Class #446

Circulation in the Body

55 min - Class


Amy begins class with standing exercises to begin the flow, circulation, and energy through the body. Important to remember that we should be able to take our Mat work up onto two legs and feel just as empowered, balanced and aligned. Amy puts attention to proper weight placement over the feet while weight shifting with Side Skater Prep/Lateral Hip Work. She also adds simple but effective Hamstring stretching and Back Extensor priming getting you ready to hit the Mat for more fun exercises. You'll leave class feeling awake and ready for your day. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Okay, so guys, let's start standing facing forward today and we can align our legs just right underneath our pelvis so you'll have a slight open stance as opposed to how I often stand together and we're just going to start with our arms up. It's a little different. A start to class today. Forget you know any about PyLadies. I just want you to practice some swinging or just kind of get into something that has a swing. So we will bend the knees round your back, your arms will swing back behind you. They sweep back up in front and we go down and up, down and out and swing, swing, swing.

So my legs are doing a little bit of a rebound underneath there. I will show you what that is and okay, yeah, keep going. I'll show you just a little pulse with the legs and let you head go. Let the arms go kind of floppy if you want to think about that quality. I do want you to think about your abdominal muscles, however that you can start thinking of now addressing some Palladio's work in your abdominals and think about a c shape creating with your spine.

Take some good deep breath and swing. I know this is not conventional work we're doing so dang was brought up to my attention with myself this week about we should be having fun in class. I like to think that I always have fun and maybe you have fun. This is fun. I could do this for about 20 minutes but oh don't you worry. It's not on there. Two more times. Sibling. Hey, I last one swing and then just let your arms come down. You may want to step forward only because of that beautiful sunlight that's going to heat you up. Yeah. Did that heat. Anybody else?

Just the movement. Yeah, my breath is a little bit taken so let's go. Keep going a little bit into some arm and shoulders. So just reach your right arm up and think about the shoulder blade, pull it down and also kind of the tip of the shoulder blade forward toward me. If you can feel that and then let that arm come down, left side and really it's just assessment in a way. Shoulder blade down and slightly forward like it's following the line I'm thinking of.

It's falling in the line of my shirt here and then down right arm it can swing and the left arm can swing. There's a little bit of a rhythm in the arm and shoulder joints and how they work together and good Elizabeth just swinging. I know so often we gets fixated on placement which is healthy and good and wise but men letting your arms move a little differently and also healthy and wise and down swing. A couple more and what I'm also watching is what when our arms are doing this kind of movement, what's going on in our center and our rib cage, we all look good cause we know our PyLadies no one's swinging their arm and really bowing their back, which would be to have to address and not do that. But this crew of course knows what not to do. Let's go up one more. Just your left arm unless we both at the same time about four times.

So we lift and swing. Just think about the heaviness of the shoulder blade on the, on the rib wall. I'm actually going to have us do four more. Arm is light. I see some nice posture starting here in the upper body. Sowing and swing. Okay, arms are going to go down. You're just going to look over your right shoulder. Just turn and look.

So think about your left neck facing me. Very, very, uh, you know directly, but also think about your right ear, listening to the space that's behind you. And that's kind of like what's going on back there. I don't really necessarily want you to crank your neck to make more of a neck rotation, but think about the ear. Maybe hearing the space behind you that will invite a little more rotation. Okay. And then come through center and we'll do the other ear, other side.

It's really here. Listen, we'll go again. Each side tune in doing it, finding a different use of some of our senses and other signs you may start tapping into. The more you try to listen to something behind you or on that side, you may be feeling your head move more your neck move more. All right. I think one more. I'm going to watch you turn and then I'll address a little bit of, we want the head and neck to be isolated to shoulder should still be square and open, which it looks good to me. And here we go. One more to the other shoulder. Looking over that shoulder, hearing what's behind you. Good. Open chest and waking up the neck. Okay, so looking forward, we're going to do a, listen.

We do this one a lot too, so if we listen to the shoulder or you could think of lengthening this ear up to the ceiling so it's not so compressive, maybe on the bending side, but more of a lengthening on the long side. That makes sense. And then up and over to the other side. Yes, we're listening to the shoulder. I was trying to length in the space from ear to shoulder itself. Lengthening that trapezius muscle that sometimes gets a little fussy. Let's go to the other side. Let's feel a little breath coming into it.

How much longer could you make that neck muscle? Good. I saw a few things to a few moments there and link. You're trying and other side. Sometimes the Sh uh, the shoulder gets to drop to help link them. Sometimes the ear has to lift up to lengthen. Yes. One more each side and over combination of both is what's working for me and center. One more to the other side.

