Day 5: Theraband Strength<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 5470

Day 5: Theraband Strength
Tash Barnard
Class 5470

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Tash Barnard
Taghrid K 
Yes Yes Yes Taghrid - you've got this !  
Tash Barnard
Claudia T 
Thank you for joining the challenge Claudia - xx
Tash Barnard
Andrea S 
You're doing great!  Well done for committing to get this right - i am going to suggest to use the end of a bench ( i use the Tower in my studio) Sit at the edge to roll over so when you roll up the squat is more achievable.
As for the roll over / toes towards the floor, keep practicing the OG roll over & allow the spinal articulation to increase over time.  Always make sure your body is enjoying the extra push and keep it safe.

Goodluck - keep me posted please xx 
Tash Barnard
1 person likes this.
Patricia Quayle Wickman 
YES! Patricia!  Youre amazing !
Now practica that single leg squat and keep me posted!
You've got this xx 
Claire E
Loved this so so much! Thank you so much Tash, I hope to take a class in person one day! I'd also love something like this with the band for a full hour challenge! 
Laura Maria
The push up with band was really smart to get into a better stronger posture!
Hi Tash, I love your energy, your good mood, your variation of the different exercises - it is so much fun to work out with you! Greetings from Germany and stay well in South Africa!
Excellent workout! I love it! Thanks Tash!
I really enjoyed using the band today. Great class! Thank you Tash.
Thank you so much Tash! A hard one. I will come back to this class and see if I can do it better next time. 
You are the best! You presented the mat training course I did in Cape Town and I am always so excited to find classes that you taught. Love it!
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