Abdominal Burn<br>Mariska Breland<br>Class 2130

Abdominal Burn
Mariska Breland
Class 2130

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Omg how much I loved your variations; challenging , just I need to remember them now 😁🙌🏻
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Once again don't know how I've missed Mariska's classes, but they are beautiful. Was avoiding 2/3 classes due to a back injury but she makes it safe. She encourages me to do what I can without over doing it. Loved every second of this class. 
Margie I'm glad you found me! I like things to be just hard enough. :) I teach mostly multi-level classes, so I try to make things accessible to most everyone. I hope your injury gets better soon!
One of my favorites! Especially the oblique work!
Great class -perfect antidote to a tough day!
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Thanks for the lovely variations. I used a small hard pillow as I do not have a ball. It helped my lower back.
Conce P smart! I love a modification. ❤️
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