Randy, lifting grandkids. I bet this feels really good. Good basic and healthy. Let's do this with the arms. We're going to do a little elbow chop and arms open. Other one is going to be a little elbow chop, arms open, elbow chop, arms open, elbow chop. And again, so we're kind of swinging the arms but focus on upper back for a second. I'll get some pilates ideas.

So I'm thinking the muscles between my shoulder blades are moving closer together when my arms are chopping, when they're opening. So I'm waking up the upper back. Good. Barbara, I can see you in the Mir. Our Mirror. Why did I spell it? I don't know. And Open and shop and, Oh, chop all these women with grandkids now and chop and open. Okay. Holding there. Let's do this swing again eight times and one and to just have fun. There's a bit of momentum. Yes, a little bit of flow. Fluid motion.

And our last one. Okay. Now I want you to take those arms out to the side. Yeah, lift them up. We're going to interlace the fingers and put them behind your hands behind your head and then bring your elbows forward toward me. A starter roll down like this, but before we do, just put some attention to the back of your head. Into your hands. Okay.

Not forcefully, but you just feel that. Feel the hand and had connection. Elbows a little narrow. We're taking an inhale and let's start to roll down from here. I'm still thinking head connected to the hands. Who wants you to just around so that your upper spine is curved.

It's a nice opportunity to look down at your feet, see how you're standing on them. Of course, we'd want to be very centered, not rolled out, not rolled in right over the arches of the feet. Take a breath and start to roll back up. Really feeling ahead into the hand, all the way to standing at the top. I want you to open your elbows and lift your sternum, your chest a little bit or your heart. It's in there. Lifted up. You might feel some contraction in your upper back. Beautiful, and then find center. Elbows forward. Breathe in. Now can you think about a longer neck as you round it forward, you take a quick peek? Yes. I love how most of you are going farther this time, which is great. That's exactly where I was going to have you go.

Take an inhale. Exhale again. Start to roll up. Continue to feel the head into the hands. It's gentle. This is meant to stretch the back of the spine and the neck. Once again coming up, you can open those elbows, follow your gaze forward. Lifting that hard up wide elbows are could be a little squeezed between your shoulder blades. Four, it's okay. Let's do one more. Breathe in, elbows forward, and rounding forward over. Okay. This time when you're going down, guys, I want you to let go of your hands or your head.

Let your hands come down by your feet, hands on the floor if they can get there, and then shift your weight forward a lot so that your hand is completely flat, even if you have to bend your knees. Okay? Yeah, and as you're there, we're putting some stretch of course in the back of the legs, but do remember to pull your stomach up and we're going to take for bending of the knees. You're going to take a slight bend. Inhale, and then on your exhale you're straightening those knees. Pull the abdominals up away from the thighs. Three more, and inhale, really tiny. Exhale, pull up. Two more. Inhale. Exhale, pull up last time and Ben. Exhale, stretch. Now if you're okay with keeping your knees straight, I want you to roll all the way up to standing from there. Restack each vertebra all the way up to standing.

Okay. Yeah. Bring your feet all the way in and we're going to step out to our right. Just follow along. We're going to move a little differently. Yeah, that's so moving out and you're rolling through your foot. Toe Ball, arch heel. You want your knee facing four lunge into that knee. It doesn't have to be too low, but parallel here we'll do turn out in a minute.

Okay. And I'll push off that leg back into the center. Over to your left. There's going to travel laterally about 10 of these shifts. Your weight. So, uh, we did this. We've done this before in the past I've talked it so often. We think PyLadies and doing mat work. It's only on the mat. When we stand up, it's still Palapas.

We're still doing mat work is just when we were standing. So what things we could think about where the laughs are, how the can support the upper trunk, the relationship of the abdominals to the lower back, the sternum, having a lift in front so your shoulders are open. Yeah, we can do this without feeling like wooden soldiers and in and lunge into the knee. Push off and lunge torso, staying right over the pelvis. Last one in parallel to each side. Good. Okay. Now taking it into a slight external rotation. Same thing. You're reaching the right leg out. Place your foot, lunge into it. Be a little careful if you need to and then push off.

Bring it back in lunge. You want your knee to face over the toes. Push and come back in. Here we go there. I'm going to add a little arm thing so we go out, swing out, swing out, swing and not all my classes are like this. I just decided to stand up today for a little bit longer and swing, lunge, swing and out. We're fine. Yeah. Again, and looking good.

Yeah. Nice. Light arms for more sure and lift. Nice use of your legs and your feet as you push off the floor. Last one to each side. There you go. And last one for something different. There we go. Okay.

