Class #369

New Year's Eve Mat

50 min - Class


This mixed-level class offers plenty of challenges for everyone starting with a significant abdominal warm-up and flowing nicely into an energetic and swiftly paced class. Amy keeps things moving with solid level 2 exercises including the Series of Five, Front and Back Kicks, and Side Plank with Lateral Leg Lifts for added challenge. In this well-balanced class, you'll be left feeling stretched and lengthened having done a complete full-body workout. Push Ups and Standing Lateral Stretches complete this New Year's Eve class. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Okay, let's start flat in our backs. Everybody get moving and yeah, go ahead. Actually you go lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat. I'm just going to take a quick look around where your feet are place you want your feet sits bones with the part and just take some normal breaths here. I'm just going to check a few things and see our alignment. And so this is another, um, kind of as I'm looking at who's here, a little mixed level of a crew, which is fantastic and I will and some new people to my, for me to see.

Welcome. Just tear up the nice full breath in through the nose and your exhale. Feeling your abdominals contract and dropping your pelvis into that nice level position. Oh, happy new years Eve. Everybody, thank you for coming to class. So did they just get, get out what you need from class again because we're a little mixed level group, you know, if you feel a little exhausted at some point or you need to take a break or if your neck starts feeling some stress, just place your head back down.

You can take a little breath when you need to. All those kinds of things here. So before we start moving our spine, I want to have you take your arms up to the ceiling, palms facing each other, feel the weight of your shoulder blades back on your mat. We're just going to warm up a little bit of open-close of the chest and the arm reach. So an anterior chest stretch. If you inhale, open your arms out to the sides without arching your back. Exhale as you bring your arms back in, stopping at shoulder width. Inhale as we open the chance to really receive the space there.

Exhale, close arms, just shoulder with the part. Inhale as you open and exhale as we close. And again, it's a stretch. It's a reach to the sides of the room and exhale you are slightly contract in your chest muscles and definitely pulling your shoulder blades down the back. And let's take two more.

Being able to open the arms without arching the spine, taking some abdominal strength and connection. And one more time. Open and exhale close. And now from here, I want everybody to bring their hands all the way together. Bring the arms up overhead again as far as your arms and shoulders will allow you to go without arching that spine or without losing level pelvis. And then from there, open the arms wide around like you're doing a circle with your arms. Bring them down by your pelvis.

I have my palms face up and then we'll just do that again. So Paul is together right over your torso, arms up overhead, or where they can go without losing your abdominal connection. Now it's like they burst open. Open those arms, palms face the ceiling. Bring the arms down by your hips or we're going to do that a couple more times as breathe in as the arms come up. Exhale has you open two more and then we'll go the other way. Just allow this to feel good. If you don't, if you don't want to take your arms and that big of a range of motion, don't do it. I know some of you got some shoulder stuff, so just take it what you need. Exhale and open.

Now I want you to keep your palms face up as your hands are by. Your hips will go the other way. So you're opening your arms out through that tee position. Way back up there above your head. If you can. Poems together and down towards your legs.

Open the palms, palms out. Let's inhale. Take that space, get that stretch and exhale, palms face up. Open. Inhale, bring your ribs in, contract your abdominals, and exhale two more to go and it gets some chest stretching, chest opening, less you and exhale arms down. Last time. Inhale as you open. Cool. Okay guys and [inaudible] good. And let's go ahead and bring your arms down by our sides.

Continuing to have the palms face up. We'll look into some spinal articulation now. So start with a breath in the exhale. Contract in the abdominals, enough to tilt your pelvis back, squeeze your sitz bones together. We're working on a bone by bone articulation up to your bridge position. I say this a lot. The higher you go, just focus on more tilt of your pelvis or rotation and more flatness in your ribs so that you don't release and pop that rib cage out and bow your back.

Okay, because we want that flat or line. Inhale at the top. Exhale and rolling down. So it's the chest that drops the rib cage. Next down through the lower back. Your pelvis and your sitz bones are level. Take a breath there.

