Movement in the Feet<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Tutorial 3116

Movement in the Feet
Ruth Alpert
Tutorial 3116

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Thank You Ruth Alpert for sharing your insights here. I am a rheumatologist and treat arthritis daily. This is such an important area of investigation. Foot biomechanics alone as you mentioned could address a great deal of postural problems. Your humor is awesome too !
Thank you Farah Saladin! I'm sure you see it all... and your comments are much appreciated.
Michael L
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That was wonderful Ruth Alpert and full of great information! I have so many dancers who cannot get their heels down on a downward dog. Thinking about the top of the foot has given me a whole other perspective on what to work on with them. Your energy is a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Michael, great feetback! We had a good time filming it - I got pretty goofy...
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Thank you so much for offering this toturial. It's informative and yet inspiring!! Our feet serve us every day but frequently it has been ignored most of times. Feet are our ground where the core starts in standing. Feet excerises are essential!
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Thanks Chloe - I totally agree!
Such a delightful and informative tutorial...I was planning to sit and watch before I teach a zoom class but found myself trying bop walking and flatfoot dancing! . This has given me more feet things to play with in my Pilates and Nia classes. But  has also given me some insight into my own foot issue..thank you, Ruth! 
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Thank you Christine!!  So glad to get this feedback!  If you're interested, I'm teaching a free flatfooting class as part of an online music festival Saturday Aug 29, check out my facebook page for details (under my name on facebook) 
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