Stepping Open. Heels are a little wider than hips and I do want us actually to go down into a play and just hold your pa for a moment or a few moments. Okay. Doesn't have to be really low. What I do want us to focus on is where it's coming from, so it's right up here, the femur externally rotating at your hip and just concentrate for a minute. Now on the, on your back side, your lower bum, the external rotators. If you squeeze a little bit from the back side, your femurs may turn a little more outward, which is what we're looking for.

Okay? Can anyone go a tiny bit lower? [inaudible] all right. Feeling some things I know when you stand up stomach for sure. Bring your sits bones closer together. It's like you're lifting your pelvic floor, not like you are. You are. When we plea a let your sits bones kind of move apart.

Try not to squeeze so much. Okay. When you stand up, do you think about squeezing the very base of your body, pulling it up often? This will, some teachers call this the elevator. I could go into that. I May. Here's the elevator for one or two. Four, three, four, five, maybe a penthouse lives up here. When we start to stand your pelvic floor, as it engages, it's like the elevator doors close and here we go.

We're rising up to the penthouse suite. All right, so it's the pelvic floor. It's your abdominal wall and some other things in there that are lifting. Let's do two more here. You just relax it. It's a little easier to relax and open up the hips if you'd not squeezing so much back here. When you go down, when you stand up, you want to gather in, squeeze, pull up, nice and tall. We're going to take it one more time.

[inaudible] this is very healthy to be able to do. It's okay if you can't. You're, yeah. Nice stuff. Okay, so we're going to do a parallel position. Legs are still a little wider than your hips. We talk so much about our triangle of hip, hip, and pubic bone. For right now, I'm just going to put in the heel of my hand on it, fingertips on my pubic bone. And what I want us to do is flat back.

So I'm hinting right at the where the femurs in the Pelvis junction there and I'm coming forward in a flat back. Ideally we want our chest and back to be 90 degrees to our hips. Okay, so I'm just going to peak up and watch you all get there. So I think Sarah can come up a little bit right there. Lisa can come up a little bit, Valerie, maybe a little bit there.

Perfect. Now you can put your hands somewhere else. I'm going to put mine behind my back. I'm just going to rest them right at the sacrum. Okay. And what I want you guys to challenge yourself to do is shift your weight slightly forward of your feet. All right? It will probably feel like you're gonna fall forward. Don't let yourself, you're going to put your brakes on with your tummy, okay?

And just stay right there. This is a stretch for our hamstrings, but it's also an activation of him and wonder if he can feel what I'm talking about. You feel that bat? Lift your chest a little bit. Okay, take a few breaths. This is a bit intense, but you also have another chance to look at your feet. How are you standing on them? We want them nice and parallel. Keep trusting your weight, shifting it forward. [inaudible] breathing. Let's take one. Inhale together. Now on your exhale, you're going to come up with the same idea of singing flat on your back. I'm just gonna keep my hands behind my back for that.

All the way up to standing. So you're back in your level plane here. Let's take it again. Exhale. And He Djing at the hips. [inaudible] so now you've taken that triangle and just moved it. So now it's parallel to the floor length in the back of your neck. And there you go.

Maybe I'm going to say bring your chin down to your chest a tiny bit there. And then since my hand and lifted up a tiny bit in here. Good, good, nice. Long neck. A little tuck down of your chin ever so slightly that way sits bones really strongly reaching back. Barbara, lift your chest a tiny bit, a little more, little more. There's your flat back. Yes it is. Exactly. It is about beautiful. Sarah. Got a good one.

Take a breath guys on your exhale. Same thing. Hinge and just come right about that. Let's try it one more time. This time with your arms out to your sides. Okay, and we're going to add onto it when we get down there. So reaching your arms along and out. [inaudible] maybe using the floor visually like a ocean floor, looking for some plant life down there. Maybe just look okay.

Now if it feels okay for you, we're going to lunge again, taking her weight slightly to the right. I'm going to slightly bend my right knee. You're just shifting that weight to the side. Okay. Come back to your center and then shifted over to your left. You want to track that knee over your first and second toes.

Use the glutes and push yourself back to center. Let's go again to the right. Inhale and exhale. Center and left and center keep going. So if things are starting to shift on peaking up to look at you guys, we are losing a little bit of our flat back, so yeah, that's it. Okay, so keep going. I'm going to ask you to stick your tail out a little bit. There you go Valerie. It's a lot of work in the hamstrings and the and the sides of the glutes along with the back muscles. One more to the right. Inhale.

Exhale, center last one to the left and exhale center. Okay guys, put your hands down on the floor and again, walk your hands far enough forward that you can get your knees straight and then just let your head drop. Take a few deep breaths there. [inaudible] and then from here you can bend those knees and let your spine see curve to roll all the way up. And then we'll get down on the mat. Pretty good. Just wanting to do some standing things today. Okay, so let's go on down [inaudible] and we can face in to each other. Sure. Okay. And I think I would like us to start just again, similar to how we did last week and then probably the week before.

