Form and Function Mat<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 2827

Form and Function Mat
Tom McCook
Class 2827

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The cues for keeping the weight in the bottom leg helped me keep square in the body, instead of tilting towards the working leg/arm. Great metaphors to visualize and keep form (hip/wheel, instructions for twisting, etc.) Thanks for a full-body strength and stretch session!
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Lovely exploration of the body. A suggestion for all who might want to look at their screens to confirm positioning: use the OPPOSITE leg from the one that Tom suggests each time so you will be facing him! This would have helped his students in the live class as well.
Taghrid K
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I always love Tom's classes but this is definitely a real favorite. Love the calm energy, tone, the cues and resistive stretches. Body felt amazing after this class. Million thanks Tom
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This really hurt my knees ( the lunge position segments) so I had to stretch in a different way during these- and it was hard to work out which leg went where at first but a good all round programme
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Thank you all for your feedback!
Roanna, I suggest putting a pad under your knee or a yoga block under the back knee with the knee cap slightly forward off the front of the block. Secondly, make sure you're engaging the hamstrings and glutes, especially on the back leg, throughout the movement, which will help support better positioning and stability for the knee. Making the movement smaller and slower can help also. Wishing you all the very best and thanks you Pialtes Anytime!
Really nice class, helped open me up today. Always love your classes! I always learn new ways to stretch and strengthen. Got my husband to do this one with me and helped to loosen him up as well. Thanks!
Such a nice class which I took after a stressful day at work!
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Tom McCook Anytime!!
His classes are what keep me as an enthusiastic subscriber. Superb cuing, gentle tone and focus on keeping attention in the body are the elements I appreciate about his teaching. My body feels so much stronger and at ease from doing his PilatesAnytime classes for the last two years.
Thanks Tom and PilatesAnytime!
Joni Nichols in the comments said " lovely exploration of the body". Could not have been said better! Your cues are so amazing Tom. This one is definitely going into my favorites. I need to do it daily !
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Tom! I began the new year with this class. I'm thankful for you and your work. You are healing and strengthening my body post partum. I appreciate the mindfulness you incorporate into each movement. I'm centered, strengthen, and connected. I loved the simple cue of the femur head toward the center during side kicks because it brought me to the central point of the movement. My SI relaxed and my hips and glutes stabilized. Happy New Year, Tom!
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