Throwback Theraband!<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 4199

Throwback Theraband!
Kristi Cooper
Class 4199

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When I wan to end my day on a good note, I take a K-Class. Though I love no prop classes, props like blocks, therabands, circles, small weights, and balls add a new dimension and give standard exercises a  different unique quality~ like in this class.   I feel much better. Thanks again Kristi:) 
Thank you Kristi! I loved using the theraband in so many different ways. Definitely adding to my repertoire :) 
Thanks Kristi Cooper  I’m working through my backlog of home series I never got to join live. Love the mat work with props to add variety but also focus on muscles that might get overlooked. LOVED the standing back and shoulder work at the start- a great way to warm up the muscles and also really align focus for the class. Thanks! 
I feel great specially on my shoulders and back ; thank you so much Kristi

Thank you all so much for taking this class with me! 
Julie K
Loved this class. Was thinking about the band for this week's classes so some great ideas & cueing!
Very good class, thanks Kristi
Oh dear, I am quite sure that I will be feeling my upper back and shoulders for the next days... Thank you for another great class!
That was a great stretch and I already feel taller! Loved the version of the saw! Thanks Kristi!
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