Sculpting Upper Body Mat<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 1611

Sculpting Upper Body Mat
Niedra Gabriel
Class 1611

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This was a fantastic pilates session with excellent teacher!
Niedra Gabriel
So glad you enjoyed it. I will do more like this as the response has been so enthusiastic.
Thanks Neidra, always enjoy the variety of your mat classes. Great workout!
Really enjoyed this video!!! And, a very creative way to incorporate the weights into the workout!
Thank you!
Keep coming back to this workout. Love using the hand weights and the toning effect this gives. Also a good pace. Will keep coming back!
Came back to do this class again this evening. I really like using the hand weight. Also enjoy the faster pace.
Niedra Gabriel
I am thrilled to see you enjoy the workout Karen. Thanks for posting.
Thanks you very much for your great creativity and energy .
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Lady Luz.
Very intense workout. A great video if short on time.
21-30 of 38

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