Day 4: I am Adaptable<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4721

Day 4: I am Adaptable
Kira Lamb
Class 4721

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If I wasn’t afraid I’d go surfing.
Olivia J
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Thanks so much Kira, your energy moves and positive attitude is so inspiring. Thank you for this challenge. if i weren't afraid I would just go for it and make the house move to a new area to be with my partner whom i love 
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Divina clase 🧡 
Rachele M
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If I wasn't afraid I would teach bellydance full time! 
Velma Davis-Wheeler
Thanks Kira for another wonderful pilates class. 
I am enjoying the series. My shoulder bridge and boomerang are more precise, and my body feels the difference.
If I weren’t afraid I would drive by myself from NY to NC to visit my parents.
Velma Davis-Wheeler Velma, that's awesome! Nothing like the feeling of progress!
Rachele M Oh, well that sounds like fun!
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