Pick Me Up Reformer<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 5173

Pick Me Up Reformer
Kristi Cooper
Class 5173

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Sarah Thanks for the question! Allowing your hands to come off the footbar at the end of a Down Stretch/"back bend" is all in the hamstrings. The whole exercise benefits if you focus on pressing the feet into the foot bar to maintain the shape. I would practice by knowing that first, then simply either hovering the fingertips or even pretending you're about to lift your arms up, but stopping before the shape changes.  I hope that helps!
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Kristi Cooper Thanks! I'll let you know how I get on with this modification. 
Kristi W
1 person likes this.
Great way to end my day! This class goes on repeat!
Kristi W Glad you liked it! I love the way you spell your name :) 
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