Also hands behind the knees, feet open. We'll just take it two times. Pull those elbows out. Use your hands, pull your chest open, take a breath. We're plenty warm. Let's go into a nice curve of the lower back and I am trying to make a good c curve. That's my challenge. Point. Inhale and exhale. We're coming forward and all the way up onto those sitz bones. Take another breath. Exhale the low belly. Really pull it back. Keep that chest open.

Inhale here guys. Exhale, pull forward and all the way up now, arms forward. We're going to the mat all the way down. Actually, we'll go to our shoulder blades. Yeah, why not? Just go right down to the 100 all right, so let's take our legs up on a slight diagonal. We'll lower them on the way. We'll take our fry breath. Sad [inaudible] too. [inaudible] three if anyone would like to lower the legs now it's your time as you lower the legs. Continue to reach your arms past your hips. Chest is open. Two, three, four, five, nine [inaudible] 10 exhale, three, four, five. Now who'll bring that right knee in, right hand down by that ankle. Curl up high.

We're going to go into single leg stretch for 10 repetitions. Exhale and [inaudible] make this the best single leg stretch you've ever done. Some of us have heard that recently. And reach, reach four more. We've got one, two, three, and four. Bring both knees in. Double leg stretch just four times extending long one. [inaudible] we use out that air more. [inaudible] last time. Now from here guys, put your hands behind your thighs. Rock up. Let's come forward into rolling like a ball.

So changing the order a little bit on purpose. Ready to go for five repetitions and [inaudible] tuck those heels in toward the sits bones rural. Lift your hips to more in. Lift the pelvis. [inaudible] last time. Lift coming up. Place your feet down for a second. Sweaty. I know I need, I am too. Okay, let's take our right leg up. And again, I want you to hold the back of each thigh. Okay.

And pull the elbows out again. Lift your sternum a little bit more into more of a flat back shoulder blades down. Add the left leg up. So it's taking the flat back that we were doing in standing. Putting a here. Alright, good work you guys.

I'm going to have you bend your right knee and put that foot down. And then just simply put the left downs. We'll just do that. Stay back in a hand. So can you see him hanging back? My stomach is engaged, but I'm really, I really am. I've taken myself from vertical and then just hinged back. Okay, so let's go ahead and lift the left leg first.

Find your balance point on your tailbone and then lift the right one. Here we go. Lower the left foot by bending that knee and then bend the right knee. Place that foot down. We'll go again. Let's breathe. Exhale, right leg [inaudible]. Stay there. Inhale, exhale, left leg. Stay there. Inhale, good. Lower the right foot, that's it. And lower the left. One more pad around the world and exhale, left leg [inaudible] and the right leg. Good. Bending the left and put the left down.

Chest is lifted and bend the right. Place it down on both legs at the same time. We'll lift up, up, up, up. All right. Now if you would like to openly, slightly move your hands to your calves, still try to pull into that back extension. Here we go for rock or we'll take six of them. Inhale, roll back. Lift her to find that same flat back and roll back. Axial. Be careful not to throw the ribs for when, when you recruit those lats to pull down. Inhale.

Exhale. Let's take two more. Inhale, lift the top of the head. Lift, lift, lift. One more guys. Inhale, take it back. All right, bring your legs in together. Bend your knees. Rest for just a second. Roll on back down. Okay. We haven't done this for weeks and weeks. The bicycle and the bicycle. Yes, you might feel your thighs and your hip flexors and don't be afraid to feel those muscles. You know, we need those.

What I do want us to focus on before we start the leg part of it. Um, make sure your feet are on your mat because you're going to be dragging the yeah and imprint. Imprint your lower back. Imprint your middle back, which is easier to feel really working. Those upper abdominals here. Arms down by your side. You can engage the back of the upper arm to imprint your arms. So the bicycle is a drag of the heel starting with my right leg, fire in the hamstring of bull that heel in and then lift the leg straight to the ceiling. As that one's going out, the other one begins to come in bicycle and left.

So breathing wise, we're going to inhale. Exhale, you're at your scissor. And don't be afraid to really take all that time. There's a little pause from the hip joint from the knee joint moving from hip, moving from knee, hip and knee and hip and knee for more. [inaudible] staying imprinted with your spine. N. N we're going to reverse it now. So the leg that's up, bend, feel the Mat. Push your foot away as you lift. The other one, the straight up bend, push the leg away. I realized that our feet are a little bit sweaty on our mats.

