Isometric-Cardio Reformer<br>Jason Williams<br>Class 5446

Isometric-Cardio Reformer
Jason Williams
Class 5446

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Sudha N
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Thank you for this enjoyable class
Jennifer C
Awesome, thank you!
Jason Williams
Melissa D you’re welcome🙏🏾
Jason Williams
Sudha N you’re welcome! Thank you 🙏🏾
1 person likes this.
Jason, I have enjoyed all of your workouts.  Thank you!
Jason Williams
Vicki O thank you Vicki! I appreciate you🙏🏾😃
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much.  I loved the jumping, the holding, the stretching, your relaxed manner.... ALL OF IT!    Thank you so much.  
Jane H
1 person likes this.
I am addicted to your classes Jason.  
Jason Williams
Libby B thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed it 😄🙏🏾
Jason Williams
Jane H glad you liked it👏🏾🙏🏾
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