I'm going to take a quick look. Exhale, tip your pelvis back. You're never done with your abdominals. The higher you go, almost think about more. Pull in of your abs. Think about the strength in the inner thighs, a little Sarah, the use of your inner thighs to track parallel. That's right. Inhale at the top everybody, and then exhale rolling down. So top of the spine, middle spine, lower spine, pelvis, tailbone. Inhale, rolling up.

So you can imagine that you have a small prop or ball or a small pillow between your knees that you're holding so that you activate some work in in the inner thigh. And also just let's stay at the bridge. Check in. How are you on your feet? You know, sometimes if we are rolled out on the outside edges, that's also causing our legs to go open. So really feel even across all 10 toes, back to the heel, pressing against with the legs a little bit. Let's breathe. Exhale coming down. Let's take one more to get up there and we'll add a little marching at the top. Breathe, end up, get ready. Hands can be on the mat and exhale, contract peel. So as we come up to our uh, shoulder blade position again and take some marching, you're going to be moving from that hip joint on an exhale.

Bring that right leg up to tabletop. There's an one going to do eight of these. Inhale, lower down without dropping the hips. Exhale the left. Inhale, lower. Exhale, right side. Inhale, step down. Load that leg before you lift the other one. Oh right, four more. So going to squeeze that buttock, press the hips up and down. Exhale.

Once again, each side. Inhale, lower last time. Exhale, inhale, leg down. Let's bring those arms up again back behind you without holding them together. Now a lot of you have really flexible shoulders. You could just plop your arms down on the floor. Let's not, let's however them up a little bit so you still have some intensity of reaching back with active reach. And then start your exhale here. Rolling down your upper back. Tilt your pelvis under more right there.

See if you could really squeeze the abdominals in. Get the lower back down, back of the pelvis, down, pelvis, all the way and level. Feeling very long and stretched. Okay. Let's start working our abs a little differently and legs together. Feet together. Interlace the hands behind the head. Exhale is become up to our chest lift. We're going to do about eight of these.

Inhale, lower back and exhale. So each time we're coming up toward the chest lift position, let your eyes look straight ahead to your legs, elbows in your peripheral vision. [inaudible] wait down in your sacrum and your tailbone. Four more and squeeze. [inaudible] some really good breathing going on in here today.

One more. Let's stay right there. Take another inhale. We're going to be in Chessa for a moment. Xcel back into the one leg lifts on the exhale, right leg. Inhale lower without dropping the chest lift. Exhale, left lay and inhale down. So we're going to do about eight of these right side. Again, exhale. So I want you to think as you're moving your legs, your torso is not dropped back. If anything, you're trying to effort curling higher off the shoulder blades. You're continuing to look right at your thighs or out into space, not up to the ceiling for that next stress.

[inaudible] last one left. Inhale lower and then let the chest come back down. Pause, breathe in. Exhale, curl back up again. [inaudible] so hands around the sides of the thighs. You know this one, most of you walk your hands up the back of the legs on the way up. Invite your pelvis to tilt so your pubic bone will be a little bit higher or a lot higher than your hip bones. Just hold this position.

We've got my elbows pointed out a little bit. We're going to take the pelvis and lengthen it and lower it to level without letting the torso drop back. So take a breath first. I think whenever you exhale today and stretch your pelvis down or lower your tailbone to the mat, you probably are going to feel a little bit of back work and that's okay. Take another inhale, exhale, tilt again. So I'm going to go back to the art. The other breathing I do.

Inhale as you lower your pelvis to flat. Exhale, contracted tilt. It's like that pelvis is a bowl of water that you're sloshing towards your feet and sloshing towards your ribs. You got it. Read. Inhale to level. Exhale, pelvic tilt. Couple more. Inhale to a level. Chest up. Exhale, pelvic. Tilt everyone.

One more to level and then just carefully bring yourself down. All right, another breath in here. Exhale both legs up to tabletop, knees side to side. Let's inhale to our right hip. So little weight shift. The left hip is coming up off the mat. Exhale as you come back to center. So again, we talk about this one a lot. You want to have level weight on your shoulders. Exhale, come back to center.

So separating the lower half of your body in a way to rotate. As you keep your upper side, upper body square muscles should be in your core, your abs, your even in your lower back, a little bit for more to go in. He'll run to add a little something. Stay right there. As you exhale, I want you to stretch your left leg out on a diagonal. Your knees are still bolted together. Now press your legs in together. Really feel how they can connect.