We might be sticking a little bit. So doing the best you can. This would be best in socks I would think. Or in the sand. We throw in sand everywhere. Again, you're feeling the contact of your foot against the mat. Slide it out, activate your hamstrings or more. Imprinting your back. [inaudible] three and last one four and bring both knees in.

Okay, chest comes up. We're ready for regular scissor, so hold on to the right calf. Lower your left heel to the mat again. Bring your torso up. Did you bring that chest up? You want to get off those shoulder blades? Let's go into our double pull now and one, two [inaudible]. However, keep going.

It's the leg that pulls down that I want you to think about. Is your hamstrings up. Pull down, pull the hip into extension. Yeah, sure. So there should be a lot of activity behind the leg that goes down, even up into your buttocks. Four more and one and two and three, four. Hold there. So bend that top knee. Put your left hand behind your head. I've got my left knee up. Do you guys have your left knee? Yup. Yup. Okay. Well it really wouldn't matter, but if you take your crisscross position, what I'm doing, I'm turning my torso to my left. My left knee is up, my right hand is on the outside of the knee.

I'm using that hand to kind of help me pull around. Okay. Change sides. Use the outside the knee. Pull yourself up and around. Let's go again. Check that out. So the contact of you against your leg is there for a reason. Press into a curl higher.

Let's go to the other side because we know it doesn't exist. When you do regular crisscross, we can pretend it does and one and two and three and four and five, six, seven, eight again and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and a. And then come all the way in. Just set your legs, come down, reach your arms up overhead, flex your feet. And I want everybody to lift their tummy and their back. So you are creating a little bit of a doming right there. Just a way to stretch out your tummy.

Okay, I'm going to come in, knees in. Let's roll ourselves up again. [inaudible] some back extension with a weight on the hands. So just do a little bit of circling both directions. It's a back support. Okay. Hands this way. [inaudible] so classically we would have her legs straight.

[inaudible] yeah. And if this hand position doesn't work, the alternative. Exactly. You're allowed to turn him. Make it makes sense. I wouldn't turn to maybe your hands either. Yeah. This could be a little, little hyperextended with your hands facing back, back, back this way. Hand sideways or hands forward. Yeah. Okay. So try this today guys, if you don't mind. We'll see how we do with your feet.

Open heels on line with your sitz bones and right away, lift that chest again. So I've got you in that flat back position. Now you'll need to bend your elbows a little bit and the elbows are going to bend and point back, which releases the elbow joint a little. But you may be able to feel your shoulders pull down and your chest lift up. So we're about to put weight on those risks and I want you just to start lifting your hips up, okay? As you lift halfway up, maybe curl your tailbone under and then continue to bring your hips up in a place. Something like that. Okay? Now don't lock the elbows out.

I would recommend keep your elbows a little bit soft. Look straight ahead rather than back. Don't look up. Look at your pelvis or your beautiful triangle. Hip, hip, pubic bone is up. Good. Breathe. Now we're gonna come down. Bring your hips down. I could do different choreography, but right now I just want you to bring your hips down.

Take a weight off your wrist, do a little shake, a shake. Okay. If that doesn't work for you, you may like the traditional, like straight. Okay. Which is this one? You're allowed to do that one too. Okay. We'll only do one more. Pick the one you'd like.

I'm going to stay with the bent knee. I'm going to start with my chest open. My feeling of strong and my back. Feeling strong with my abdominal. So breathe and exhale. Here I go. Up we go. Hips a little higher. That's it. So the hips going higher happens because you squeeze your glutes, you kick in your hip extensors, your back extensors. We're there.

Take a breath. Good. Valerie, I want you to come down. You guys, bend your hips, bend your elbows, bring your weight down. Oh right. Come forward over your legs. Stretch out your hamstrings gently. Let's take three to four breaths. [inaudible] rolling back. We're going to go into our roll over. Okay. The excitement just blossomed in here.

Take a breath. We're taking our body. Okay, right. Open the legs. Flex the heels. Take a breath. Rolling down. Without lifting net head, you're allowed to use the back of the arms. We want that slow controlled roll down. Just come to 90 degrees. Bring the legs together. Inhale, exhale. Up and over.

Lift those hips up. Open the legs, flex the feet. Breathe in, rolling down from the center of your spine. Think of lengthening long and away on your Mat, away from your head. Reach the center of the spine long. We're taking it again. Up and over. Control your movement. Open the legs. Flex the feet. [inaudible] rolling down. Center of the spine, reaching long.

Okay. The same thing with legs apart going over. So we're just here. Hip with take a breath. Yes. Exhale. Up and over. Flex the feet as you pull them in. Center of the spine, reaching it out. I mean a 90 degrees open. Inhale, bend over. Pull the legs together. Breathe in. Roll it down.

