Full-Body Power<br>Sally Anderson<br>Class 2240

Full-Body Power
Sally Anderson
Class 2240

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Excellent class. Exquisite control by the student.
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Brilliant - thanks Sally.... Adore the controlled pace of your classes ??
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Question marks should read as exclamation instead ????
Is there any way that when adjustments on the springs are made we the viewers get to see it. I am not as familiar yet with this equipment and would love it if someone could angle the camera every now and again to show us how to adjust them
Hi ADA BAXTER, We do our best to state the weight of tension or the exact spring we are using on all the equipment, but have opted not to show it via camera angle mostly because equipment varies so greatly that we feel showing a spring on its' hook may confuse more than help. We will continue to encourage instructors to not only state the spring color, or tension, but also to include whether or not it should "feel" light, medium or heavy for any given exercise. Creating new angles isn't out of the question, but it may not help. We'll think on your suggestion as a team. Thank you!
Karol G
Great Class!!!!
Interesting and quite challenging workout that I could glean a few interesting variations from that are nice for my body. Also, a good observation case for Pilates teacher-students for sure. However, for a home workout, it takes a bit too much figuring out how to arrange the equipment to have enough space for all the movements, and some waiting to hear what the spring resistance should be while the student in the video is already getting set up. (This is something that generally frustrates me a bit about some videos that have a model student in them.) The work itself, as I said, very valuable and very well cued!
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