Tribute to Daphne<br>Elizabeth Larkam<br>Special 1374

Tribute to Daphne
Elizabeth Larkam
Special 1374

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Thank you Elizabeth! Beautiful, powerful and courage of the heart!
Elsabe D
I dont have words...
Beautiful and very moving. I am deeply touched by this work of art.
This was beautiful
So, so beautiful, in movement, heart and spirit. Thank you for sharing your life's work and the story of your very special relationship.
Debora Kolwey
Thank you, Elizabeth. I feel so very happy right now to be privy to this side of you. My sister's first daughter was born with a wide spectrum of "undiagnosed developmental delays" and I, too have learned from her to look further and deeper. Love to you, Debora Kolwey
Dear Elisabeth, thank you for sharing.
Sharing something so personal and yes so deeply beautiful. Thank you Daphne and thank you Kristi for being able to post this on PA.
beautiful. Elisabeth, I feel honored to have met you in person and love love loved the dance!
Mary L
Thank you Elizabeth for showing us what real strength is. You are a powerhouse and an inspiration.
1 person likes this.
I feel Elizabeth is very spiritual. I got an insight into her being from listening and watching this. It was very good.
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