Ah, last week we're going to go up. One more time. Last week we went into something. I'm going to have you stay right here for a second guys. So if you feel okay with this, keep your legs apart slightly. Flex your feet and put your feet on the mat overhead. You're not required to do that. If this at all bothers your neck, you're going way too far. You just want to come down to your regular place.

Okay, now scoot the heels in. Stay here for a couple of breaths. You're allowed to stay in a position for awhile. So option to either keep your arms here or take your arms all the way back, lightly hold on your calves or the back of your knees or the back of your thighs, or boy your toes if you're really going for it and you're going to slowly roll down from here. Deeper hamstring stretch. I want your legs close to your chest as you come down.

This is not an everyday activity, so be a little careful. We don't usually do this. Wow. Ah, it's a bigger, bigger, bigger posterior body stretch all the way through the back of your legs and your spine. All right, we got it. Bend your knees. Let's rock ourselves up. Just sitting. Be Okay.

I like that. Come to face me on your sides. On your right side please. Okay, so get onto that. There's different, we're either all the way up this way or we're usually down. I think last week we did this. If you're on the tip of your elbow, you're head lightly in your hands or even just your fingertips touching your temples and then your other hand lightly on the head as well. Okay. The, the tricky part about this many things, but it's this shoulder support. Yes. If that shoulder is up on the ear, we're in trouble. We've got to pull that down. Really feeling this strong slab of muscle and you don't want to be sagging to the mat. It's more that lift above the mat.

Okay and just hold yourself there for a second. I am going to have a slider legs tiny bit forward. Right on the side of the hip. You're lifting here. Yeah. Take your leg, hip height. Let's flex the ankle. We're coming front back. Let's come forward on a breath. One stretch back. [inaudible] it requires quite a bit of concentration and balance.

Not to mention the strength in the side. Body connection here and back. Just one more front. Front and back to hold your leg back. Take your top arm and reach toward me so much that your, the side of your ribs kind of slightly does a little rotation. Okay. Now this I saw recently, it's not mine. I wish I could take credit for it.

It's a Ronda Zam. We've done Rhonda, John Before, but not with the arm here. So you're bringing your leg up. It's going to reach in front. It's going to take a little pause. Noah has to go the other way up and reach around to the back. Just two more times. We reach up. Keep reaching that forward.

Good you guys and leg down leg goes back up. One more time. Leg Up, lots of hip strength required. Done this one and leg up and reach around to the back and then we'll bring our legs together. Okay. Lift your legs, bring them in line with your pelvis and let's go all the way down. Take your top like in bend, hold onto the ankle. This work, the inner hip inner thigh. Now when we ended last week, we approached this. We want the pelvis really forward hip, hip, pubic bone. Again on this plane, even with the plane of glass, very easy. What happens is that hip drops back.

Can we lose the rotation here? So we want that sense of opening up, hold on to that ankle. This might even help you keep that open. Okay, so bottom leg is going to lift and lower. Notice when you lift the leg, the tendencies and maybe to kip into the hips or bucking to the hips. We want to press them open as you lift the thigh and again, Caressa leg and lower for more and up. Down and up and down. Lift lower. Let's take our last lift. Hold, hold, hold.

Just hold it there. Take your hands lightly on the mat. Stretch the top leg to the bottom leg. You just hold yourself together. Inner thigh to inner thigh. Take a arm into a balance. Take a moment to feel. Are you really long in your legs? You're fine.

It's fine. You were in a moment. Loved it. Feel those hips right here. Stretch them out. Pull that pelvic floor up. Yeah, keep working here. Feeling that work in the bottom. Inner thigh, arm overhead. Relax the shoulder down. Away from the ear. Ah, good. Lower your legs. Lower your arm once you to roll. Face down. Yes. Over. Do the other side. Come around into what we feel is a prep for plank. Tuck your toes. You are going to push yourself up to front support from here.

One and two and three pushing up. Just hold yourself steady in your front support. [inaudible] all right, we're going to take this and lift the hips, keeping your spine and extension. You can think of it as a flat back. I'm going to come back down into the front. Support. Breathe in. Okay, and exhale. Lower down two more times.

[inaudible] and down. [inaudible] last time [inaudible] jump or step your feet forward. That's turn to face the other side. Nicely done. So we're on the tip of the elbow.

Leg slightly forward of our hips. [inaudible] head light against his hand. Other hand light on the head, leg lifted hip height through. We'll start with our foot flexed again. Lift this side high off of your mat. Barbara, relax both shoulders. There you go.

