Playing with Tempo<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 2499

Playing with Tempo
Leah Stewart
Class 2499

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OMG. nice.nice.nice.thank you so much.
Playing with tempo made for an interesting and very mindful class. Thank you. I always enjoy your instruction very much.
2 people like this.
nice variations and fun to work with tempo but I found it to be more talking than movement, also alot of expaination while student are suspended in a position.
I agree with Tova. I LOVE the idea of playing with tempos. I felt like this could have been a completely magical class if the talking had been cut in half... I gave up watching it mid-way because I got a little frustrated waiting for the talking to stop and the movement to begin.
More Leah please!!! That was very challenging with the pace changes and I knew it was going to be a workout after the first fee minutes of back extension got me warmed up!
Taghrid K
Awesome and quite challenging. Loved the class and yes more Leah please. Love the reflection and explanations to get deeper into the body. Thank you.
Love this class! A little more explaining than I would like for a class, but it really helped to elaborate on the quality of movement that was aimed for. It also allowed me to understand the full connection of my body and get the most out of the few times we did each exercise. Quality over quantity.
Loved SO much. Thank you
Hi everbody!

I've been wanting to reply in this thread for a while. This has been my one class on Pilates Anytime with such varying thoughts and feedback, and I truly appreciate each of you taking the time to share with me your experience with the class. I learn so much from your feedback not only as a teacher, but as a Pilates practitioner.

The Pilates element and principle of flow is one I love and work hard to implement into all of my classes. However, for this particular class my intention was to vary the flow for the purpose of experiencing an exercise from different place, a new tempo, and perhaps for those taking the class to connect with the exercise in a new way. I was willing, at the time of teaching, to disrupt the dance-like flow we adore with the Pilates mat work to hopefully achieve this specific goal.
It sounds as if all of you liked the idea of playing with tempo, and enjoyed the elements of it. In teaching and playing with tempo in your own practice and adding your preference of flow, my hope is that you can really expand on this element I would love to hear how you have played with tempos in your own practice and/or teaching....let me know if you have a moment.

Thanks again everybody! I'm always honored when you take one of my classes.
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