Romana's Advanced Mat<br>Adrianne Crawford<br>Class 831

Romana's Advanced Mat
Adrianne Crawford
Class 831

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Lauren P
Adrianne - please do more classes like this at this level. You have a special way to get the energy and flow into the body. I so enjoy the challenge.
Thank you Lauren for your lovely comments, will do.
Really enjoyed this! Please continue to do more at this pace!
just what I needed today Adrianne! Thank you :)
I find the volume on some of these classes very low, though I've never had this problem with other on-demand class websites. The teachers may need to speak a little more loudly or something.
Good class and just what I needed.
Enjoyed this class again. Nice pace and I felt lovely and stretched and ready to face the day.
Loved this class- great pace and good cueing.  Thanks, Adrianne!!
11-18 of 18

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