Inhaled the leg forward and double pull. One, two point, reach back, double pool and reach back. Keep addressing those shoulders guys. There we go. Little more lad on the supporting side. Last one. That's a hard position. It's a really hard position. Hold right there. Now take your top arm and reach it forward right in front of your shoulder.

Your back leg is behind you with your glutes engaged. Keep lifting this site up off the mat as best you can. So the Ronda Zam taking the leg from the back to the front without dropping your support side. How hard is this [inaudible] up and reach? Two more to go. And I think the short leg people have a really easy time. You're doing great. Valerie's got six inches on us.

And one more time and lift and leg down and taken her leg one more time from front all the way to the back and lightly put your hand down and come all the way down. Okay. Lift both eyes so they're in line with your pelvis. We've got our inner thigh piece, head down, abdominal brought in. Bottom leg is straight. And again, you've got this openness and the hip joints on both hips as best you can. It could light up your glutes. Be Ready. Yep. And Hamstrings. Okay. And we press the bottom leg up one and to thinking long, three it's way at the high inner thigh. And Four. Let's take four more up. I've got a nice long neck and two and three, and last one. Just hold for, okay. Take your fingertips down lightly.

You're going to take your top leg to the bottom leg. Stand, very strong in the legs or be strong. Open the hip flexors. Pull that pelvic flora is holding. Arma. [inaudible] are overhead is the shoulder slides out of that lifted position. Feeling your balance on your side. Beautiful. Okay, let's lower the arm. Let's lower the legs. And once again, put your hand down. We're going to pivot over to our tummies.

Going into a little bit of back extension and let's take our hands by the shoulders. Legs slightly apart today for everybody. Press your hips into the mat, take a breath. Now it's that extensive extension through the top of the head, the upper back, the middle back. And if you're feeling ongoing for all the way up to your swan, all our arms, almost straight your can do that. If you don't feel like going that high, all right, you can come halfway down. Okay. Or all the way down. Let's go back up again.

So it look like this crew today, halfway up and seemed better. That's a fine place to stay. Just right there. It's actually quite nice to get the upper baton going. Inhale and exhale on. Roll down. Two more. We've thought about this many times.

How high could you get without much use of your arms? [inaudible] so we're gonna do that one more time. Lifting up when your hands like this, right next to your shoulders. Okay. Just stay there. Ask yourself how much you're working your abs. You're gonna like this. I think. Reach your right arm in front of you like it would be getting rid of for swimming. Let's inhale. Bring it back on the exhale. Left arm. Exhale. Bring it back, right arm and bring it back.

Left arm and bring it back for more and right arm and left arm and in. Keep the heart up and lift the Lisa in less time on the left and endlessly both. What the heck? Both arms lift those legs, but then go down to the mat first. Get yourself ready for swimming. Ready, arms, legs, head and chest. Little paddle. [inaudible] don't worry about going too high today.

Maybe you're needing to stay lower to the floor. Barbara, that's beautiful today. Yeah, focus on the breath down. Four, three, two, last breath. Everything down. Nice work. You guys. Bring your hands by your shoulders. Once again, let's push herself and Tuck your toes. Use me. Push yourself up to your front support. One, two, three, strong. Yeah, getting so weight bearing in there. Getting our weight. Bearing in now, I'd like you, we did this last week. Take your left hand to the right hand by side.

Good turn. Pivot on those feet. The right arm gets to come around and just go ahead and almost like you're going to glue it to the ear here. Now I want us to think about the bottom waist and top waist. Both are going to lift to the ceiling as they're lifting. Turn your head and look to the bottom arm to the bottom. Wrist.

I'm squeezing my inner thighs together a lot. Lift both waistline sides free. Now as you come out of this lower the bottom hip, start to put your hand on the, I'm a mat, your right hand and then just reposition the left. Okay, we've got to go to the other side right to left so we have all the feet. I like the sound of the hand being placed and I know you did it. Arm overhead, so it's both. Waistlines. Both hips go up. You're going up. As you're going up, you're turning to look at the bottom arm.

Yeah. Did you get a zinger? You may not want to do it. Okay, breathe. There we go. Exhale, start to come down. You're going to put your left hand on the Mat. Okay. Reposition. Bring your knees down. Let's come up off our wrists. Okay.

Yeah. Guys, I know the weight bearing. Ouch. We need it, but it's hard. It's that, that catch 22 okay, one more. We'll see. Come facing me again on those knees. Knees are right underneath the pelvis, arms out to the sides. Now I'm kneeling without really thinking about what to engage.