Now come back to your center and bend that knee again. We're going to go to the left. Inhale as you shift. Let's take the exhale, Lizzie. We elongate the right leg. Inhale, come back through the center and exhale. Rebend at the knee again to the right. Inhale, legs are squeezed in as you stretch. Inhale across the ceiling. Exhale as you bend last one guys, and he'll twist.

Exhale. Can you reach a little farther through that leg out into space? Inhale, come center and exhale. Rebend at the knee. Just bring your shins in. A little pull on him. Press on him. Open up your chest. We're going to come up for the hundred. All right, take a breath. Exhale, curl to chest lift. Bring unis to table top. That's all. Start there. Well, no, we're not. Let's go here unless you need to start in tabletop. Okay. Hundred.

We'd do five and five. Five pumps said inhale, three, four foot. Exhale, two, three. Well, thank you for the energy. You guys. This is whale. Really good. Five. Okay, let's drop the leg line. Anybody want to come with me? Exhale. Three, four, five. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale. Three, four, five, nine, 10. No, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold.

So if you need to come out of this, please do. I want us to try this. We do it a lot. Arms only up alongside the ears on an inhale. Exhale and porous down. If you feel stress in your back, come out of it. Inhale. [inaudible] last one. Press your arms down. Lift your Chels tire. There we go.

Fold in and everybody take a breather. Very good. Okay. We've got our roll up. Legs down, arms back again toward the ears without the arch of the spine. Depending on where your body is. This might feel really good. Inhale, arms, head, chest. Keep going. Xao curve over your legs. Now pause for just a second. Shoulder, shoulders over, hips. Looking down at your thighs. Your spine is still curved with your neck and back.

Breathe here now. Roll back. Started at your pelvis so it's again going into a pelvic tilt. As you come back, lay spine out. Long bone by bone. Stretch yourself out without arching your back. It's almost like you push it more against the mat. Okay, continue it in. Exhale, curl up and over.

Breathe in there. Exhale, pull back to take a peak. Lengthen. Stretch without arching. Almost pull. Good, good. Michelle, pull more into the mat, more into the mat and inhale. Arms, head, neck, chest. Here you go. Recur also, navel to spine. Yes, but it's more than that and it's from pubic bone actually up into ribs. Everything pulling in. Inhale, exhale. Coming back. Squeeze those legs in together. I'm going to relax the neck and shoulders.

Do more guys and rolling back. Seeking a little more. Pull in, little more bend of each vertebra. One more to go and exhale coming back. We're going to pause when we get to our shoulder blades. Go back a little more, Lisa. Ben, right. There you go. Right knee in, hands on that shin. Lift your left thigh up if you can and kind of imagine your toes on the same plane in space. Now let's just do 10 changes. Exhale and on and two and three so our spine is glued. Our trunk is glued to the mat. What's free to move are the hip joints, seven, eight, nine and 10. Come in with both knees, double leg stretch.

Inhale, legs out, arms up to the ears. Exhale, circle, pause. If you feel like you can stretch farther, arms and legs go for it, but again, trying not to let your chest drop back or down, I should say no touching the mat. You've got to stay up. One more guys. I'm going to take it into the scissor after this right leg up, left leg toward the mat. Now pause for just a second. See your pelvis flat. Chest lift a little bit higher. Now we're going to do a double pull with this top leg carefully and one to change the legs. One to change the licks.

Ah, so when you're changing those legs, keep going. There could be a little bit of rocking of your body on the mat. Left, right, minimize come up higher off your shoulder blades there. I want to have you keep going with the legs. Put your hands behind your head, everybody to support your neck and come up higher off your shoulder blades. One more each side. We're going to move it into Chris cross, so hold your left leg up. Now bend that knee. Cross your chest toward it. Okay. Take an exhale as you change sides.

10 of these exhale and we've got one and cross two and cross three. Your knees could kind of brush each other as you go to the side. Five at six. Are you stretching the leg enough? Are you a pie? Enough off your shoulders. Nine. One more to go. 10 we're going to come to tabletop position. Hold.

