Playful Fitness Ball Flow<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 2370

Playful Fitness Ball Flow
Cara Reeser
Class 2370

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Super FUN and challenging:) The 30 minutes felt like 5 minutes so I did another of Cara's mat classes:) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.
I loved this class!! I will do the pike, I really will get there!!!
I absolutely loved this class! I realized certain imbalances in my body and how to better engage my core. Also loved the last two movements of handstand and jumping jacks!
Thanks Erica and the rest. I had forgotten about this class. I love playing on the fit ball. I am glad you all are enjoying.
Excellent class! Challenging, fun, and doable. All around workout on the ball!
How fun! I love using the stability ball in mat pilates, I loved this class, can't wait to try some of these moves with my students.
I love your classes! They are so much fun and your cueing is so good!
Christine E
I felt like you were in the room! Hugs 🌺
LOVE your energy and playfulness Cara.   Delightful! 
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