Full-Body Mat<br>Kevin Bowen<br>Class 3019

Full-Body Mat
Kevin Bowen
Class 3019

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1 person likes this.
I would really love to watch this class but such a shame it keeps stopping every minute or so!
Kevin Bowen
You are correct J Siek - that was a mistake on my part...
Kevin Bowen
Aolie - we are working on fixing g the stopping issue..
Aoife ~ I'm sorry you were having trouble with this video. I have sent you a private message so that we can find a solution for you.
Kathleen B
1 person likes this.
Loved the flow.. loved how Kevin was playful in the moves... & absolutely loved his humor!!!
Colleen B
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Kevin Bowen thank you for such a wonderful movement experience, looking forward to the next one
Lisa S
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Thank you so much for a wonderful class, Kevin Bowen. This is a great mix of releasing and strengthening movements. I feel both stronger and more relaxed after completing it. I will keep coming back to this class.
1 person likes this.
Loved the class, great pace !!!
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much Kevin for this type of pre-pilates workout. I have so many clients that can't even move, much less execute much of the classic pilates repertoire. I am always looking for ways to get these non-movers (difficulty changing positions, moving from standing/sitting; back/front etc) more prepared for the traditional work. Lots of great stuff in their that does not require the over-queuing that sometimes puts the beginner off of!
1 person likes this.
Love this class! Thank you
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