I want you to think about engaging your inner thigh as well as the back of the thigh. So it's going to change the leg angle. See I kind of it out here and then do you see that healthier for the knee? Okay, so I had been to your right. I'm going to my left. No, we're going to go over your left hand goes behind your head. I want you today just to put your foot on the floor. On the Mat. Parallel with the leg. Open your top elbow. Yeah. Let me see you. We see your chest a little more. Yep.

[inaudible] five times. We're going to take the leg and lift it. Now when you lift it, there's a tendency it may want to turn out, so don't let it turn out. Keep your knee cap facing me. Ready. Here we go. Long leg lifts up and long lay comes down. Exhale and lift and lower. Three more. Lift lower. Two more and up.

Last one. You're gonna lift. Hold, hold, hold. All right. Bend the knee. Try to come up with this knee lifted in somewhat of a fire hydrant. Ready and up. Yeah.

Right. Other side over we go, hand comes down, leg extends out parallel. [inaudible] elbow was up. Both chests are open as opposed to close like this. I'm gonna stay lifted. Your leg is parallel. Let me see your kneecap. It takes a different set of muscles to turn it parallel. Yeah. Ready?

Five lifts. Yes. And I love your modifying or changing your downward hand. You're absolutely fine to come up on your wrist or fist like that. Yeah, absolutely fine. Three and four and last one you guys. Five lift and hold. Keep that elbow lift. You're gonna keep your thigh up. Now Bend it. This is tough. You want to try to come up with this side lifted up just for a little moment.

Yeah. Sit on back down into a haunt. Stretch out your hunches. You can shift into your right and your left hip to side to side. God, come up and do a cat back. Yeah, I've just feel your cat. You're fine. Yeah. [inaudible] okay. I'm going to take you to one more stretch. We're going to go into a hip flexor strips.

So I'm going to come up high knees again, I'm going to bring my left foot forward and your Shin is directly below your knee. [inaudible] this, this is a non uncommon for one of our stretches, so it's, it's we want to address this open hip, the quadricep. This can sometimes bother your knee, so if it's bothering you need new, you may want to not do it and or more importantly, support your body by pulling your core up. Right. This is all we're gonna do today of it. We don't need to do much more. It's okay if you have your back foot flat.

It's okay if you have your back foot up on toe can make it make sense for your hip. [inaudible] if you would like a little more, I'm going to take it forward. I'm taking my pelvis forward, which is also making me come down a little lower, but I'm not just dropping. I'm thinking of almost lifting myself to bring myself lower, if that makes any sense. Okay. Just about two more breaths. [inaudible] in the important to stretch out those thighs and those quadriceps. Okay, that's all. Push off the front leg slightly. Take the down back.

What's going to move forward after the back? Friendly and comes back. Okay. So can you set up your knee and Shin or vertical knowing your support from your base? [inaudible] so notice how strong you are in this lunge position.

If you'd like to go a little farther, please go forward. Do what you need to do for your hip and your thigh. [inaudible] all right, we're all gonna. Put our hands down. Did it take the back foot and Tuck it? Get enough weight in your hands. You can step your front foot back and then just bring your feet towards your hands. Hands towards your feet. Just standing upside down for a moment.

Your feet can be apart right underneath your pelvis. Okay. No. Shifting that weight forward over the front of the ankle and the arches again. So you're in your ready position. Let's take an inhale from the low abdomen.

Start pulling yourselves up. Begin to keep thinking of shifting the weight forward. We tend to buy US backward. Oh, so you're rolling up. Feel how open the chest is. You don't have to really force it open. Hopefully it's just there for you.

Take your both arms out. How'd you know? Take your both arms out to the side and up and both arms down by your hip. Stay there. I'm going to turn towards you. Let's do three more like that together. [inaudible] Yup. And exhale. Two more.

Thank you guys. One more time with lift, lifting with [inaudible] and exhale. There we go. Thank you. Nice glass.


Great class Amy! Great cues! Loved the standing work!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Tamara....I appreciate your feedback!
GREAT! First time I tried standing work. I could really feel it.
Hi Eloise, thank you so much for taking class. Nice to hear you enjoyed standing work! :) Talk again soon!
Good class. I liked the visualizations. Question: during imprinting my back, am I supposed to let sunlight under my back or think about letting a mouse run under my back?
Hi Cali! Thanks for taking class with me! Regarding imprinting, the way I learned 'imprinting' was to lightly have the lumbar area meet the floor, but depending on your spine this may not be appropriate. I'd have to see what your spine's shape is before I'd really be able to answer that exactly. But imprinting is about making contact with the floor. The other idea you've mentioned is something else.....more of an optimal/neutral/natural spine where the lumbar lordosis should stay a lordosis (it's natural curve). But again, some spine's don't have much of a curve there and others have a large we'd really have to look at you in person. All the more reasons for you to come see us!!! :)

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