Non-Stop Reformer<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2045

Non-Stop Reformer
Amy Havens
Class 2045

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As always a wonderful class. Loved the flow and use of traditional pilates moves in a somewhat different way. Loved the horseback! I don't see it often but have started trying to teach it. Thanks Amy
Glad you enjoyed this class Sandra! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!
Great class! Excellent queuing..Is definetly one of my favorites:)
Loretta....thank you!!!
Loved this one
My core got a great workout
Thank you Henry Meltser!
Great class. Really enjoyed every bit of it. Can't wait for your arabesque

Thank you so much Mikaela!
Thanks Amy for this awesome class!
You're welcome glad you enjoyed it!
21-30 of 32

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