Put your hands behind your thighs. Rock all the way up. Rolling like a ball. This, bring our hips forward. No time. Like the present. Right. Okay. So hands on shins, one on each or behind the knees or hands crossed at your ankles. Three different places cause we've got a few different options for us here. Now before we roll, I'm going to repeat the que. That's been, I've been getting good feedback. It's not my cue, but this space here, just keep it the same. Try to keep it the same as you roll back and forth. Okay, six repetitions. We rolled into shoulder blades by scooping into the stomach.

It's a pelvic tilt. It's a pelvic tilt rule back roll up, pause, roll back. Inhale, come up that sail. So wherever your your a shape is is fine. Just work to keep this consistent space between thighs and chest. Three more to go.

Two more to go. Last one. [inaudible]. Place your feet down. Hands behind you. Lift your hips and put them back. Open your legs to the width of the man and flex your ankles.

Spine. Stretch forward. Just the a reflection exercise. So feet really flex. Take a good inhale, sitting tall. Exhale, contract into the abdominals. Now I'm going to take this into the deeper flection. I'm going to have you stay here for a couple more breaths. Okay, so the farther you're flexing forward, more feet flexed, ideally we could get our head to the mat. You know, in a way by bending the spine, you know near you go.

So you have to shorten the front of the abdominal muscles in a way. Good Brent, to get farther forward and that stretch along your lower back. Now coming up to vertical sit. Drop those shoulders down. Now it's as if someone, someone or something is right behind you. You're right up against it. Feed her against something. Inhale, exhale. Now push back a little bit with your back. Got it. Bend forward. Sometimes we use that image that there's a ball over your lap.

You're going over the ball. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, wringing out your lungs. It's roll back up to vertical. Articulate. Drop the shoulders. Just one more time. Inhale, tall ribs in and over. Flex, open, blossom your back loss in your back.

Reach through the heels. Hold that position dynamic. Reach through the heels. Nice Sabrina. Lot of pullback when the abdominals elect, there's an opposing force in there. You know, Sabrina flex more forward, more, more, more, more and more and more. And there we go. Let's all roll up to vertical spine. Good. You right, legs together. Okay, let's move our hips up. Roll it back. Leg circles usually would have come earlier in this session, but here we are.

I'm going to have this take our body very long first. Okay. Long and stretched. Some of us have a nice lumbar curve that's pretty easy to slip the hand under right now. If you try to diminish that curve with your stomach strength, not by tilting your hips, it's a different location. It's your abs. We want to work on, you know, not a pelvic tilt here. Now take your right leg, bend the knee, and take that leg to the ceiling. Ideally we're straight leg, but some of you may have to do this exercise with the bent knee, which is fine. It's your femur, your thigh.

That's gonna move the in the joint here in the socket. Okay? But before we do take a check in, I want you to really engage your stomach on that side, the right side, and pull it in so much as pulling the femur in to the joint. Okay? And it's almost like you're then also putting more weight on the back of that hip down to the mat. All right? Same on the other side. Now this leg crosses left. Get a big cross. Circle around and pull it center. Inhale, big cross.

Exhale around pullet center. Two more. Last one, keeping the foot really pretty relaxed. Other way for five, a little open. Big cross, over and up. Inhale. Exhale. Big crossover up. Two more and stay right there. Hands behind your thigh. Now, uh, is your curl your chest up?

We've already been here with the scissor, so I'm not going to do that. I want you to bring your hands up higher onto your a calf if you can. Most everybody, even our guys can do it. Okay? Now if you increase the stretch in your hamstrings or the whole back of your leg, your pelvis is going to really gonna want to tip this way? Try not to. If you can really effort that you're still waiting your pubic bone down here, but yet trying to take your leg that way, this is what usually is going to give.

We want some given there. Okay. The other leg also needs to be rarely stretched. Tried to touch, you know, okay, now is it there enough? You want to bring it in more? Go ahead. You're gonna keep it there. This is always really shocking. And then take your chest down. Keep the leg where it is. It amplifies. At least for me, it does. What's going on in this stretch.

[inaudible] let's just hang out for three breaths. My leg is shaking. That's a sign. There's some change going on, I think I know. Okay, last breath. And just simply let go and float the leg down. Okay, so knowing what we know, let's take the left leg up. Take just a quick check in. So your stomach very much pulling the femur in.

