Mat for Traveling<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2880

Mat for Traveling
Meredith Rogers
Class 2880

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I love this class and hope to be traveling again one day to take advantage of it's true purpose! For now, I'll pretend I'm away while taking this class from home.  Classes for small spaces also work great for those that live in NYC apartments
Marissa NYC apartments might actually be the perfect use for the idea for this class!  Perhaps even smaller than a hotel....I TOO hope to travel again soon.  Fingers crossed!!!
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Thank you! Wounderful in a small hotel room in Brussels while traveling for work.
Katarina V so great to hear!  Thanks for taking class with me!!
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Love this one and ALWAYS do this when traveling! Hotel or Airbnb, its perfect for staying within the mat and 40 mins is just perfect.  Thank you!
Marissa  I should this when traveling but I get a little too lazy
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