Mindful Mat Flow<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 1917

Mindful Mat Flow
Kristi Cooper
Class 1917

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Thank you Jeannene (and no worries on the spelling)!
I will echo what all these other class viewers have said. Kristi, you make it so easy to follow along with your concise instructions. I admire your ability to be so real and honest and human while keeping everyone motivated and moving!
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very good workout Kristi, thanks
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Love the cuing and descriptions in Kristi's workouts. What a beautiful way to start the day.
Louise T
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just love your energy and constant cues...thank you
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What comes next is a big thank you! Each viewing provides more depth and harder work.
You are so welcome Joni! Thanks for coming back again and for sharing!
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Great, generous, intelligent, beautiful teacher. A light. I have an energy similar to Kristi, high...Notice how she does not skip a beat with lots of cueing, the flow is impeccable. Thank you.
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Kristi, which do you think might be a better progression for someone (me!) who is unable to maintain low legs and arms over head during the hundred series you offer here. Ive tried keeping my feet/legs on the floor and just using arms as directed as well as using my arms to cradle my head while maintaining my legs in the air. Obviously, both "work"...my objective though is to build the strength to eventually get to the full exercise. Is one a better path than the other?
Good question Joni! I think probably legs on the floor but with the intention that you are about to pick them up. The key for me seems to be in the attempt to press the legs down into the floor while also imagining I'm about to pick them up. I hope that makes sense. It focuses the the muscle energy in a way for me that really fatigues my abdominals (a good thing when trying to build the endurance/strength ).
21-30 of 44

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