Pelvis is anchored, ribs are anchored, leg goes to the right. Inhale, exhale, round and lift. Cross around and lift. So we want the mobility in that swing. Guess, swing quality of the leg. Last one other way for five little open, but a big crossover. [inaudible] last one, spine, the thigh, chest up. Check your pelvis. You want it to really work in that level. Take your hands higher if you'd like to.

Okay. Continuing to curl into your spine more flection forward. You got it. Taking your leg towards you as much as you need to match the other side or feel balanced trying to touch each other there with your other extended leg. This leg isn't done either. It's still stretching. All right, and then chest back, keeping the leg right where it is if possible.

What was this whole [inaudible]? One more breath. Nice work guys. Float the leg down. Bring both legs and back into your chest. Hands behind your thighs, but a rule you back up. Scoot those hips back again.

Open into a diamond position with your legs. It's a generally a little easier. I'm going to sit this way for awhile. I'm to sit. So your feet together, knees open and let's take our elbows and arms crossed so you can cross the elbows. Press your shoulders down and again, lift as tall as you can in your torso. All right, so you want to feel the strength right here in your lats, towards your obliques and your belly. So let's rotate to the left. Take a breath. I want you to exhale. And if you can just kind of look in where the center divider is with your forearms. It's kind of here. That's where we want our nose or chest or sternum. It's really easy to overturn the shoulders right now. From there, open both arms, your nice big chest stretch.

Now if you could go a little farther, not with the arms, but from your trunk, your trunk, your trunk, your trunk, and then rewind back to center. And let's go the other side. Inhale there. Exhale to your rotation. So I would go modest on the first one. Inhale, as you expand the line of the arms, exhale, arms stay. Still, it's your trunk muscles, abs and back and spine that rotate. Inhale, bringing you home. I got off the breath. Inhale, hold. Well, make it more fluid. Inhale, stretch. Exhale. As we go a little farther around. Inhale, come home. Exhale, rotate. Right in. Heel stretch. Think of going up your spine and around. Beautiful guys. Inhaling coming home.

Exhale, left. Inhale, lengthen ribs back a little bit. Inhale as we twist. Inhale coming home. One more exhale as you twist to your right. Inhale, stretch. Exhale, going a little farther. Feel it around your waist and inhale coming home. And I just want everyone to round forward. Rest your spine for a moment.

Nicely done. And we're going to continue movie. Let's go swing our legs around. End up on your tummies. Yeah. Oh, how about heads all face this side of things, this side of the room faced this way. You guys are fine. Yeah, answer good questions. So if we stack our hands to start today, put your head on your hands and imagine we've just super glued the hands and the head together. So when we were going to do a lift of the bat to the chest and our hands are going to stay with us. All right. Before you do.

If you can squeeze your legs in together, level the pelvis, it may feel like you actually have to tilt it a little bit. Put a little more pressure on the hip bones. Okay. And feel your shoulders down your back. So on an exhale, we're going to lift our chest up off of the mat. Exhale. Here we go. We'll just hold right there. Inhale, exhale, bring it down. Inhale, hold, exhale and lift without popping that belly out underneath you.

Inhale, hold. Exhale as you're coming down. Inhale again. Hold. Exhale, chest lifts. If you can keep your hands glued to your head. So the whole, yeah, the weight of the arms is going to come up with you. That's better guys. And he'll come down and again, exhale, coming up. Legs get to stay down on the mat. Just isolating your back. Annex Hill coming down.

Now, whichever hand is on top, change it. Let's go again for the other side. Exhale, believe it or not, it probably will feel a lot different. Inhale, hold. Exhale coming down. Inhale, let the mat exhale, lift off the mat. Inhale, hold, exhale coming down. Let's take it. Two more legs are down. This is isolating your back extensors. Inhale, exhale, coming down. Once again. Exhale, inhale, and exhale coming down. Okay.

Hands right here by your shoulders. This just take three Swan. Okay. Full Swan. Take a nice breath to start against. You're trying to find that same lift of your back. Then and only then can you push with your arms. Go ahead and extend yourself fully.

