Detailed Reformer Flow<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 2058

Detailed Reformer Flow
Ed Botha
Class 2058

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2 people like this.
Such a lovely structured class with beautiful ideas and good cues of muscle usage. and…I'm now so homesick after hearing that divine accent and little 'van die pleas' expressions
Dankie Rene!
1 person likes this.
Awesome class!
Excelent teaching skills!
2 people like this.
I liked the short spine sequence. Breaking it down was extremely effective in improving my technique. Thanks for the great class.
Paola Maruca
Beautiful work as always. I agree with Stacey. I absolutely loved the short spine breakdown. When we think we know, there is always a new piece of the puzzle to add.
Thank you Ed!!!!
Very good class. Excellent cues. Thank you
loved the cues. great breakown of movements. Thanks
I got a thorough and deep work out from this class. Thank you!
My first Ed Botha class. Loved it!! Great cues I will be using these in class. Thanks.
Great workout but difficult - think it should have been rated at a 2/3 or 3.
1-10 of 32

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