Creative Tower Connections<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2857

Creative Tower Connections
Amy Havens
Class 2857

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Have a tower, no trapeze.  Haven't used my ball in a while so I really appreciated it today.  Great workout and can feel myself getting stronger.  Thanks Amy!
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LOVE! Added to favorites. Thank you Amy! 
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Thank you Lacey!
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So happy to have all these good classes in the archives during the lockdown in California. Lots of good stuff! I loved using the ball in the supine abdominal series and at the end for back extension! Thank you Amy! Hope you are staying well! 
Thank you so much Connie M !!!  Happy to hear you're utilizing so many of these classes.  We're definitely here for you and everyone who needs the inspiration and movement guide!!  Hope you're well too!!
Thank you for the amazing workout!
Carol K
Always a pleasure! 
I love your energy, cueing and presence. 
Thank you. This was delightful. 
Please create another one for 2022! 
All the best to you. 
Slawomir J
Amy it's perfect lesson!  I LOVE it. You are really great teacher :)
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