If you can get a stretch through your waist and your belly. Yeah, pull the back of the head back a little bit so we're not sitting out there with the chicken neck. Pull it back. All right, breathe in tall. Come down long through your chest. Open your chest, open your chest, open your chest. Open your chasse. That's it. Head down. Take a breath. Exhale. Here we go. Reach out or that chest lift. Feel strength and stretch. Breathe. Coming down to the shoulders. Get a press open for you. Reach nice Christy to reach our chest forward.

We're going to take it one more time. Inhale and exhale. No Swan dive today. We don't need to. This is enough. And exhale, coming down. Open it up. Open your chest. Feel long. Okay. Put your hands a little farther back. Push up and then move back into a rail and back.

Sometimes a little transitional stretch feels nice against the lower back. A couple of deep breaths in there. In fact, what I'm going to do, a slight transition of theme here. Tuck your toes, everybody. Let's just pass through a standing roll-up. All right, so just to kind of change, change your where you are in space.

So straighten your legs, roll yourself up to standing. It feels pretty good. Roll back down, head and chest. So what we're going to walk out to now is that front support position is nice. Read and walk out nice and control. The legs are still squeezing in. Hands will be right below the shoulders.

Abdominals are really sucked up and in. There's a good stretch back through your thighs to your heels and at the same time your upper back is very stretched long. Sarah, be proud of that one. That's your shoulder's a great, everybody. Christie opened that chest a little more. There you go, guys. Okay. Now from there, let's lift the hips up into that up stretch position. Um, keep up on Relevate today with your toes, your heels. Let me and her up. Okay.

So what I want you to focus on is not just the resting to ribs out and kind of dropping your ribs down is stretch your spine up. I'm thinking the lower spine, my tailbone up to that diagonal above me where the ceiling and the wall touch and feeling the stretch in my hamstrings, my calves, the work in my torso, my lats. All right, now breathe there. As you exhale, shift that position down, hips down, chest over the wrists, and then just simply bring your knees down and come off your breasts. All right, we're going to come back onto belly for single leg or double leg kick double leg actually. So putting your right cheek on this, on the Mac, Pam's in the small of your spine. Three your elbows to the sides. Squeeze those legs and again and try to hover them up without losing the integrity of the length of your lower back. Both heels [inaudible] I mean then to the buttocks. For three squeezes.

So we've got one, two, and three. Now take your legs all the way to the mat. Lift your back. You lift your arms a little higher above you. Feel the strength from your middle back. I don't want you to look up though. Your eyes are still looking at the black mat. Now turn your head, put your hands on your back.

Then your chest down here come the legs for three squeezes. One, two, three legs all the way down. Let's isolate that back again. So am pulling my shoulders away from the neck, pulling my arms up, helping me lift a little higher. Stay there. Two hands in, chest down, and we've got one, two, three. Inhale all the way up. Other side. Exhale and one, two, three. Inhale. Let's lift four more guys. Other side. Last time on this side. One, two, three.

Inhale and lift. Last one coming here and exhale. One, two, three. Inhale, lift in whole, release those hands. Just put them right by your thighs. Palms face up. Now hover the legs up. Let's go. [inaudible] snorkeling, snorkeling. All right, that's enough. And chest down. Hands by your shoulders. Again, push back into that rest position. We're a cat back. If you'd like that feeling better.

Take some good deep breaths. Okay, let's come. Sideline, how about you on your right side? Facing front. I'll be on my left. Let's start up on our elbow today. Backups. I don't kick you well I wouldn't kick you front. Kicking back kick. So as we're up on our elbow, we want that, that upper arm right in a vertical stand and your bottom wastes lifts.

You've got that negative space. Kind of looks like a triangle. And then let's take our hand down. Flat hand. Okay. I think we're all okay to take our opposite hand behind her head. So it's, it's there. It could, you know, you could end up dropping down on that shoulder and lift. Looking up this way, working not to do that. So you really have to keep that chest facing forward. Okay. Lift your, um, move your legs just slightly forward. Guys. Legs are going to be up with the flexed heel and heel to get ready.

