Breathing-Focused Mat<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 1177

Breathing-Focused Mat
Monica Wilson
Class 1177

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The class was great. After a stressful day this is the perfect class to relax to due to the breathing. However, the video is having glitches and stopped playing at 20 min.
Kristina ~ Try restarting your computer to clear away the processes that are running while you are trying to watch this class. If that doesn't work, you can email us at for other suggestions.
I found this class very easy for a level 2. I would say this is a level 1-2 at BEST. Other than the misleading level, it was very good. A nice one to do in the morning.
Beautiful class Monica teaches with such precision love your classes!
Amy ~ Thank you for your feedback. I am glad you enjoyed the class. After reviewing this class, I have decided to keep it at a level 2 because Monica teaches exercises like Open Leg Rocker, Neck Pull, Teaser 1, and others that are difficult for someone at a more beginning level.
I know the class focused on breathing, but tooo much instruction. I would agree that it is more of a level 1 class. Lovely way to slowly begin my day, but definitely not the energy in a level 2 class. Monica is an excellent instructor, It is about the level-not the instruction.
Wow, thanks you so much Monica, I've never understood the breathing patterns so well as this class, and I've been doing Pilates for almost 4 years.
Thank you Monica! So many clients seem to want to rush thru the movements... Love this focused class on the all important breath!!!
I didn't feel like it was too much instruction. When I was learning my teacher told me to always be giving instruction and feedback to the student. I am taking from someone who trained under Romana and he is always queing. I liked Monica
very good class. the instruction and cueing encourages the client to work harder.
1-10 of 16

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