Spinal and Hip Mobility<br>Julie Driver<br>Class 1996

Spinal and Hip Mobility
Julie Driver
Class 1996

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Lorraine Y
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Great class love your explanation and your humour.I will be using your moves.
Loved this! Very precise, with nice variations.
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So enjoyed your class
wounderful seeing Body Control on Pilates Anytime
Thank you for having the courage to compete in the contest
so those of us that live far from other teachers have the opportunity to watch one of our own
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Congratulations Julie. I loved the class. Can't wait to see more from you
Julie Driver
Thank you all so much for your feedback. Debra, I'm really pleased to be representing Body Control on Pilates Anytime and I'm so glad you enjoyed the class. Welcome back to the world of Pilates Lynne Wyre!
3 people like this.
Thanks Julie, you are a credit to BCP and I loved the smooth flow of your class. Hello from Glasgow BCP x
Julie Driver
Thank you Louise Stearn!
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Very nice class Julie, thank you, and congratulations!!!
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a big thank you from Dublin, great inspiration for my own class tomorrow. susannah
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Hi Julie! Congratulations! just saw you in Pilates style magazine.. how cool! loved your class and hope to do more!
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