Their motion is here at the hip. So we come forward for a little double pulse. Just one stretch to the back. Double pulse, one to one, stretch back. So when the leg is going behind us, the ribs sometimes love to fluff open, you know, so work to contain some strength right there through your ribs. Now keep going. Kick it farther. Front kick. Yup. Like there's a ball suspended right here. Kick it two more times.

Stretch. Kick. There we go. And I want us to hold the line back. Take your leg. We've done this a lot. This is not mine. This is pats. I like to refer to this a lot. Rotation of the spine with your leg back. So on your exhale, rotate. Now that ball that I just referred to is right here by your wrist.

Hover over the top of it, hold and he'll rotate back to facing the front. And just two more times. Exhale. It's really from the obliques, like a crisscross. Inhale as you open to the front and exhale and rotate and inhale facing front. And exhale, bring your leg in. Bring your hand down, move your legs in line with your pelvis. And I want us to flex the feet. Okay. For most of us, that's going to be fine if you need to. If you feel unsteady in a second, take the top foot forward. Think we'll all be fine here, so a little weight bearing on the elbow. Take a breath.

This arm is going to swing up and overhead. Just hold yourself long and steady or shoulders or you know where down. Now when we lower the hip control, the lowering your left arm is just going to sweep by your pelvis. Inhale, exhale, go back up again. Pretty much bearing weight on the outer edge of that a bottom ankle. Inhale, exhale en. Bring it down. This is looking pretty good. Let me watch the last one. Keep your top hip forward a little bit guys. Yes. It's the tendency to drop that top hit backward.

Keep it more force should be stacked right over the other one. Okay, hang out with me. Inhale. Can anybody take the top leg up? Just hold it. You can top hip forward. That's right down. It goes up. It goes. One, five of them, and surprise two, three, four and five. I will come out of that. Come on down. All right. Yeah. Other side. Yes. I see about half of us going. What the heck was that? Yeah.

Shoulder work. Frank kickback here. So the legs are starting on an a slight diagonal forward pelvis stack, shoulder, stacked hand flat, negative space. It's a little more lit here, Christie. Bingo, checking it out. Okay. Leg up. Inhale, swing forward. And one, two again, it's just a stretch or reach. If you want to go with the soccer ball image. Oh, Brent just got his foot kissed. I'll sweet forward, forward and back. Up and up. A little more.

Kick up and up. We want that swing strength and range of motion. Three more. Up and up. Stretch last one. Hold it back. Inhale, rotate on the exhale. Give time for the rotation. Inhale, open back to the front. Exhale again from the old leaks. Feel your ribs come with you.

Inhale, open up and one more time. Exhale, supporting that left shoulder. Inhale and open. Nice. Yeah, and legs together. Okay. Legs in line, feet flexed as you're on this Dom, the hip bias it right away guys, the top hip being more forward because something shifted on the, on the other side of, as soon as we got our weight up, it's like whoop, okay, that's the, that's what we're prone to, so keep it forward. Take a breath there, press into this lat, more negative space. Arm up overhead. Inhale, that's it. Exhale, come down with control. Light, touch of the hip. Inhale there, sweep the arm and exhale. Nice read. Inhale and exhale. Lower.

Ready? Yup. Can brace yourself for we did five first. Just start the leg lifted pelvis forward and we went down and up, down and up the re four, five, oops and six hand lower everything down. All right, nicely done. You guys come to face your legs again. You can face each other. Bring your knees is close to you as you can. Cross your hands on your ankles.

Let your head come down and just make a Cove in your back. [inaudible] okay. Bring your torso up. Hand on shin, hand on chin. Feed a little wider. Now oppose that. I think we did it last week or the weekend before. Just sit with your, your, I'm pulling a little bit with my hands on my shins. Thinking more about your high back in a slight upper back bend some, some programs call it a high release. It's not releasing anything. I mean it, wait, wait a minute.

It's releasing things, but it's not easy. I just release light. Come on, come on. You're like that like releasing energy in and focus. It's a contraction for your back extensors. Your old abs in the front. Okay. But releasing maybe up into the chest. Okay. Just hold. Okay. And then find a with your spine.

So let's go with our seal exercise. So this seal is another rolling. Yup. Uh, lift your feet. Hands underneath ankles. That's cute. Holding onto the tops of the ankles there. Hold that position.

