Extension-Focused Mat<br>Shelly Power<br>Class 3181

Extension-Focused Mat
Shelly Power
Class 3181

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Thank you for a lovely class Shelly! Lots of giving to others today- it was nice to move mindfully for myself xxx
Great class and I loved the sequence of the exercises, it made good sense in my body. I also enjoyed your queuing especially for the dart and leg kicks, as well as the mermaid with spinal flexion and extension! really clever and inspiring!! THANK YOU xx
I loved it ; with your clear instructions I felt in the moment...thank you so much
Ms. Shelly was my first teacher,  when I started my comprehensive training journey.  So glad to find this gem here, and much needed now w/ all the sitting at the laptops. Shared this one with my virtual students tonight, always grateful for my teachers! Thank you, Shelly. 
Much needed class! Loved the pacing of it..thanks
Lorna J
Wonderful class, such a gifted teacher! 
A lot of very helpful cueing on this one: the quail egg for the single leg kick, keeping pelvis upright as much as possible and the thigh higher than the heel on the quadruped. Great class!
Thank you Shelly !! Nice class.
Great cues, thanks very much, love the 100 variations.
I love this class, Shelly. I have utilized so many of your cues in it, and every time I watch it I get a new perspective & cue to use. You are THE BEST at digging deep and finding new ways to feel and see the body move. I know I always say it, but I'm so thankful for you.  
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