Nice and Effective Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3256

Nice and Effective Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 3256

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Thank you Meredith Rogers , It was great.
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super like usual
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Loved the addition of the weights! My body feels fab!! Thanks Meri!
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ฤฑ enjoyed a lot...nice and creative...thank you
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Thanks Meri! I need a quick class and this hit the spot! Lots of love, Jenny.
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Needed some quick energy. Definitely fit the bill and donโ€™t worry.. we giggle at the jokes and comments;) luv your classes.
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Such an enjoyable class. Thanks Meredith Rogers
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Meredith! Yes! Simple, effective and felt oh so good! I especially loved the 2 lb weights and found them to be the perfect weight for resistance and stretch. More mat classes with light weights please ;)
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That was great. Thankyou Meredith Rogers ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š
1 person likes this.
Super challenging!! Loved it.
21-30 of 137

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