So we're putting ourself in a rather interesting shape. Your balance is going to be challenged. Your hip flexibility is challenged a little bit. So where you all are, can everybody focus the low abs and just pull back a little bit more without falling all the way and just practice for a second of releasing your hips. It's a S it's an open close. Yeah, and it's fairly small and kind of quick. Let's do three. One, two, three, one, two, three because that's what's going to happen in the seal. Most of you know. Okay.

That little clap, clap, clap, or can happen when you roll back towards your shoulder blades and when you come back up out of the roll. So let's give it a try back. We go to the shoulder blades. You have to kind of suspend yourself there. One, two, three, and up. One, two, three. Roll back. One, two, three. Roll up. One, two, three. Inhale. One, two, three. So it might seem like by sting, back through, you could balance. Don't go to your head just to get the clap, clap, clap with the legs. You have to really hold with your C curve.

Okay, let's take three more. [inaudible]. One, two, three. Up. One, two, three. Roll back. One, two, three. Up. One, two, three. Last time. Roll that one, two, three up. One, two, three. Hold. Okay. Close the knees. Let's find yourself maybe what would feel like a teaser position? Somewhat of one with our legs extended. If there can be straight. Wonderful. If not, that's okay too. We're working toward it now. I want everybody to engage the upper back again.

That high release we just talked about. Let's see if we can refine it. Bring it back in is hold. Okay. The reason why I'm having us do that is so we can get in touch with our back extensors a little bit more so, but with, we have our teaser position. Of course, our head is not like this. We want to now neutralize or level the head position, but keep the work in your upper back. Nice, Brent. Okay.

Now teaser is not this. This is just kind of the feeling in a way of it. Teaser. I want us to let go of the legs. Open them forward. Yup. Thank you. Annie. Go for it. Could we put our arms up? He had upper back integrity. Let's breathe. Yeah.

Whoo. I see some shaking and me too. Okay. Bend your knees. Happy new year everybody. Come on run. All right, let's roll up to standing or let's do a couple of standing roll downs. Walk out to plank, maybe a couple of pushups. [inaudible] so at the back edge of your mat, standing tall. Let's take a good breath in together and rolling down.

Weight shifted forward. Pushups are optional. Let's walk out in four or five steps. You're absolutely fine just to hold a plank. One, two or three pushups back up. We go. Hips up, walking the hands to feed. Four or five steps. Rolling back up to standing tall. Who's got that? Two more times? Inhale taller and exhale over. We go walking out.

Yeah. One, two or three pushups or none. Walking back up. Plant the feed. Inhale. Exhale, roll back up. Just Hani. Inhale and exhale. Roll down.

We actually are going to do one last thing after we do our pushups. Walking it out and again, one, two, or three or none. Okay. Hips up. Rolling up to standing. So I'm going to go to the center of my match. You guys do it too. And face me, let's just do a little side standing aside. Bend. Okay.

So as your feet are open just a little bit past your hip width, arms up to the sides. Let's take a breath. Our right, your left arm and a nice easy stretch to this side and center and to the left, just keeping it moving. So I want you to think of the most of the effort is really in the spine bending. There's some squeeze in the inner thighs toward your midline and again, arm and then big curve to the right and center right arm up, big lifting career and center for more to go. Enjoy how it feels to move. Hopefully feel a little more invigorated than you came in with more, maybe ready for new year's Eve, whatever you do and center, and then just swing your arms.

Thank you very much guys for coming to class. Yay. Happy new year.


A great class! I've done several of your sessions on here so far, and this is definitely going in my "Favorites". I love your style of instruction. A great combination of all the body movements here, and I'm going to pinch the standing lateral stretches you did at the end and do them for my Improvers Class tonight! Thanks.
Hi Claire! Wow, thank you for such great feedback and kindness. I really love teaching and I've been told that really comes out in my classes. It's nice to hear and that's one thing that keeps me excited. Talk to you again soon!
1 person likes this.
What a great class! very intense yet not intimidating for us who are not so advanced. Thanks!
Thank you Ivo, glad you enjoyed this class!
2nd class I have done with you Amy and love it, great class
Thank you Claire!! Hope to hear from you again soon!

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