, clap. Take it easy back. You don't have to clap back there. You may want to just choose to clap at the top. Inhale. One, two, three. Roll. One, two, three, and up. One, two, three.

There's a little moment of suspension you have to play with when you're back over your shoulders. Think of hips up. Let's do three more. Roll back thing. Lift your hips. That helped Michelle. Two more times. Roll. Lift your hips. Yeah. Last one. You got to let go. Close your knees. Roll all the way up to name.

All right guys, let's turn around real quick. Renew one set of pushups. Okay. Yeah. Oh wow. I get a good response. There is this standing in level with your feet. Take your arms up by your ears. Take a quick breath in. Full. One. Rounding over. [inaudible] pushups are optional. Friends support.

We should probably all get out to three to five pushups is all we need to do. But before you go down, yes, squeeze those legs in. Reach your chest forward and want a flat back. Here we go. I'm going. Going for three [inaudible] three is ongoing floor. I'm going to pipe my hips up. I feel satisfied with three. Hold that position.

Try to stretch those ankles and calves. Let your hips a little higher. When a Walker. Hands back. Realm the head down. Can everybody bend their knees right now to roll up this morning? Round your back, rolled up legs. Bent the knees. Take a quick breath. One more. Just easy. Roll down and up to finish.

Here we go. Rounding down. [inaudible] let everything go. Except those abs. They're still suspended up. One more time to roll up wages for wood on the ankle. Um, all the way to stand in. Great work you guys. Thank you very much.

Have a great weekend.


Thanks Amy for another wonderful class. Great flow and instruction. Perfect mid-level workout. I feel like a million bucks. Have a fantastic holiday season.
Great post christmas class... and my mom says hi :)
Great class, excellent cueing. Thank you!
Jeff....thank you for taking class. I really appreciate your tuning in. I promised you more armwork a few months ago didn't I? Haven't quite gotten to that yet.....but I will.....! Hi Amelia.....tell your mom hello too. So glad this was a good post Christmas class! :) Colleen...thanks for watching and for your feedback. I look forward to talking to you again soon! Happy Holidays everyone!!
well that's really challenged me after all that Xmas cheer! Precise, concise, thorough instruction & cueing - thanks Amy - I'll be back for more definitely!
Hi Madonna, thanks for taking class with me! I really appreciate the feedback and comments and glad to hear it was a good class post-Christmas! Talk to you again soon!
Hi Amy - I found out about PilatesAnytime when I took a class from you in SB this fall. I signed up immediately and have learned so much from all the wonderful instructors. This class was terrific. I love the language of your cueing. It always seems to direct my attention to just the right place. Thanks so much. As an instructor in training, I really appreciate the wonderful examples.
Hi Karen! It's nice hearing from you and thank you for all your positive feedback, we all appreciate it!! Glad you liked this class and keep watching from everyone....this site is an absolute gem....especially for teachers in training; it is a gift to you all!! Talk soon...
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Wonderful class!
Thank you so much Alison!
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